Satoko Obara

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Satoko Obara
MCT project manager
Contact Owneritsalotus
Owner's Discord NameLotus
Public Contact?Yes
LocationTokyo, Japan
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen, MCT script, Information
Personal LifeNone of your concern
AspectsAs important as what you can do.
Not worth my time
MCT upper class
Cybernetics cache
Nanotech apologist
Drone purveyor
Drone Spe-shell-ty
Worth my time
Mover and shaker
Behind closed doors
Emerged research


Obara is a manager and fixer for MCT, having spent many years climbing the ladders of the corp, and with no intention of trying to stop any time soon. He's a cold, ruthless man, with most of the humanity removed from him by the nature of corporate politics. Currently, he's the lead manager for the Achilles project, an attempt to create clandestine cyborg bodyguards for social events or infiltration. While he's in charge of the project overall, he has assistants that handle the day-to-day work involving the prototypes.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
As important as what you can do. Obara has little time for pleasantries, or people who he can't use. Increasing His loyalty always requires a run.
Not worth my time Obara expects to not be bothered with minor details. -2 to any rolls that would be considered beneath him, which includes any roll that he cannot apply an aspect to.
MCT upper class Obara has spent decades climbing the corporate ladder, and has connections throughout the corp. +2 to networking rolls involving MCT or subsidiaries.
Cybernetics cache Obara is heavily interested in cybernetic technology, and what uses it has. +2 to gear rolls to acquire cyberware.
Nanotech apologist Despite certain recent events in the field, Obara still believes nanotechnology has immense potential, and has personally invested in it heavily. +2 to gear rolls to acquire nanotech.
Drone purveyor Due to his current position, Obara has easy access to drones and drone parts. +2 to gear rolls to acquire drones.
Drone Spe-shell-ty Obara currently has a wealth of anthrodrone-related items. +2 to gear rolls to acquire anthrodrones or upgrades for them.
Worth my time When he does view something as being a worthwhile endeavor, Obara gives it his all. +2 to gear rolls to acquire items worth at least 10,000 nuyen.
Mover and shaker Obara has friends in high places, and some of his friends owe him things. +2 to networking checks involving corps with at least an A rating.
Behind closed doors Obara navigates the corporate life with grace and ease. +2 for knowledge checks involving corporate culture.
Emerged research Obara seems to know a lot about technomancers. Best not to ask why. +2 for knowledge checks relating to technomancy or the resonance.


Knowledge Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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