Renegotiating the Projects
In recent days, Runners have realized that the Redmon Rejuvenation Project--A well-meaning, if somewhat naive, attempt to help the people of the Redmond Barrens gain access to steady living and rejuvenate the soil into something north of 'Apocalypse,' is a venture doomed to corruption if it continues working so closely with the Weeners. And so, they intrepidly went forth and offered contact with some folks that they knew who were in the business of charitable enterprises in the hopes that Mint would perhaps move out of the Halloweener sphere of influence. The only hitch in this is--They're currently her sole source of income and manpower. More likely than not, they were the initial investors of her enterprise to begin with. To cross the Weeners would bring substantial risk to everyone she's employing, and so Mint is currently looking into solutions.
Redmond Rejuvenation Project
Important Members
Mint - The FOO(Farm Operations Office) of the RRP. She's spearheading the initiative, and would like nothing less than to see Halloweener influence reduced and the people of Redmond to flourish.
Bruno Pereira - A veteran whose thrown his lot in with Mint after seeing she's fighting the good fight. He's taken over a block of Redmond and is currently using the food provided by the RRP's farms to pay for construction efforts. He's likely in need of a solid construction materials contract, however, and could probably provide his expertise in construction and engineering in return. His crew is SINless, however, and he's additionally looking for some way to at least get them some fake SINs.
Jet Set - The smuggler of the RRP. He's got a soft spot for the initiative, and a world-class talent for aircraft. While he's not got any personal skin in this game, he's the man who gets the goods where they have to be, and ultimately any negotiations for new routes are going to pass through him.
The project looking to distance themselves from the Halloweeners. Currently, they're a "perfectly legitimate" "sugarcane plantation startup," a cover story for their smuggling operations, as well as why they seem so concerned with employing the locals and restoring the soil. They currently receive the majority of their funding from smuggling to the Weeners, as well as the majority of their manpower. Mint has recently been provided some promising leads to spread out and hopefully away from the gangers, but this isn't something to be done lightly. She's looking to quietly amass manpower and capital, as well as lucrative trading agreements, so that she can spring out from beneath the Halloweeners without the backlash killing everyone she's helping.
Important Members
King HumungaMax - Mint's current boss, so to speak. He pays her checks, he provides security. And he's likely to be pissed when she steps out from under his thumb. Still, he's the cold and calculated type--He likely realizes already she's trying, and is actively working to prevent anyone from interfering.
The Weekender - King HumungaMax's psychotic COO. She's also a prominent fixer for Horizon, and generally the more dangerous element at play; she's not likely to be subtle, save to outfox any Runners who try to double-cross her. She won't be mad that Mint double-crossed the Weeners; she'll be delighted.
The Halloweeners have little active goal here, save to get a return on their investment. They will be pissed, naturally, to lose the RRP's business, but that's almost more of a reputational concern than a material one. Their sights will be on preserving the deal while they can, whether through threat or subterfuge, and then on retaliation once ties have been broken.
Literally Anyone Else
Important Members
Messner Vukotic - A potential name thrown into the ring of people to seek out connections with. He's a street doc who works with the Skraacha--Except for the part where he actively tries to stop people from joining gangs. He might be more open to working with the RRP, though, as they're explicitly not trying to throw people into the meat grinder.
Name | GM | Date | Runners |
Redmond Rodeo Run | Eddren | 30 December 2085 | Metamorphosis John Galt Limitless Pockets |