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After Nebelherr's return to Chiemsee in '73, she meets regularly with her employer and has resumed her position as his spokeswoman. Among other things, she takes on the task of shielding the dragon from annoying interview requests, and also keeps in touch with the shadow scene on his behalf, for which she seems virtually predestined as a former intelligence officer.
After Nebelherr's return to Chiemsee in '73, she meets regularly with her employer and has resumed her position as his spokeswoman. Among other things, she takes on the task of shielding the dragon from annoying interview requests, and also keeps in touch with the shadow scene on his behalf, for which she seems virtually predestined as a former intelligence officer.
'''GM Notes'''
* Nebelherr

==Aspects Description==
==Aspects Description==

Revision as of 21:54, 13 March 2022

Amélia Bezerra
Speaker for Nebelherr
Represents Nebelherr at meeting of the DeMeKo Group Board of Directors
Intelligence Officer
Shadow Scene Contact
Contact OwnerKaterSalem
Public Contact?no
LocationHamburg, Chiemsee
Preferred Payment MethodFavor
Personal LifeNone of your business
FactionDeMeKo, Nebelherr
You are only business
Dragon Game insider
Dallmayr influence
Movie business insider
DeMeKo connections
News is what I pretend
Audience on Herreninsel
Information Broker
Faster than the news
An eye on S-K activities
Pepper sack politics
Magical mission
High society
Speaker connections


Amélia Bezerra is a tol-kachi and information broker from Portugal.

She acts as a negotiator/agent for the adult western dragon Nebelherr, and represents him at meetings of the board of the Hamburg-based DeMeKo group, in which Nebelherr holds 8% of the shares.

In the past she is said to have worked for Aegis Cognito.

After Nebelherr's return to Chiemsee in '73, she meets regularly with her employer and has resumed her position as his spokeswoman. Among other things, she takes on the task of shielding the dragon from annoying interview requests, and also keeps in touch with the shadow scene on his behalf, for which she seems virtually predestined as a former intelligence officer.

GM Notes

  • Nebelherr

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Spokeswoman Will never work against Nebelherr or the DeMeKo and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty from Nebelherr or the DeMeKo. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against Nebelherr or the DeMeKo roll a loyalty check. if it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to reearn favor with her.
You are only business Amélia's loyalty can only raised above 2 as a run reward from runs with a threat level of extreme or above and increased by only one per run.
Dragon Game insider She knows who is pursuing what goals in the great game of dragons. +2 dice for knowledge checks with the theme of dragons and dragon politics.
Dallmayr influence Dallmayr a group in the hands of Nebelherr holds 10% shares in the Black Sherriffs. +2 dice for Black Sherriff-related networking checks.
Movie business insider Amélia is very thorough and even knows all the hottest stars and starlets from the past. +2 dice on knowledge checks related to movies or the movie industry
DeMeKo connections As a representative of Nebelherr, she has a great influence on the decisions of DeMeKo and correspondingly good connections in the film business. +2 dice for networking checks related to DeMeKo or the movie industry.
News is what I pretend A significant part of their job is keeping Nebelherr out of the news when he doesn't want to be there, or getting him in when he wants to be there. +2 dice for networking checks related to news agencies in the AGS, Switzerland, France and Austria.
6 +2 dice for
7 +2 dice for
8 +2 dice for
9 +2 dice for
10 +2 dice for
11 +2 dice for
12 +2 dice for
Audience on Herreninsel She can get you an audience with Nebelherr. But be warned, even if Nebelherr maintains an excellent public image and supposedly has excellent manners, he is still a dragon. Choose your enemy wisely. (Whether an audience comes about is the decision of the GM.)


Knowledge Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 18 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact


NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Danzing with a Dragon - the MovieKaterSalemArtifact hunt22 July 2083
The book of a dragonKaterSalem4 March 2083