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DragonJapes Regional Manager
Unluckiest Drake in the Sixth World
Japery Enthusiast
A Good Boi
Contact OwnerOrionsRequiem
Owner's Discord NameOrionsRequiem
Public Contact?Yes
LocationRedmond, Seattle
MetatypeDrake (Human Metahuman form)
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Hobbies/ViceJoke Creation
Personal LifeSingle
DragonJapes Regional manager
Dracoform Networker
Policlubs & Shadow groups
What'cha talking about Willis?


A young drake that Awakened to his draconic heritage as a teenager and was taken in as an apprentice by Veorvinteth before getting involved with the splinter sect of the Children of the Dragon. He is a shy and reserved man, however he has a passion for practical jokes and other humorous situations.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Drake Willis is not a powerful or dangerous Drake, but he does have the powers and abilities of a drake, along with being a Magic 3 magician
DragonJapes Regional manager If you need an odd piece of gear purchased or made, Willis has access to several off-the-wall prank materials and magical goods that can be used for general japery
Dracoform Networker If you need to know a dracoform in North America, Willis probably knows about them and might even be able to reach out and give you a recommendation.
Cults, Policlubs & Shadow groups Due to the unfortunate time that Willis spent within the Children of the Dragon cult, he has a deep understanding of cults and they're formation, and this has expended to other groups across the light and shadow.
What'cha talking about Willis? Willis can talk for a long time about something that he's interested in. When more than one aspect applies to any given roll, Willis gains an additional +2 as he delivers too much information, only some of which is useful.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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