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WCM Mage, Social Infiltrator
Смерть гангстерам, слава моноліту Західного узбережжя
Can you meet my uncle? Well, only if he wants you to - otherwise, even the best agents in the world couldn't see him.
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - A
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


A member of the WCM, Čarivnýk is a loud and proud opponent of the syndicates and a magician who practises the traditional magic of his home, Ukraine.


Lead the WCM to not only targeting gangs, but also syndicates.

Expand the influence of the WCM beyond Redmond.

Climb as high as possible in the WCM

Grow closer to Dyad'Ko.


When the Sixth World arrived, countless traditions once long gone returned to the world in full force - magic making Christianity, though still dominant, not the only religion most people practised or knew about. And in Ukraine, the traditional animistic view of the world with the worship of Svraoh and countless other deities alongside ancestors returned. And, among the countless people returning to folk tradition and ancient Gods were the Palamar family in Kharkiv - archaeologists who were a part of the Atlantean Foundation exploring Mezyn for it's 4th world artefacts. And, the parents of one Stepan Palamar. Being raised in this environment, while Stepan hardly paid attention to most of the history lessons, in his youth while they'd bring him on the sidelines of explorations of Mezyn, he'd sneakily look at files and would learn of a history that his school teachers never would talk about - a world of technology advanced well beyond what the bronze age should've had, the 4th world, information that he learned from other papers was something he shouldn't talk about aloud with anyone - and so he kept it to his heart, always keeping that bit of knowledge he got about a world of magic before this one in his mind.

At 11, Stepan would experience puberty, and while it came with all of the usual experiences, one that only one in a million kids experience also came with it. At a family reunion, one more member was there, refusing to give any name but "Dyad'Ko" and no one else noticing him. However, despite this odd appearance, great excitement and joy sparked in Stepan meeting a member of his family only he could see - and when the joy burned hot, Dyad'Ko offered a hand to the young boy. When their hands touched, and as two became one for but this moment, his eyes opened wider than they had ever been as reality revealed itself to him - all objects and their spirits, the warm glow of the Gods presence, this was an Awakening, and all he felt was love for the world despite it's shadows. However, to the family, seeing all the tableware start flying around the room in a tornado of magic both was shocking and greatly adored - the family had a magical son, it seems. However, unlike the Hermetics and Qabbalists who would take their son to a new school to learn magic, the family entrusted this mysterious "Dyad'Ko" who had now revealed themselves to the others as an ancestor who was once a great healer in the Palamar family to teach their son magic. And fair enough, he did so well enough, resulting in a rather skilled and versatile magician from the young Palamar.

Only 4 years went by when this illusion of safety shattered and strange men came knocking on the family's doorstep. It appears that Stepan's father was taking loans from the Red Vory and wasn't exactly paying on time. When he opened the door he was greeted with a knife to the neck, as it appears they decided to take back their payment in pounds of flesh. Mortified, Stepan and his mother ran, and while Stepan was able to hide, his mother was not. He saw the man had spotted him, and so, in a hasty decision, ran to the gun cabinet, grabbed his dad's handgun, and ended the life of a Made Man before his mother could be killed. They officially now were enemies of the Red Vory, and they needed to leave Ukraine as fast as possible, begging the Atlantean Foundation for safety - and, surprisingly, their wish was granted as their mother was moderately useful in their archaeological expeditions. They were given a plane to Seattle, and they just needed to get on it, but before his mother could head to the airport she too was murdered by the Red Vory, leaving only Stepan to escape Ukraine, fostering a deep hatred of the Red Vory which eventually would spread into all Syndicates.

When he arrived, he was offered a chance to live with the company and get a job once he turned 18, but he declined, thus being left for the wolves in the foster system. However, after getting two elven parents, he managed to not get screwed - at least he wasn't sold to any number of rings, dissected, or whatever - but he still decided that once he turned 18 he would join the UCAS Armed Forces. His contract was 3 years of service, 5 years of IRR - generous due to being an awakened member - and while he did serve his 3 active years, his IRR would never be accomplished after one fateful day. While watching the news in an attempt to live a normal life, he caught wind of a report about the murder of an entire family, including the two children, by suspected members of the Laesa. Something snapped within him, as he knew he had to wage war on not just Laesa or Red Vory, but all Syndicates and even Gangs. It would take some time, but following the rumour trail would lead him to a bar in Touristville and meeting a strange drugged out man by the name of Bolt. Talking with him, he eventually would end up recruited by the WCM, having his SIN burnt by Hextech, leaving him now purely a ganger - however, paramilitary gangs don't exactly pay the bills, even as he now lived in a fucking awful shack in the Glow City. He needed something else, and Bolt had just the idea for someone with no legal identity and the skills of a mage and a killer - Shadowrunning.

