Un Voyage de Mille Kilometres
Un Voyage de Mille Kilometres | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven | Major Corp | ||||||||
Six of Hearts Stacy Geodesic Kamillion |
Character1 Character2 | ||||||||
Casualties and losses | |||||||||
None |
Runners are hired to place a powerful sprite (identified as a standard yet powerful spyware program by the J) to steal data from a secure server at the Headquarters of Alphatech Omeganet, a subsidiary of the AA Corporation, Pentex.
Cecilia Cross wants information on CATCo dealings from before the crash and subsequent dissolution of CATCo.
The Meet
The runners are contacted by their various fixers or the J directly. All parties arrive E-Vue, the J's selected location for the meet. The runners wait in line to be admitted and make their way to a secure office room upstairs. The J is revealed to be none other than Cecilia Cross, CATCo Princess and architect of it's attempted reconstruction. Geodesic suffers a minor panic attack at seeing the woman, only maintaining their composure with the help of Stacy. Cecelia tells the team that she wants them to break into a secure server room located at the HQ of a subsidiary company to a AA corporation located in Quebec. Money is offered, haggling ensues, and favors are offered. The team is ultimately given an operations account, free travel accommodations, and a hotel room upon arrival. The team departs for Quebec the next day, ready to face the challenges before them.
The Plan
After careful observation of the building and surrounding areas, a social infiltration with exterior matrix and team coordination is deemed to be the most likely method of success. Six of Hearts and Kamillion will use their respective cybernetic and magic powers to imitate two technicians within the company, infiltrate through security via matrix support for Geodesic, with disguise assistance and external team coordination from Stacy. Six of Hearts and Kamillion will then ambush the the two technicians in the bathroom after drawing them there with a feigned tech issue that is accessed from the bathroom, subdue the techs, and take their place. They'll utilize badges forged by Geodesic to maneuver through the building, arriving at the isolated server room. Once access has been achieved, Six of Hearts will utilize programmed smart corrosives to bore through the wall and Faraday cage to feed an antennae outside, allowing Geodesic to plant the spyware program. Six of Hearts and Kamillion will then exfiltrate and disappear.
The Run
The team separates into their assigned roles to gather as much information as possible. Six of Hearts observes the building itself, noting security patterns, shift changes, and entry procedures. Geodesic infiltrates the buildings matrix host, pulling data in order to forget RFID chips for access badges, as well as information on their chosen targets for replacement. Stacy and Kamillion tail the targets, learning everything they can about the mannerisms, accents, and whatever information they might need in order to successfully impersonate the technicians. This takes a few days.
Once enough information has been gathered, the team puts their plan into motion. Stay assists Six of Hearts and Kamillion with their disguises while Geodesic infiltrates the host once again in order to assist Six of Hearts and Kamillion through security. The infiltrators then approach security and are successfully badge through thanks to Geodesic fooling the computers into thinking their targets weren't already in the building.
Six of Hearts and Kamillion make their way to the ambush site while Geodesic prepares to fake a tech problem for the targets to investigate. Once the targets make their way to the ambush site, Six of Hearts jumps from her hiding spot, attempting to hit both targets with a tranq slap patch. She succeeds with one but misses the other. The target manages to get a yelp out over the radio before they are ultimately subdued. Kamillion, with their quick thinking, radios out that they had accidentally shocked themselves and was fine. The unconscious bodies of the techs are hidden after the necessary biometrics are copied. Six of Hearts and Kamillion make their way to the third floor, the assorted staff members none the wiser.
Gaining access to the isolated server room, Kamillion sets to work attaching a small wired antennae as Six of Hearts stealthily applies programmed smart corrosives onto the wall, boring a small hole outside the farady cage, allowing them to feed the antennae to the outside, bypassing the remote and unshakable nature of the server. Geodesic uploads the Spyware program (read: courier sprite), as well as taking a little data on Cecilia Cross for themselves. Everything is put back as it was, and the infiltrators exfiltrate with no one the wiser to their deeds, disappearing into the midday crowds.
Six of Hearts contacts Cecilia to inform her of the teams success, confirmed by the information flow from the sprite to Cecilia. The team is paid and offered transport back to Seattle. Six of Hearts and Geodesic take the ride back, while Stacy and Kamillion opt to stay in Quebec for a little while longer.
- 12,000 nuyen
- 4 karma
- 12 CDP
- Optional Contact: Cecelia Cross (C5/L2 Corpo Techno) for 6 RVP or 12 CDP
- Optional Gear Reward: Fake SIN + Licenses for the Republic of Quebec @ 2:1 cost
- Optional Quality: Profiler @ chargen rates
For Six of Hearts:
- Ascension rewards (costs 5 RVP)
Narrative Consequences:
- Cecelia Cross successfully places her "spyware" inside the Quebec City Alphatech Omeganet data center, gaining access to the archives of CatCo pre-crash information within their network as well as the redacted files from their time as a NeoNET company.
- Geodesic manages to recover intel on Cecelia Cross' childhood - this may be important later.
- Six of Hearts owes Cecelia Cross a favor to be repayed at a later date.
Game Quotes
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
Six of Hearts
Well, that was definitely a run outside the norm. Haven't ever really done a social infiltration before. And no shots fired. It feels good to expand my skillset into something im not used to. Good to see Geo again. Kamillion and Stacy definitely seemed competent. Good to know theres more runners I can count on when working together. Well, maybe not count on... you know what I mean.
Watching the others work was absolutely fascinating. So many people with so many skill sets I thought impossible without divine intervention. The world we live in is truly a mysterious place and I look forward to meeting new people. Stacy was cheery, which struck me as odd at first, but she's growing on me. Six of Hearts seems to be without flaw. There must be something behind that rough exterior. Geodesic is a fascinating case. Extremely proficient with matrix support, that one.