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<!-- Optional: Any factions who were allied to the runners -->
<!-- Optional: Any factions who were allied to the runners -->
|Ally=Edelweiss Pirates
|Ally=Carleton Moreau
|Ally2=Blazinng Swords
|Ally2=Edelweiss Pirates

Latest revision as of 14:49, 31 March 2024

Sticky Fingers
Part of The C in UCAS is for Corruption
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Carleton Moreau
Edelweiss Pirates
Hellsouls MC


Carleton Moreau hires the runners for a two part mission. First, record the selling of stolen maple syrup to the Hellsouls MC. The Blazing Swords will pass the video to a media contact and use the scandal to force out a corrupt official. Second, steal the syrup from the motards and give it to Moreau. As a result of negotiations, Moreau offered a side objective - plant incriminating evidence on the motards before returning with the syrup. Moreau will sell the stolen syrup to to the Violi Mafia family in Toronto and use the proceeds to establish an antifa cell in Ottawa-Gatineau.


A coalition of Do-Gooder groups is slowly developing in Quebec and Ontario. The Blazing Swords operate in Ottawa/Gatineau and Montreal. The Imagination Foundation operates in Toronto. Their primary focus is on governmental corruption but organized crime and megacorporations are frequently involved. These groups hire shadowrunners reluctantly; they don't pay well and eschew lethal violence. When possible they try to cooperate with Antifa groups through the Edelweiss Pirates. Even though the pay is poor, widespread corruption in the sixth world offers a plethora of opportunities for work in the shadows.

The Meet

The Meet - The runners all made their way to the private aircraft lounge at sea-tac with a lot of time to spare. Lots of time to carefully examine their surroundings as they entered. Archivist and Thunder were first followed a few seconds later by Pasiphae. Moreau greeted the team warmly and offered refreshments. Thud responded with a level of enthusiasm that can only be reached by a very large, very hungry troll. Archivist set up an encrypted dni network and got down to business. Carleton laid out the goals, constraints, oppostion, and payment. The team argued for adjustments and argued effectively - they got some front money and a side deal. They plant incriminating evidence in return for a favor to cash in during the run.

The Flight - Pasiphae and Thunder loaded the duffle bags onto the plane while carefully checking provenance, air-worthiness, and signs of surveillance. In the meantime Archivist entertained the ground crew putting on a sky diving parachute. Moreau pointed out the wet bar, mini-kitchen, and matrix access and went forward with the pilot. Pasiphae went into a meditative trance while Archivist logged on for some legwork. Thunder plundered the mini-kitchen. The team spent the rest of the flight resting and meditating.

The Safehouse - Arriving in Ottawa, the runners accepted Moreau's offer of a loaner Ford Americar. While driving to the safehouse, the team stopped at a Wally's Weapons World outlet for supplies. After shopping Archivist struck up a conversation with a young human female clerk. After assuring her that he absolutely LOVED the same type of kind of music as the clerk, they agreed to meet at a concert in Ottawa at 9 pm. As they approached the safehouse the sharp-eyed runners noticed several motorcycle riders wearing patches saying Lone Wolf - No Club. Upon arrival they met Camille Delacroix, the safehouse mistress and a young security spider with a Blazing Swords AR overlay. After some more legwork the team decided to reconnoiter the target site, the Arena Guy Lafleur across the river in Thurso Quebec.

The Ferry - As the team approaches the ferry port they see that the ferry is "closed for maintanance" with a young man repairing an item next to the small pilot's cabin. The team notices that the young man has a pistol as well as a wrench and has a Blazing Swords AR overlay. After exchanging pleasantries with the pilot during the short ride across the border, the team disembarks and scouts the area of the Arena. They take note of points of access and egress, areas of cover, and lines of sight. They then return across the border to the safehouse for planning and preparations.

The Plan

Based on the information the team acquired from legwork and observation the runners assembled a plan for the recording of the exchange with the Hellsouls and the subsequent neutralization of the motards. The plan for the recording was simplicity itself - the team drove to the parking lot an hour before the anticipated arrival of the opposition, Archivist got out of the car, approached the door, and while peering at the hours-of-operation sign surreptitiously planted a micro-camera. The plan for the opposition had two parts. The first was Archivist on the reverse slope of the arena roof with a sniper rifle and narcojet injection rounds. The second was Pasiphae and Thud parking a short distance down the street and walking slowly hand in hand up the street - Young Trolls in Love. Preparations included Thunder summoning a powerful Spirit of Man and sustaining a spell.

The Run

The execution of the plan was almost flawless. There was a very violent 12 second combat, almost entirely silent with the loudest sounds generated by large Troll fists coming into contact with motards. At the end there were 6 Hellsouls down on the asphalt. The only hitch in the plan was a lucky punch from Pasiphae that came THIS close to killing a motard. After some quick healing Pasiphae planted the incriminating evidence on the Hellsouls lieutenant. The team then clambered into the truck and drove back to the ferry.


The team turned over the truck to the pilot who drove it away, and gave a chip with the recording to Moreau. After examining the chip, Moreau paid the runners the remainder of their money and expressed a definite interest in eploying them in the future. Moreau, Thunder, and Pasiphae returned to the safehouse to celebrate. Archivist rushed to Ottawa in the hopes of catching up with the Weapons World clerk. Only Archivist knows how the evening ended. It is true, however, that Pasiphae and Thunder discovered him passed out on the living room couch the next morning. His disheveled clothing, faint smell of perfume, and lipstick smears on his face and clothing were suggestive though...The team finished with a safe flight back to Seattle. Doubtless leaving the plane with an empty mini-kitchen yet again.


13 RVP and the option to buy Carleton Moreau and/or Camille Delacroix as contacts at in-game rate.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


Carleton was a gentleman and treated so well. I never had to run on an empty stomach. Flying in a private plane for the first time in my life - I will never forget. The hideout at Camille's was super comfortable and the breakfast really noteworthy. Music scene and nightlife was so fantastic that I decided to stick around for some time until the person I bunked with got tired of my mess in her apartment. Hope to get a chance to do some more work for Carleton soon and fly a private plane some time in the future.

Ah, and the run... Archive and Pasiphae were great partners. With solid research and preparation, the bust was very successful.