It was a rather easy thing for him to get through, charming his way to the J's heart and ending up joining the Haven as Čarivnýk - the Ukrainian Sorcerer.

Narrative Significant Qualities


History Is Not As Certain As We Are Taught - Learned from his parent's ties to the Atlantean Foundation and his sneaky reading, Čarivnýk knows a bit about the 4th world regarding the past of his homeland: dangerous knowledge for sure.

Mentor Spirit (Alt Spider) - Dyad'Ko - Ukrainian for Uncle - is a mysterious mentor spirit. He's deeply intelligent and always providing foresight, but deeply enigmatic. He claims to be a long ancestor of Stepan, having once been a powerful folk healer, but never will reveal his name, and doesn't even call Čarivnýk by any name other than "Pleminnyk" - Nephew.

Rad-Tolerant - Being a member of the WCM, Čarivnýk is deeply resilient to radiation, leading to him not even requiring any radiation tolerance treatments when combined with his anti-radiation spells.


No Man Left Behind - Čarivnýk is quite quick to try and save any downed members, partially due to his military training, partially due to just having tucked away morals in him.

Prejudiced (Outspoken against Gangers, Radical against Made Men / Willing Syndicate Members) - As to be expected of any WCM member, Čarivnýk hates gangers, but more notably he hates syndies far far more. It's the core reason he wants for the WCM to expand into also fighting against syndicates.

Minor Trivia

Čarivnýk is a big fan of J-Rock and J-Pop. He enjoys beets and beet-based dishes, such as red borscht and vampiro aguachile. Partially he uses pistols just because he believes they're cool, though it's a happy accident that they end up working with his role well. Until he was 8, he called Svaroh "Shara". (meaning free of charge)

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Bolt 3 4 Fixer Gang Leader Fixer's Fury, HTR Harrier, Stealth & Subterfuge, Retired Yet Sharp Even
Hextech 4 1 Custom(G,A,K,N)
Black Stalker
AI Expert, Engineer, Technomancy, Cybertechnologist, Custom Armory Even
Meat 2 1 Legwork Scout Reticence, Tunnels, Navigation, Tracking, Org Underground Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
West Coast Monolith Private 1 1 Paramilitary Gang Maintaining Glow City, Redmond

Non-WCM Reputation

In Character Information

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Ukrainian pagan mage and shadowrunner - seems somewhat military-like.
3 One of the awakened for the WCM living out in the Glow City.
6 Stepan Palamar, shadowrunner and WCM Private, living in Glow City, immigrant from Ukraine after he fled from the Red Vory, and entirely known by the Atlantean Foundation.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A mage who doesn't only just know how to do magic - a godsdamned unicorn.
3 A WCM member, so uh, don't get him involved with ganger shit unless it involves screwing with either another gang or the gang itself.
5 This guy's entire biometrics are apparently in the hands of the Atlantean Foundation, if he pisses them off, don't be the runner with him if you want to stay alive.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Awakened
2 No Cyberware
3 No Alphaware, No Maladies
4 No Bioware, No Betaware, 6.000 Essence, 4 Magic
5 No Deltaware, No Genetech, No Nanotech, No Disease or Toxins, Not A Technomancer


Volodymyr Ivanshechenko - R3 Ukraine Immigrant SIN

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
West Coast Monolith As a member of the WCM, there's bound to be issues with gangers or jobs he takes just to fuck with gangers. If it involves assisting the WCM, Čarivnýk would take it.
Caught Red Handed The Red Vory could potentially trace the killing of one of their made men back to him, and killing a made man is not an offence easily forgiven.
Syndicate Slasher He desperately hates all syndicates and hopes to one day lead to the WCM fighting against syndicates in addition to gangs.
Spiritual Attendant While he does bind spirits and believes some spirits are outright evil, he in general takes great offence to the mistreatment of non-evil spirits, and if a run involves putting a few rounds into the head of an elementalist he's not against it.

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