Medicinal Mysteries

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Medicinal Mysteries
LocationPuyallup, Seattle
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Mr. Neil
Random blood mage
Blood spirit
2 bound reapers
Asshole blood mage
Casualties and losses
All above listed units, except for the second reaper who was instead freed and then bound by PM.


There's been problems at a clinic in Puyallup, and a rat smells foul play. He sends the runners Plaguemaster, Frieren, and Saint there to investigate.


Theres a non-profit clinic working to provide aid for the sinless in Puyallup, currently having issues with recovering patients dying unexpectedly. Mr. Neil, eager to see the clinic succeed, needs someone to get to the bottom of this.

The Meet

The runners meet the Johnson in an alley in Puyallup in the early evening. The shifter promised 6,000 nuyen if they could figure out why patients on the mend kept dying at this clinic. The runners agree, figuring it would probably be easy enough work.

The Plan

The runners get to the clinic, and after some slight argument with the person in charge due to a misidentification of the runner's purpose, they get in by pretending that Plaguemaster is a sickly patient. It's a good plan, due to all the sickness PM carries. It goes of without a hitch, successfully drawing out the reason for the mysteries deaths: a blood spirit feeding on the patients. Plaguemaster manages to fake being dead well enough that the spirit looks for other prey, successfully killing a different patient before being discorperated by Saint and Frieren. After PM got back up, they talked about what this meant, and resolved to go hunt down the mage that was sending spirits to prey on the innocents of the barren. Looking around, Plaguemaster found his first lead, a reaper that was spying on the building. Talking to it, he managed to convince it to tell them some information, in part by pretending to want to join the mage that summoned it. Armed with knowledge, and Plaugemaster tracing the astral connection from the reaper, the team went down to the worst part of Puyallup to kick someone's door in.

The Run

The runners arrived at what was once an old dinner, now converted to a small gang hideout. There's one problem though: its warded, a significant barrier to the very dual-natured Plaguemaster. He manages to convince the gangers that he wants to learn blood magic from their leader, which gets him to let him across the barrier. The moment he steps in, Frieren and Saint burst out of hiding to take some lives. The gangers and their mage leader fall quickly, before their reinforcements in the other room could join the fight. However, another reaper, now free do to the summoner dying, decided to begin its corpse collection, attacking the party before being taken out by the two combat focused runners while PM, oddly enough, stabilized the mage.


The runners return to the clinic to inform people that the problems should stop now. PM temporarily takes up a room to do two things: Bind the reaper that he had talked to earlier, and drain the blood mage to death. The reaper took its previous summoner as a ghost chain, PM took it to where he lived to bind it, and Saint and Frieren both decided that they had had enough to do with this clinic and went home after being payed.


6,000 Nuyen (3 RVP) 4 Karma (4 RVP) 14 CDP (7 RVP) 2 CDP (2 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


Working with those two was interesting. Plaguemaster was good at their job. Saint was a loner. Together we accomplished what we set to do, though I doubt I'd like to work with either of them any further.