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University Of Washington Conjuring Teacher
"Would you like a cake before you go?"
Contact OwnerAdvancedGas1795
Owner's Discord NameTyneman
Public Contact?Yes
LocationUniversity of Washington, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodBlue flowers, metaplanar runs
Hobbies/ViceTea ceremonies, teaching
Personal LifeSingle
FactionUniversity of Washington
AspectsPlanar Jaunts
Planar Magician
Conjuring Teacher
Chadō Enthusiast


A professor at the University of Washington, one day he found a metaplane where he grew to desire spiritual enlightnment through understanding the nature of the unchanging apple, blossoms sprouting on his astral form, staying for so long he forgot his own name, but eventually the Dedicants of the thousand-story tree became seeds, and so he continues his spiritual journey elsewhere, now more attached to the physical world but still exploring. His current name, "Blossom", was given by Alkali during the run where he made the pact with Ramay.

Notes for GMs - Blossom is a quite skilled conjurer but general magician, able to do spellcasting and alchemy as well. He is a rather calm and straight faced man, hardly getting angry in most situations, and in general is not that fit for the shadows - at least personality wise, though his magical skills obviously can come in a pinch. He's quite open minded, and in general has a sort of monist view of the world.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Planar Jaunts Blossom is a dedicated planar mage and often can be found on the metaplanes, making it hard to ask him for work occasionally. There is a 1-6 chance (1 on a 1d6) that he is on a random metaplane of the GM's choice instead of available for communications. He is essentially unavailable unless you really want to do a metaplanar jaunt for him.
Planar Magician A skilled planar magician, he has a +2 to all checks involving anything related to planar magic.
Conjuring Teacher Teaching conjuration at the University of Washington, Blossom has a +2 to active checks involving the conjuration skill group.
Chadō Enthusiast A massive fan of tea ceremonies, Blossom has a +2 to knowledge checks regarding chadō and other forms of tea ceremony.


Knowledge Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks -1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Fruit From The Endless BranchTyneman1 February 2086