Chantal Houellebecq

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Chantal Houellebecq
EVO Miami Deltaware Clinic Head
"We could still fit climbing claws here…"
Contact OwnerEnigmaticOxygen
Owner's Discord NameKeeper M#0043
LocationEVO Miami HQs, Deering Bay, Miami, Caribbean League
MetatypeGnome (SURGEd)
Preferred Payment MethodCash (Corp Scrip)
Hobbies/ViceEntertainment (Music), Family Obligations (Grandkids)
Personal LifeIn Relationship
AspectsEVO Loyalist
Working Hours
My Grandkids Were Visiting
Beta Is Better
An Arm and a Leg
Got a Spine
Cybernetic Charm
Bioware Buff
Genemod Geek
EVO Insider
Changeling Community
This Old Drone


Chantal is a bright mind recognized in the corporation she works for, but during a fateful vacation to Paris in the Year of the Comet, she and her husband Pierre SURGEd. Today, both gnomes like pugs. Neither allowed that to conflict with their careers in EVO Miami or the happy family, however. Cybertechnology is her lifelong passion culminating in attaining the position of the head of the deltaware clinic EVO Miami has. She also believes in the slogan of "EVO Is Acceptance" and fosters good relationships between fellow SURGElings and the rest of the population of Miami.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
EVO Loyalist She genuinely believes in what EVO tells her. She and her family owe the mega a lot. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against them, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, she immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe her a chip to re-earn favor with her.
Working Hours Chantal just doesn't care about most runners enough to risk a healthy balance between work and private life - after all, it is paramount if you don't want to burn out. She tunes out of business matters outside of normal EST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
My Grandkids Were Visiting The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Chantal will not answer the call immediately. When she calls you later, she'll explain that she and Pierre were busy babysitting their grandkids.
Cybersurgeon It's not a job. It's her calling. Ware design, acquisition, installation and upgrades as well as related knowledge skill tests are done at +2.
Beta Is Better She really digs the SOTA ware. Working with betaware or deltaware (which she can get mundane PCs without extra strings attached, Emerged and Awakened need a run) is at +2.
An Arm and a Leg Cyberlimbs fascinate her. She and Pierre needed them to combat certain SURGE-caused changes. Since then, she's developed the firm belief they can save lives, allowing you to hug your grandkid again. She can get you the absolute best.
Got a Spine Similarly to cyberlimbs, ware capable of restoring motor functions - changes to the spinal column like wired or boosted reflexes, synaptic acceleration or boosters - is special, because it can help you walk again. Tests to acquire and install such ware are at +2.
Cybernetic Charm She really likes working with cyber. Plying her trade within the category is at +2.
Bioware Buff Bioware can be very helpful in her eyes. Plying her trade within the category is at +2.
Genemod Geek Genemods like genetic optimization can let you pursue demanding careers, Chantal believes. Plying her trade within the category is at +2.
EVO Insider She knows what her coworkers gossip about. Knowledge tests related to EVO and key subsidiaries like ByDesign, CrashCart, Pensodyne, Echo Motors and MetaErgonomics as well as networking with EVO SINners receive a +2 bonus.
Changeling Community She wasn't born SURGEd, but found acceptance of it within EVO. She knows what it's like and makes all the right gestures and all the right times. Networking with other SURGEd people is at +2.
This Old Drone Through her husband Pierre, she can help you get vehicles and drones produced by the company or its subsidiaries, for example CrashCart MediCart, Echo Motors Zip, Echo Motors MetaWay, EVO Falcon-EX, EVO Waterking, EVO Aquavida, EVO Krokodil, EVO Proletarian, EVO Freedom, EVO Kourier, EVO Water Strider, Shpagina EVO-2, EVO-Krime Krime Wing etc.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with This Contact

Black Sabbath1Even

NPCs Who Know This Contact

Narratively Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
In the FamilyKeeper MIt's a Small Underworld After All15 February 2084