Magdalena Kowolski

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Magdalena Kowolski
Magdalena Kowolski.jpg
Social adept plying her skills & powers in the legal system.
Contact OwnerRichard_Villiers
Owner's Discord NameVilliers
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, Downtown
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Personal LifeSingle
AspectsManners Maketh Man
Elegant Etiquette
Rumormonger's Network
Knows the system
Judge Not Lest Yee Be Judged
Law and Punishment
Defense Attorney
The Mother's Milk of Justice


Magdalena Kowolski is a criminal lawyer with a reputation for aggressive defense of her (paying) clients. She recently moved to Seattle from Ottawa to set up a new branch of her law partnership.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Manners Maketh Man Magnalena dabbles with street criminals just to keep her hand in, but most of her clients are white collar criminals. She expects much from her clients in either case. When attempting to contact her, make an Etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, she'll refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion.
Elegant Etiquette Magdalena knows exactly what to say or eat, how to move, dress and more. Skills in the Influence group as well as the Connoisseur knowledge skill receive +2.
Rumormonger's Network Her clientele makes for a very good "through the grapevine" info source. It's usually celebrities and various rich people, but a runner can definitely take advantage of that. +2 to networking with clients (GM discretion) and knowledge skills like Entertainment, Bars and Clubs, Business and Popular.
Knows the system She has worked in the judicial system long enough that he knows how the system works. +2 to knowledge tests involving the UCAS judiciary.
Judge Not Lest Yee Be Judged Magdalena has practiced in front of virtually every Federal judge over time. She knows all of their quirks and foibles; including who is crooked and who is not. + 2 to knowledge tests about Federal judges.
Law and Punishment Magdalena is no dabbler in what she does. When defending her clients, social tests benefit from a +2 bonus. Law, Law Enforcement Procedures (Academic), Underworld and Syndicates knowledge tests receive +2 also.
Defense Attorney She works at Mason, Burger, Moreau & Kowolski LLP Office in Seattle as a junior partner. +2 to tests for paying clients (amount required set by GM at the table)
The Mother's Milk of Justice Magdalena knows that money makes the world go around. +2 to knowledge tests if runners provide financial bonuses (amount required set by GM at the table).
Litigator Magdalena prefers plea deals whenever possible but she really shines when she has to go to court. +2 to Acting and Influence skill tests in court.


Knowledge Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Vincent "Vinnie" Moreau

Carleton Moreau

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