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Mysad Channeler Drake
Why is it so cold?
Oh right!
It's me~
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Ally SpiritTomebound
D.O.B.Sept 19 2025
Date of Birth60
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension6

Character Information


In the quiet suburbs of Tokyo, an elven child was born into a family that couldn't comprehend her elven nature. Even in the early 2020s, elves were a rarity where she grew up, and her parents, bewildered by her pointed ears and otherworldly presence, chose to raise her as a Shinto shrine maiden, hoping to keep her unique heritage hidden from the prying eyes of society. From a young age, Fushiguro Yuki rebelled against the expectations imposed on her. While her parents wished for her to remain a symbol of blessing, she yearned for the freedom to explore the world and pursue her passions. Skateboarding became her outlet for rebellion, a form of self-expression that clashed with the traditional role she was meant to fulfill.

When her magical abilities surfaced, it became evident that Yuki's destiny extended beyond the confines of her family's shrine. The supernatural nature of her powers caught the attention of magical institutions abroad, and at the age of 20, she was sent to Berlin to study under the tutelage of experienced mages. This marked the beginning of her journey into mastering her magical arts and gaining a reputation as both a skilled mage and an adept skateboarder. Embracing her newfound identity, Yuki was given the moniker 'Frieren,' a name that resonated with her freezing magic and the cold, collected demeanor she exhibited. Yet, her desire to explore and understand the world remained undiminished.

However, fate took a sharp turn when Yuki unexpectedly manifested as a Drake. The revelation of her draconic form triggered chaos and attracted the unwanted attention of Saedar-Krupp and other powerful entities. Suddenly, her aspirations for a normal life were shattered, and the world became her adversary. In response, Yuki, burdened by the weight of her past and the dangers closing in, made the decision to sever ties with her previous life. She became a wanderer, traveling wherever her skateboard and backpack would take her, seeking knowledge, freedom, and distance from the chains of her past.

As she traversed the shadows of different cities, honing her skills and avoiding the relentless pursuit of those who sought to control her, Yuki found herself drawn to the shadowrunning scene in Seattle. The city's labyrinthine complexities and diverse underworld provided the perfect backdrop for someone seeking anonymity and opportunity. In Seattle, Yuki reinvented herself as a shadowrunner, using her magical abilities and street smarts to navigate the treacherous waters of the shadows. The city's neon-lit streets and dark alleys became the canvas for her new life, as 'Frieren' transitioned from a rebellious shrine maiden to a formidable shadowrunning figure, forever seeking to break free from the chains that bound her.

In the wake of her latest shadowrunning exploits, Frieren's life took an unexpected turn. Elizabeth De Farnesse, a powerful Fae with a penchant for orchestrating fate's dance, had identified Frieren as the ideal candidate for a crucial task. Unbeknownst to Frieren, Elizabeth had been weaving the strands of destiny, seeking a capable agent free from the entanglements of Seattle's power struggles. Frieren, living in a home devoid of wards or lodges, was discovered by Elizabeth through her auras that wove through the city. The Fae required Frieren's unique set of skills for a mission that transcended the metaplane of her world. A letter arrived at Frieren's doorstep, beckoning her to a secluded, warded mansion across the city. Intrigued and perhaps a bit apprehensive, Frieren embarked on a two-hour taxi ride, leaving behind the familiar neon-lit streets for a rendezvous with destiny.

The aftermath was both profound and peculiar. Frieren, having successfully completed the mission, found herself giving away all her memories to the enigmatic Fae, keeping only the most recent fragments of her past. In return, she gained the knowledge and freedom she sought, accompanied by a sense of liberation from the chains that bound her to her previous life. With the aid of a special item provided by the Fae, Frieren smoothly transitioned back to her plane of existence.

As such, Frieren was renamed as Frey'Rah of House Reihn, betrothed to Shara-Ishval'Rah of House Reihn.


  • Come to Terms with Being a Drake
  • Master the mystical arts of a Mystical adept and achieve enlightenment
  • Spread the teachings of Shintoism and peace
  • Return to the Fae Court


Narrative Significant Qualities


Shrine Maiden (Mystic Adept, Mentor Spirit / mask - Dragonslayer, Elemental Attunement, Spirit Whisperer)
Frieren grew up as in a family who dedicated their lives to keeping a shrine. As such, she learned the teachings of Shinto from an early age. However, Frieren never truly believed in a god or a greater deity. Instead, she believed she saw spirits of the land and people. At first, her parents thought this to be the delusions of a growing child, however, With the coming of a new age saw the introduction of magic to the world.
Frozen in Time (Eastern Drake)


Designated Omega Reduced Sense Hearing Farady Himself Gremlins 2 Wanted - Saedar-Krupp - 65,ooo


