Magic Inc
Magic Inc | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven Naomi Fisk Francesco di Gangi Carleton Moreau | Saeder-Krupp Consumer Products GmbH | ||||||||
Heart of the Tempest Nearl Obsidian Thunder Triage |
Andreas Salz Michelle Pfeffer Elke Bauer Max Meyer Wilhelm Schmidt |
A Christmas themed heist in a dangerous part of the world smoothed over by Seattle's strongest mages; the dream team unites for the first and potentially last time as their wiles outwit the worthy warriors set in place by SK. Ink is found and lost, and brought back to patient paying players and clientele in Seattle.
Naomi Fisk wants to get a special gift for a special friend. She is not rich and powerful but she has friends who are. She has a short stack of favors owed and is a very persuasive woman. She persuades Francesco di Gangi and Carleton Moreau to back the theft of special ink used for magical tattoos in return for the bulk of the profits. A talismonger in Europe, Genevieve LaCroix, knows of a shipment from the Allied German States to Seattle that contains the necessary inks and shares this information for some of the inks. Hideo Masamune's loss is their gain.
The Meet
Naomi meets the runners at a local RATS office. Many of the runners here are veteran runners compared to Obsidian, but Nearl sticks by her pupil to keep them feeling comfortable. The team is offered food over business. Naomi mentions that we're all supposed to steal ink for tattoos from Germany. She offers 20,000 nuyen. Naomi mentions that the team can get there get there via an awakened ship or by private jet. Naomi mentions that it'd be risky to travel without planning ahead, given the enemy may have the ability to predict out our plans. The team reaches out to Francesco di Gangi in order to try and get more money. Francesco is impressed, and the team is able to get more money.
The Plan
The team decides on how to get to Germany, deciding to use a spirit to ferry their items, but takes a plane to get to the Turbinia first. Heart of the Tempest decides to take the RMS Empress of Ireland, as she has more items to bring along.
Nearl and Thunder have a short chat about the future and the world, and then the team heads in to get divined by the famous seer Maryann Clay. The team gets a vision of an iris, a warehouse, a shop in germany, and then a man in a nice suit. From there, Nearl asks for and gets a tarot card spread indicating the past, the obstacle, and solution; The lovers, The Magician, The moon.
Nearl then helps Triage summon a spirit to do observations, and while Triage takes stun from doing so, Nearl does manage to help. The spotting shows the team where the werehouse is, but it seems like the opposition is now ahead of the team, and aware of them too. The next day, two mages manifest nearby. The team is able to shake them, but they realize they're already being watched.
Getting prepared to leave, Triage heads to Alias in order to get fake sins for the team. Once aquired, the team all fits on the Turbinia to Germany. Once there, the team starts to get acquainted in their hotel, while Triages finds a different accomodation due to his anxieties (and the erased quality).
Once settled in, the team starts to do legwork in Germany, starting off with spirit searches from Tempest. Finding the location now of the warehouse, the team gains a solid idea of where and what the warehouse is like. Tempest does some matrix searches on the area, and the warehouse itself.
Halflight does a matrix search to find a one Andreas Salz. We get his outfit, a holdings company in the Burgeruine in the Pfalz village of Frankenstein.
The team finds info on a christmas market happening in just a few days time, held by SK. The team looks into it, thinking that there'd be a potential to hit the warehouse where the ink is stored more easily after the christmas market begins.
Thunder does some social recon by talking to people in Bars, which nets us SK's position in the town, and Triage talks to a group of local folks playing as a Japanese businessman. They find a man names Masamune, and many of the members are leery about interfering with them, at least not getting him nearby and butting heads. As well, the team is scared a bit on potential knuckle dusting with dragons. The dragon. Lofwyr. The team is worried about running into Lofwyr.
Obsidian suggests that in order to get around any major roadblocks, the team could potentially disguise as the team picking up the ink. The team weigh the pros and cons, and some of the team lament that they'd be unable to hide themselves for the plan, and so Triage decides to do more legwork by asking for the warehouse. He's able to find a hand-off spot, and uses his commlink to capture some of the e-paperwork. Given the info, the team is able to attempt to create an RFID keycard. Next up, they want to nab some uniform for work, but with time as an issue, they use the fashion spell to fake uniforms.
Getting closer to the gig and the team pile into a car with fake ID and fashion outfits. Thunder, Nearl, Obsidian, Lotus, and Halflight are going in the trucks. Tempest will be going in the air.
The Run
Once the team arrive at the warehouse, Triage does smooth talking with the guard to let the team make their way past the front gate. With teamwork, Triage is able to thoroughly convince the gate guards that the team belongs to be here. The legwork they had done in order to secure their route here paid off, and with the leger, outfits / disguises, keycards, and otherwise smarmy work from the team's faces, plus the astral security from well, the entire team, they were able to dodge most of the heat and go during the day and christmast market. Given the draw on the community, practically all the defenders were indisposed, meaning the team was safeguarded from most of the roadblocks. Still, they had work to do and getting the box was no easy task. Luckily, Triage remembered to wipe any tags on the box, and it was lucky as there were hidden tags.
Absconding the ink and then hopping back on the Turbinia, the team was able to make their way back without hiccup or hitch. Landing back on the fine sailing decks of the Turbinia, the team relaxes as they make their way back to Seattle.
Deadly TL - 20 RVP
20,000¥ or up to 40,000¥ in brand-name goods or any weapons up to availability 18. (10 RVP)
2500¥ negotiation bonus.
10 Karma (10 RVP)
2 CDP (Base)
All - Franceso di Gangi C6L1 (6 RVP)
Tempest - Analytical Mind (5 RVP)
Game Quotes
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
My Pupil is growing stronger, and that is something I like to see. She reminds me of a friend I used to have, back in the day. I hope Marrisa is okay.
Heart of the Tempest
'Twas... interesting being matrix support for a job, I shalt be honest. An' rewarding - I took some time to learn some skills an' modify mine RCC, an' now with the aid of some magic I canst... hack a little, if not keep up with a dedicated hacker. Well, the incompetent ones, p'raps. Aside from that, a simple job, an' mine usual talents wert not needed.
It's always good when a plan comes together~ Posing as the deliverymen was a good call. Otherwise we'd have to deal with all these wards and spirits as a team. Hit the weakest link after all~ I rare time where it was all social and charm and almost no magic or gun skill required. Good thing I keep my skillset wide i suppose!
Wonderful time in Nürnberg. Happy to get an all expenses paid trip to AGS and the opportunity to speak my native language and get into Christmas mood. The Glühwein was tasty, adding a shot of rum gave it a few horespowers which helped loosing peoples toungs a bit. I didn't find out a lot of mission critical information, but it was still a blast to bar-hop in the old town amidst Santa Clauses and tons of tourists.
Triage: Germany was nice to visit again. The festival was nice enough. Run went smoothly, it was interesting to finally get to work with Nearl. Very glad it did go smoothely, as I generally like being far away from the anger of legendary swordsmith bloodlines.