Reconnaissance Step 2: Hamburg

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Reconnaissance Step 2: Hamburg
Part of Enemy within
LocationHamburg, AGS
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Joshua Calvert
Feral Ghouls
La Rapide
Smiling Steve
Casualties and losses
all of them


Runners are sent to Hamburg to search for a traitor in the ranks of GDI.


After the activities of Reconnaissance Step 1: Seattle, the traces lead to Hamburg to the white vory and Yellena Tukov. Yellena ordered the contract killing of Mr. Cromwell in the name of an unknown person. Josuha Calvert new security chief in GDI wants to hire some runners from Seattle because he does not trust the local runners.

The Meet

The meeting will be held at the Harrington Hotel in the basement. Joshua prefers the rougher atmosphere of the shooting range. The runners are told about the situation and that they should fly to Hambur to talk to Yellena Tokov and find out who ordered the assassination of Mr. Cromwell. The Runners negotiate the price, but are able to come to an agreement with the J.

The Plan

The Runners fly to Hamburg and organize a Savehaus and a boat via General Forbit. While Wi66ly breaks into the host of Yellena Tukov's disco Sputnik and collects important information such as a building plan and employee lists, Lungmen looks at the disco in astral space but cannot enter due to a barrier. However, she notices that the guards at the entrance are a bit cyber. After a short discussion the runners decide to leave. Since La Rapide has met Yellena Tukov before in another run, they are able to convince the bouncers to let them through. Yellena listens to the Runners' concern raised by Smiling Steve and La Rapide. She is willing to reveal the name (Frank von Bachmair) to the Runners if they settle the unpaid payment of Frank 10,000 Nuyen. The Runners agree and Yellena also tells them where Frank lives - but she points out that she had his apartment watched for a while and that there was no activity from Frank.

The Run

The Runners head to Frank's apartment and enter unseen thanks to Wi66ly and an air spirit from Lungmen. However, Frank's apartment is secured with a grenade that explodes. La Rapide throws himself protectively on the grenade so that everyone gets away and Raps is shaken a little. In the apartment you can see traces of a break-in as well as 4 glasses with whiskey leftovers that have been standing there for a while. The runners hurry to copy the data from the camera system of the apartment and can escape just before the arrival of Hansec with their boat. At the Save house, the files are examined and the Runners discover that 4 identical looking people (4 x Frank) meet in the apartment and then leave together. A call to Yellena Tukov reveals that there is only one SIN forger in Hamburg who would be able to produce 4 almost identical SINs in such a short time as Frank escaped. His name is Alexander Niel and you can usually meet him at the disco Underworld. At the Save house, the files are examined and the Runners discover that 4 identical looking people (4 x Frank) meet in the apartment and then leave together. A call to Yellena Tukov reveals that there is only one SIN forger in Hamburg who would be able to produce 4 almost identical SINs in such a short time as Frank escaped. His name is Alexander Niel and you can usually meet him at the disco Underworld.


GDI has 4 new tracks they need to follow.


  • 14.000 Nuyen (7 RVP) double of that for Weapons, Armor, Cyberware, Bioware or Drones up to AV19
  • 2.000 Nuyen Negotiation Money
  • 7 Karma (7 RVP)
  • 6 CDP (2 RVP)


  • Joshua Calvert (C6/L3) (8 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)