Too Hot to Hana-dle

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Too Hot to Hana-dle
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Triad Guys


Runners are tasked with an extraction. They cleanly ghost the job.


Angélica Cabral needs help with a situation created during the events of Hopquest and expanded on during the course of Triad By Fire - Hana, the Triad mage who has been freed of her binds is still being pursued by the Yellow Lotus. They're tasked with getting her out of a bad situation to ease pressure on the clinic where she was being held and treated.

The Meet

Ms. Johnson, a red squirrel SURGE, welcomes the team to a backroom in the Daze - where she explains the situation. The triads are trying to reclaim a mage of theirs, and they're menacing a clinic which she has ties to. She makes clear that she's expecting trouble - potentially a threat at the clinic, potentially an attack from foes patrolling the area. The team is requested to collect the mage and bring her to the Tacoma docks.

The Plan

Initially, the team plans to perform a hot extraction. P23 pays for additional modifications to her vehicle - purchasing deployable spike strips to send any chasing foes spinning aside. Quinn helps with the installation. Obsidian prepares Blight capsule rounds for use against the spirit Opfor they expect of the Triads. Quinn also prepares a great deal of alchemical preps - several preps of Analyze Device and Increase Charisma.

A driveby of the clinic, however, reveals a lot of concerning opposition lined up for them. Obsidian spots out a powerful mage and an adept watching from windows above. P23 sees that there are multiple cars in the area - armored up, presumably with people inside. Quinn notices strange behavior from a group of several thugs, watching the clinic. Seeing the heavy security presence of OpFor, the team elects to try a different route than a hot extraction.

The Run

Thinking quickly, Quinn suggests that - rather than the team going hot, they try something a little different. Send in her drone without her in it - and pull the mage out that way.

They pivot quickly - changing into fashion armor, Obsidian and P23 escort the mech inside while Quinn dives into the clinic's host. While she's an amateur hacker, with the help of magic on her side she avoids the notice of the OpFor decker on the way in - and successfully edits the feed of the camera in the room of the mage to loop it. While she maintains the loop, the team enter. Obsidian picks out someone watching the room - blatantly a member of the triads, keeping watch on things. They assense each other - and for a brief moment, there's tension in the room. But the party just moves on to the room where the mage is being kept as P23 and Obsidian both successfully bluff their way past the man.

The team enters the clinic's room where the mage is waiting in a mage hood and cuffs. Obsidian sits down with Hana while Quinn turns on a noise cancelling device - briefly explaining the situation. A careful bit of convincing later, and Hana climbs into the mech - going along with the plan.

The team is on the way out when Quinn hears something suspicious - steps approach the car, and there's a faint tap of something being attached to the bottom of the vehicle. She immediately draws the conclusion that someone's bugged the car. The team leaves - and stops at a store not far away. Rather than destroy the tag, P23 gets out of the car, playing it natural for the benefit of as she sneaks a datatap onto the tag - allowing Quinn to hack it directly. After ensuring that the tag is feeding incorrect data back to the decker, the team drives off once more - taking the long way to the docks.


The team stops by Taco Temple on the way back home - bringing extra food along for the Johnson and her guards. The mage is handed off without a great deal of thought.


Run Rewards for "Too Hot to Hana-dle" (Deadly, 18 RVP)

10,000 Nuyen - 5 RVP

9 Karma - 9 RVP

10 CDP - 4 RVP + Base

+5 Knights Hospitaller Rep - for extracting a mage from an area controlled by the Triads without a single shot fired.


Contact "Angélica Cabral", Knights Hospitaller Fixer, Connection 4, Loyalty 2 - 5 RVP or 10 CDP

Up to 20,000 Nuyen in Vehicles or vehicle mods up to 18 Availability - 5 RVP

For Obsidian:

Optional Quality - Honest Face (5 RVP)

For Peace:

Optional Quality - Honest Face (5 RVP)

Counts as a mundane ascension for P23/Peace!

For Quinn:

Optional Quality - Drug Tolerant (6 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Quinn - "That was fun! I got to go on a run with my sister, and got a ton of money for it! Was hardly a problem, things went very smooth!"

Obsidian - "The plan went well! Though with two Tir Paladins and a skilled Rigger, I expect such excellence~ It was good meeting a knight-sister, I will admit I thought I'd be alone for that front for a little longer.

Peace - "[Sperethiel: Contingencies upon contingencies upon contingencies - work backwards from your initial plan onto something that is smart, quiet, and manageable. To get someone out without notice, without a shot fired, and with only some creative driving and hacking, things went perfectly. My sister-knight and little sister were both excellent in their deployment, and I could not have asked for a better team.]"

"[English: I look forward to working alongside the Knights Hospitaller.]"