Bob "Hunky" Barley

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Bob "Hunky" Barley
Mom-and-Pop Funeral Corp Owner
A face only the mother could love…
…with a lot of effort.
Contact OwnerEnigmaticOxygen
Owner's Discord NameKeeper M#0043
LocationCarbonado, Puyallup, Seattle
MetatypeHuman (Allegedly)
Preferred Payment MethodBarter (Hobby/Vice Items)
Hobbies/ViceSocial Habit (Cigarettes)
Personal LifeNone of Your Damn Business
AspectsAnger Issues
Somebody to Love
Some Body to Lose
Puyallup Person
Shady Slumlord


Bob "Hunky" Barley runs a mom-and-pop funeral corp in Carbonado, Puyallup. You wouldn't trust him even with someone already dead, but people of the southern barrens can't be choosy. A caustic, aggressive chain-smoking bastard, he's got a rather profitable venture - he often "loses" bodies to ghouls and gnawers. Tidy gnawers can hope to be employed at atrocious rates to clean, carry, wash corpses and dig graves.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Anger Issues He's easily insulted and generally rude, so if he detects even the slightest slight against his business, his face, his family, his cow, you name it, he refuses to deal with you until you apologize. It ought to include an apology gift of cigarettes - the fouler, the better. Note that the refusal to do business with you does NOT mean he stops talking to you. He just turns the rudeness Up to Eleven and gleefully disses you.
Somebody to Love, Some Body to Lose Hunky runs a funeral corp, which means dealing with bodies. Squeamish? Not him. Sometimes (often), bodies are lost. He can clean up a corpse for you (well, he knows who to play the middleman to and charge atrociously for it) or provide "snacks" for infected.
Puyallup Person He's not liked, don't get us wrong, but Hunky nonetheless knows who's who and how to get along. Knowledge tests related to the area or the locals like Gangs, Syndicates, Underworld, Area Knowledge or Sprawl Life pertaining to Puyallup are at +2. He can hope to direct you to a local if you ask as well.
Shady Slumlord It won't be nice, but he doesn't mind you hiding in the rough catacombs he's got. Refurbished sewers, but helpful if you have to disappear for a time or sun hurts you.


Knowledge Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks -1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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