Keisha Jackson

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Keisha Jackson
Keisha Jackson.png
KSAF Journalist
I will get to the bottom of this, just you wait and see!
Sorry, what was it you wanted again?
Sometimes I lose my train of thought but I will always be here for you.
Contact OwnerYouMayFireWhenReady
Owner's Discord NameYouMayFireWhenReady
Public Contact?Yes
Preferred Payment MethodFavors
Hobbies/ViceHorseback Riding
Personal LifeSingle
Passionate and Rambling
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Woman of Principle
Emphasis on the Prototype
First Class Travel
Cunning Linguist
Nose for a Good Story
Weird Whispers
International Crime Desk
North American News Desk
Foreign Correspondent on Assignment
CAS Born
If Not Raised


Keisha Jackson is a young journalist with KSAF. The daughter of powerful executives at DocWagon in Atlanta, she had a silver spoon in her mouth from the moment she was born until she pulled it out and tossed it to the side. Those who know her well describe her as deeply empathetic, highly energetic, highly distractible, and a brilliantly inquisitive mind. With an impressive personal fortune ready to be tapped as needed, Keisha has all the makings of a journalist whose career has no upper limit. She's got Peabodys and Pulitzers on the mind and the talent to earn them. If she can just keep her mind on the task!

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Hyperfixation Keisha has ADHD and is energized when pursuing her passions and current hyperfixations. Roll a 1d6: on a 5 or a 6 she is hyperfixated currently on the topic and will gain +2 dice on any related skill check. On any other number she takes a -2 die penalty due to lack of personal interest. She'll still tackle the topic but won't do so with her usual gusto.
Passionate and Rambling Keisha gets very excited by her current hyperfixation, which will usually be the story she's working on or the leads she's chasing or the archives she's rummaging through. She will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, roll a d6. If you roll a 1, Keisha gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test. If an Intimidation test is used, regardless of failure or success, an Etiquette (3) test must follow to make sure she doesn't have a flare up of rejection sensitive dysphoria or she will take a -4 dice pool penalty on all checks for the seven days it will take to see her therapist.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria Keisha manages her ADHD very well. Sometimes, though, she doesn't take her meds and her emotions can run away a bit away on her. If Keisha fails an Active check on behalf of a player, or a player rejects her advice/disagrees with her assessment (Legwork checks) or doesn't follow up with a shared contact (Networking check) there's a chance her feelings are hurt in a way that just won't fade. A player must make an Etiquette (3) check after any of the above scenarios or she'll become wracked with feelings of inadequacy and uselessness. On a failed Etiquette check, she will take a -4 dice pool penalty on all checks for the seven days it will take to see her therapist.
Woman of Principle Keisha is by nature too trusting so to compensate, she tries to be selective over who in the shadows she will work with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she is asked to do.
Workaholic Keisha is constantly chasing stories down. Out in a warzone, down in the slums, getting herself temporarily kidnapped (only temporarily!)...she's always on the go-go-go. When contacting Keisha for the first time in a run, it may take up to 24 hours for her to initially respond. Roll Edge + Loyalty with each hit subtracting 2 hours from this time. This can always be avoided by taking on an automatic chip (she's not going to turn someone away in a crisis.)
Emphasis on the Prototype Keisha's parents are big-wigs at DocWagon and wanted the best for their designer baby. Unfortunately DocWagon is a lil bit better at putting people back together than they are at making a person from scratch. All the jammed in genetic enhancements to intuition and charisma certainly fit, as well as the full integration of cerebral and cerebellum boosters and mnemonic enhancers. The only problem is everything works in harmony much better in Keisha's head on paper than it does in reality. The plus side of it all is she's a sponge for information and with a brain that is always moving onto the next fascination, there are few things she doesn't grok or recall or tackle with practiced ease. (+2 to all skill checks involving Memory tests, knowledge checks, or social Active skill checks.)
CAS Born, If Not Raised Keisha's family are all DocWagon lifers. She's got a DocWagon Corporate SIN and is obligated to come home every once in awhile to perform, ugh, family obligations. Like it or not, she knows the city and the corporation very, very intimately. (+2 to all skill checks involving DocWagon or the Atlanta Metroplex.)
Crazy-Well-Educated Keisha has fast-tracked through education systems in her young life: started her undergrad at Columbia at 11, off to the University of Amsterdam for her Masters at 14, and onward. She absolutely devours information and with her generational wealth and vacuum mind there's little academic studies she hasn't dabbled in. (+2 to all skill checks involving Academic or Professional skills.)
First Class Travel Keisha spent much of her youth and most of teenaged academic years in the Euro Zone and with that memory of hers, well, there's very little she hasn't picked up. (+2 to all skill checks involving the Western Europe.)
Cunning Linguist Languages are easy. So easy. Are they not easy for you? Huh that's weird! (+2 to all skill checks where the capacity to speak a local, non-English-based language would be beneficial.)
Nose for a Good Story What can she say? She loves a good story; remembers all the interesting ones. She can't help but be fascinated by mysteries of all sizes. If you can pitch a request for help as part of a good mystery, or convince her that it would make for a good piece of journalism, you'll have Keisha hooked. (+2 to all skill checks where the topic or situation can be spun into a story or an investigation, at the GM's discretion during an active run.)
Weird Whispers Keisha can't help but follow a lead, no matter how weird or unlikely it is to be true. In her limited time as a journalist she's heard some bizarre stories and can tell you all the weirdest rumors. It gives her a peculiar insight into unusual topics and requests. (+2 to all skill checks involving conspiracy theories (ie "Is the Black Lodge really a front for the Great Dragon Conspiracy?") or strange and/or disparate factors ("Have you heard of any Dragons who are into performing drag?") This is up to the GM's discretion during an active run.)
International Crime Desk All things underworld. So salacious, so mysterious. So dangerous! (+2 to all skill checks involving global organized crime syndicates, regardless of nationality or culture.)
North American News Desk What are the corporations and the governments saying. More importantly, what are they not saying? Keisha means to find out. (+2 to all skill checks involving North American AA and AAA megacorporations as well as and local, state, and federal governments.)
Foreign Correspondent on Assignment Keisha is a freelancer, though it is KSAF who publishes most of her pieces so far in her young career. She is always on the move, trying to get ahead of the story, whatever that story may or may not be. She's got her fingers firmly on the pulse. (+2 to all skill checks involving non-North American AA and AAA megacorporations as well as local, state, and federal governments.)


Knowledge Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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