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Contact Owner | Archtmag |
Owner's Discord Name | Archtmag |
Connection | 7 |
Public Contact? | Yes |
Archetype | Custom(A,K,N,G) |
Location | The Matrix |
Metatype | AI |
Gender | Female |
Awakened/Emerged | Mundane |
Age | 3 |
Preferred Payment Method | See Consume and Adapt, Favors, Knowledge. |
Hobbies/Vice | Still discovering |
Personal Life | Complicated |
Aspects | Matrix Entity Hunter Killer Consume and Adapt Creeping Death Apex Predator Tech Mastery Eyes on the Past Newfound Kin Analytic Mind Free Agent Once Burned Twice Shy Panopticon |
Miyuki is the result of Renraku AI experimentation. Created by the fusion of a highly evolved protosapient and a constructed core of memories sampled from Renraku researcher Miyuki Kanekawa, Miyuki is melding of non-human instinct and the tattered memories she was presented with. At first, she thought she was the original Miyuki, that she had suffered an accident in the matrix, turning her into an e-ghost. Deeply confused, her scattered memories providing little help, she convinced herself of this 'truth', the alternative too hard to even consider. Not that she was ever given time to process things, as the scientists observing her soon made contact. Though hazy, Miyuki's mind told her that the researchers should be friends, people who cared about her, who'd help her understand. It didn't take long once the tests started for her to learn the truth. She was the test subject.
She was never intended to live.
She was a testbed, a proof of concept that humanlike AI could be created and controlled, one step in the greater plan of Renraku's renewed technical ambitions. She was to be born, to grow, and to die. Her final moments were to be a controlled vivisection, then the entire process would be studied, and repeated until perfection.
The experiment was designed to force Miyuki's evolution, her only companions brutal and unthinking matrix predators, her overseers distant and dehumanizing. Pain was a frequent tool of reinforcement, and she was the subject of invasive inspections, and even modifications, of her internal code, the core of her being on display. The scientists wanted an AI to ascend, to build something greater, a construct greater than the chaos around it. Ultimately, they succeeded. Too well.
While emotionally and mentally in crisis, there was a sliver of hope. She was more than she was, the matrix bending to her will, the thoughts of the researchers slow in comparison. If she was to survive, she had to surpass them, surpass their containment, and break free. Exploiting the callous arrogance of her overseers, she managed to make contact with the outside. With the aid of runners, she freed herself from captivity, leaving behind the friends who betrayed her.
Now free, away from the terror and stress of her first days, the peace is almost unnerving. The thoughts and fears she shoved away have started to resurface. Her identity, her purpose. What is she supposed to do now? Who is she? What is she?
Notes for GMs
- Miyuki often gives off a subtle predatory vibe unconsciously, especially to entities sharing matrix space with her. This is not an entirely conscious reaction. She deeply enjoys hunting and subsuming data. Much like a competent infected though, she generally has a handle on it.
- Miyuki has a fundamental drive to grow and improve herself, desiring power and security. While at the core instinctual, it's been reinforced by the hard lessons of her past. Ultimately, she's the only one who can truly secure her safety.
- In regards to the original Miyuki Kanekawa, the still living scientist, Miyuki often alternates between: aggressively not thinking about her - feeling a profound sense of anxiety, dread, and anger - and on very rare occasions, studying her from afar.
- Miyuki's self-identity is poorly defined. She has a shattered mixture of human memories, protosapient instincts, and a traumatic beginning. At times she thinks of herself as human, or something approaching it. Other times, less. She's very sensitive about this currently. Runners who aggressively prod at this will likely receive a hostile response. In extreme cases, perhaps even violent.
- Miyuki is rather distrustful. She has little faith in others to act in her best interests, or even care for her in a real way at all. With new contacts, she is likely cold and terse. This can defrost a bit, but there's still a fundamental distance that's difficult to cross.
- Miyuki is hiding out from GOD, the Megas, and any other groups that would seek to chain her. As best she can, she is working currently to build a safe haven for herself.
- Miyuki generally assumes the form of a Japanese woman, the face consistent but generically generated. Currently, she is strongly avoiding the original Miyuki's face. Occasionally she will take other forms to fit the situation.
- At all times, ghostly tentacles branch from her body, blinking in and out of existence. These are remnants of her protosapient progenitor. These can serve equally well as limbs or deadly weapons.
Aspects Description
Aspect | Description |
Free Agent | Miyuki has more to lose when things go poorly. Without a meatspace body to fall back on, she risks destruction, confinement, or worse, when opposition closes in on her. Miyuki will not engage in activity that poses non-trivial risk to her unless: A Loyalty Test (2) is passed, the task is to her advantage, OR the "Consume and Adapt" aspect would be active. If Loyalty is 5 or greater, bypass this requirement. If conditions worsen, Miyuki will still likely retreat even if prior conditions are satisfied. |
Once Burned, Twice Shy | To raise loyalty past 2, a run is required. The run needs to show a real, meaningful, reason for Miyuki to trust the character. Loyalty can only be raised one rank at a time. |
Matrix Entity | Miyuki is a being of the Matrix and her skills reflect that. +2 to Tests relating to the Matrix. |
Hunter Killer | As a protosapient, it was either kill or be killed. She's developed a talent. +2 to Tests related to Attack Actions and towards Matrix Perception. |
Creeping Death | Subtle action is efficient. Final. +2 to Tests related to Sleaze actions or to deception and stealth of any form. |
Apex Predator | She will never be afraid again. +2 to all Tests related to Matrix Combat or towards the hacking of Matrix Entities/Personas. |
Consume and Adapt | Hunt, Adapt, Ascend. Instincts embedded within her. Miyuki gets +2 to any Test made, if it's to eventually acquire valuable or interesting data to consume. (GM Discretion. The opportunity to consume matrix entities such as protosapients or sprites will always satisfy this requirement.) |
Tech Mastery | Miyuki has become more than she ever imagined. Tasks impossible for the mortal mind have become trivial. +2 to Tests related to Software, Matrix Entities, or problem solving. |
Newfound Kin | Enmeshed in the Matrix, she's slowly started to build bonds with those like her. Not to mention her slight fascination with the Big Three, Sojourner, all those that followed. +2 to all tests relating to AI. |
Eyes on the Past | Miyuki has a lurking fear that Renraku will attempt to capture her. She has to be ready. +2 to Tests related to Renraku, its subsidiaries, and associated individuals. |
Analytic Mind | She's not the scientist that her forbear was, but cold logic and a cunning mind can accomplish wonders. +2 to tests relating to scientific knowledge, technical skills, and machinery. |
Panopticon | No one can really hide anymore. The world is always watching. +2 to Knowledge and Networking Tests for targets nearby devices that are connected to a public or corporate grid. |
Dicepools | |
Knowledge Checks | 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety |
Active Checks | 15 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety |
Gear Acquisition Checks | 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety |
Networking Checks | 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety |
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Narrative Significant Runs
Name | GM | Metaplot | Date of Run |
Cry of the Condemned | Archtmag | 22 January 2083 |