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|data14 = Ancient
|data14 = Ancient
|label15 = Folder
|label15 = Folder
|data15 =[]
|data15 =[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10TG2Wbbag4JEqdFRTI9NRO9GNF46Gxqr?usp=sharing]
|label16 = Priority
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = <br />Metatype - C <br /> Attributes - A <br /> Magic/Resonance - A <br /> Skills - E <br /> Resources - E
|data16 = <br />Metatype - C <br /> Attributes - A <br /> Magic/Resonance - A <br /> Skills - E <br /> Resources - E

Revision as of 12:26, 23 January 2024

The Wandering Pox
Die young and leave a purulent corpse.
MetatypeKoborokuru Goblin
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Metatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - E
Initiations Unlocked6
Initiations Claimed0
Optional Infected Powers Available7


A traveller back from decades past, Plaguemaster's origins much like everything else about him are lost. He has a faint, difficult to place accent and finds a deep fascination in medicine and pathology. The goblin wanders Seattle's underground network in search of peculiar diseases, on occasion providing treatment to strangers. This may range from from disinfection to diagnosing symptoms and writing prescriptions of cheap drugs the person can go buy for their ailment. In other cases, defends himself with the claws of the dead, pulling once dead bodies back into life to protect him from those that would accost a seemingly defenseless, decrepit old man.

On occasion, fixers in need of more manpower call upon him to help out with shadowruns involving capture and delivery due to his ability to both harm and heal. He staves off the influence of toxic magic through his staunch beliefs and core principles which aid in grounding his mind on the side of sanity; he doesn't want to watch the whole world burn in rampant contagions. Then again, he's also not going to stop it from happening. Those who are in the delirium of aggressive pathogens are blessed in his eyes, suffering the true struggle of living beings. Unlike truly toxic disease mages, however, Plaguemaster doesn't see the march of disease as the end goal, but rather as an obstacle to overcome. He views sickness as a purifying trial for both body and mind, thus earning him the ire of those he'd otherwise be lumped together with.

Plaguemaster is a self-taught doctor and a pathologist. Toxic whispers echo in his mind from time to time, but he pays them no need. The cure and the disease are not opposites. They are symbiotic and both are required for the true experience in life.


  • Learn more about medicine and pathogens
  • Understand HMHVV and its strains in particular
  • Grow in power to be capable of healing and treating any ailment
  • Resist toxic taint of any kind


Plaguemaster is a hooded, robed figure with nylon and kevlar intervowen into his dirtied, old clothes. He walks around with a cane that doubles as a scythe, but behind the mask he's a hairless, skin-and-bones husk of a dwarf with vaguely Asian features and pale skin. He has a pox-scarred back, implying he may have had a severe viral infection in early childhood.


Plaguemaster adores the art of medicine as much as he adores the tenacity and raw power of various diseases. He wants to master both sides, the crafting of illnesses and improving their vectors as well as how to cure them, yet he views all life as sacred and worth admiring, if not preserving.

Positive & Negative Qualities

  • Infected: Goblin - I burn, yet do not burn. I spread, yet stand still. I am the fever. I am the pox.
    1. Celerity - Moving at the speed of plague.
    2. Aged - As long as the idyllic river of bacteria flows, so too shall I.
    3. Impassive - Every year, up to 500,000 people die from influenza. How, exactly, are you unique?

  • Student of the Poxmother - Birth of our suffering, the nurse and her lamp, the warm embrace of fever. She sees our torment and would have us surpass it.
    1. Mentor Spirit - She arrived to me in a fever dream. Knowledge and vision flows to those who comprehend the world beyond our eyes, for it is her that knows all.
    2. Mentor's Mask - The green miasma of the Poxmother's influence is as carrion winds before me. When I tap into her gifts, so too shall I bring her mists to this world.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
/clean up that Rat's nest!J.R.High24 June 2085
Roll Me UpDawnfireLow23 May 2085
Medicinal MysteriesLotusHigh25 February 2085


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Father Midnight 5 2 Fixer(G,N,K,A)
Underworld, Undead, Undertaker, Underground, Reaper's Harvest, Forensics Even
Bubblegum 1 1 Gear Fake SINner Corporate Forger, SINner, Nothing Lasts Forever, Knows How She Got Here Even

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Infrequent sightings of a robed dwarf in the Ork Underground have persisted as long as the Matrix has existed, possibly more.
3 Some sparse witness testimonies claim a figure matching this description has appeared to them in dreams, offering cures to fevers. After waking up, signs of a break-in were noticed.
6 Over five different witness accounts claim to have shot the figure dead, only for him to show up months later all over again. This has led to theories of a cult with multiple members.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 An alchemist in the Ork Underground.
3 Was known for working a few jobs in the Haven some years back. Went missing afterwards.
5 Is known to carry around bone motifs, leading some to suspect use of ritualistic fetishes.

Assensing Table

Threshold Description
1 Dual-natured and deathly sick with the bubonic plague.
2 A mystic adept and an infected Goblin expression of HMHVV-1.
3 High Essence. Appears to carry several serious diseases within his body. May be a carrier to most of them.
4 6 Essence, 7 Magic.
5 Not a technomancer.