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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
[[Docteur Vega]] : I can't really say i was surprised that mobsters would do something like this. But i'd rather not be part of such things ever again, would be bad if i get found in such case. Anyway good things they didn't really picked up who i was, those Syndicates goons live in an hole.

Revision as of 05:50, 18 December 2023

Goodnight, Brigit
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Karen 'Sketch' O'Malley
Akane Sawatari
James 'Boxman' Box
Ranni 'The Witch' Nearl
Finnigan Family
Casualties and losses


The Hounds have a scheme to poke at some unprepared enemies. They hire runners to nab gear from a Finnigan importer that was skimming goods from the wrong fins.


The Hounds are a sub group within the Finnigans. The Hounds were a group set up as a penal unit for people scooped up by the Finnigans. Led by Spriggan, the hounds do their best to carve their own way through life and keep their bosses off their backs. When Spriggan isn't there, the team is led by Karen 'Sketch' O'Malley. More recently, the hounds have been caught in the conflict between the different Finnigan factions.

The Meet

The team met Sketch at a Hounds warehouse, and quickly got to work offering the team a job; go to the docks, nab their gear, and if the fins were skimming goods, then knock them off for going against the family. This would give the other Fins deniability over the job. The team agreed after negotiating, getting gear and money rewards in exchange.

The Plan

The team would pile into a Finnigan Van and drive to the docks to nab the gear.

The Run

The run went smoothly until the fins unloading the goods to the Runner's truck were stopping before the quota of gear was fulfilled. at just 29 boxes out of 34, the team quickly tried to intervene. Not explicitly looking like Finnigans themselves, it quickly turned from rough words to bullets flying.

A quick and bloody battle ensued, with most of the fins being murdered by the team, including Rurosha killing 5 of the Finnigans herself. Though, the team didn't kill everyone, and one lucky FInnigan was returned to the Hounds to be interrogated.


The Hounds deliver all the boxes of gear they were tasked with delivering. Triage burns all contact with the Finnigans.


10 K nuyen or 2x in gear (Drugs, Armor, Weapons, Cyberware) 5 RVP
5 Karma 5 RVP

v2 CDP Base

For Vega
+1 Finnigan Rep
For Rurosha and Hazard
+2 Finnigan Rep
For Triage
+5 Finnigan Rep
Karen 'Sketch' O'Malley at C3 L1 for 3 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Docteur Vega : I can't really say i was surprised that mobsters would do something like this. But i'd rather not be part of such things ever again, would be bad if i get found in such case. Anyway good things they didn't really picked up who i was, those Syndicates goons live in an hole.