Initiation 1
Power Point
Initiation 2
Initiation 3

Power Timer

Major Powers:7 or Minor Powers:14

  • Flight
  • Dracoform Mastery

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Explosive Intentions!PeepTheDictator
19 October 2085
A Fuzzytail TaleDawnfireMedium12 October 2085
Killing John WardsEvaHigh10 October 2085
Jackson Danger's Radical AdventureDawnfireHigh22 March 2085
Walking To The LibraryAnumatiMedium12 March 2085
Bottom Barrel TheftAnumati10 March 2085
Clever run title about carsDawnfireKAPTAIN KILLDOZER's RevengeMedium5 March 2085
Dear HelenaAsmodeusHigh1 March 2085
Medicinal MysteriesLotusHigh25 February 2085
Dog Days are OverDiscogoblinMedium25 January 2085
A Wolf In Wolf's clothing?BulldogcTrophäenjagdHigh6 January 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Lamashtu 6 1 Generalist Ex-Prison Warden Drake Security Expert, Interrogator, Milspec Gear, Tactical Gear, Armor Accessories, Weapon Accessories, Rigger Gear, Bravo Six, Going Dark, Medical Expert, Drill Instructor, Highly Flammable, Hard To Approach, Any Means Necessary Even
Elizabeth De Farnesse 4 4 Generalist Fixer "What's a few more years?", "Do not fail me again.", "I am she who can control the String", "You are safe here.", "Fetch me my tools.", "Such little toys, I do grow fond of them.", "Keep me out of your petty engagements, I am to tend to my own affairs.", "Let me into your mind, so that I may open your fate.", "I shall cast you into the great wheel." Even
Rehr 5 3 Fixer Unseelie Agent Unseelie Agent, Fae Wild, Agent no more, Fae Magic, Magical Threats, Syndicates, It's never enough, Give me your life Even
True Sulla 2 4 Service Truenamer Exile, Truenamer, Astral Topography, Prankster, Undreamer, Eyes Open, True Pixy Squad, Foul by Fire Even
Ritz Malheur 1 5 Fixer Fixer World Unwatching, Who am I?, Who are you?, Beyond the Journey's End, Red Magic Adept, Paracritters, Astral Threats, Weapon Foci, By your side!, Not so Fast!, Magical Theory, Necromancy Even
Tohru Okkotsu 2 4 Service Assasin Wanted Soul, Assassination, Connection, Black Mage Mysad, I believed it once Even
Loputyn 1 1 Custom(A,G,K,N) Parabotanist Fixated and faulty, Un/Seelie Courts, Astral Navigator, Master Alchaparabotamist Even
Inle Beoulve 4 1 Fixer(Generalist) Lord of the Beoulve Household Metaplanar Navigations, The keen do not act, From Eye to Eye, Through court and Highwater, A flash to the end of space Even


Pinus Sylvestris Logo

Pinus Silvestris

Pinus Sylvestris is an organization comprised of awakened individuals. Anyone may choose to self-identify as a member. Pinus Sylvestris operates as a dedicated force in the nocturnal realm, safeguarding communities from various threats that emerge after sunset. Frieren, alongside fellow members Ritz Malheur, Młynar Nearl, Sylvain Hlatkey, and others, forms the core of this group. Specializing in hunting down disruptive elements ranging from unruly infected to paranormal entities, Pinus Sylvestris prioritizes community safety.

The organization's unique composition primarily consists of awakened individuals, each contributing specialized skills, augmented by a select few non-awakened members proficient in technology. Pinus Sylvestris maintains a distinct modus operandi, operating outside the confines of conventional legal channels. This approach allows the group to respond swiftly to threats, cutting through bureaucratic red tape to provide immediate aid whenever necessary.

Despite their altruistic mission, Pinus Sylvestris faces criticism from various quarters, often labeled as vigilantes due to their unconventional methods. This, however, does not deter the organization from its commitment to protecting the innocent. As a proactive force in the night, Pinus Sylvestris remains a vigilant guardian against the unseen perils that lurk in the shadows, ensuring the safety of communities oblivious to the battles waged in their midst.


+ 5 The Unseelie Court


-20 Nova Rich Rep
-12 Knight Errant Rep

Spirit Index

Astral Rep
Astral Index Astral Rep
0 0
Wild Rep
Wild Index Wild Rep
3 0

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Spotted Frieren was spotted in drake form on her first run, where she almost died. A Wolf In Wolf's clothing?
Unseelie Frieren willingly gave herself to the service of Rehr Dog Days are Over
Stolen Foci Frieren stole a foci from an SK assassin, and still uses it to this day. It used to belong to an SK agent used to track down SK drakes. Frieren is currently wanted by SK, as well, for unrelated reasons. Dear Helena
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments