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==Assensing Table==
==Assensing Table==
<font size="+0.5">(Usually masked quite poorly as a Magic 4 uninfected Mystic Adept. Cyberlimbs are also obvious unless otherwise covered. See info box for current Essence.)</font>
<font size="+0.5">Usually masked quite poorly as a Magic 4 uninfected Mystic Adept. Cyberlimbs are also obvious unless otherwise covered. See info box for current Essence.</font>

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Revision as of 00:44, 9 November 2024

John's Character Portal

Doggie Bag
Doggie bag art.png

All wrapped up & no place to go.

Reddit Profile/u/avisionofdoom
MetatypeGiant (Troll)
Creature TypeInfected, Strain 1 (Dzoo-Noo-Qua)
SC / NO / PA3 / 0 / 0
CDPSee spreadsheet
D.O.B.August 10th, 2053
FolderGoogle Drive
PriorityMetatype - A
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - E
Resources - D
Max Infected Powers14
Max Initiations9
Essence7 / 7
Theme MusicFriends In Low Places 🎵

Character Information


Doggie Bag (He/they), or 'D.B.', is an infected Giant, born into a line of corporate middle managers and faux metahuman rights activists. He was a slacker in corp-funded school, and one of the rich kids who loved to play “street”. He struggled for many months in the gutters of the barrens, and has only recently moved back into nicer company (with the help of a severe biosculpting and some shady backing). His return to a wealthier life is fairly hollow. Nice, but no longer fulfilling.

Mechanical Summary: D.B. is a heavy soak tank with Noble Sacrifice to lend that soak to others. In combat, has has good dice to a high damage blades attack, or to use an assault rifle (~18d). He has good to solid initiative and dodge, relying on usual combat drugs for additional stats. He is infected and dual natured, meaning a natural weakness to background counts and wards. He also severely suffers in secondary and utility skills outside of raw sneaking. He has a number of big scary foci, but only the weapon focus is actually attuned.


  • Learn advanced magicks for the purpose of self defense.
  • Develop a relationship with a local Seattle power, organized crime or otherwise, to have a familiar villainous conglomerate to fall back on.
  • Heavily ‘ware out in a search of a transhumanist kind of self acceptance.
    • Progress is well underway after upgrading to an alpha/beta setup that includes severe biosculpting to look more 'normal'.
  • Find ways to maintain himself as an infected creature.
    • Feeding from people already trying to kill him has worked well enough so far. Good news is, lots of people want to kill him.
  • Hunt down the Doctor who experimented on and infected him.


Doggie Bag is an inexperienced corp kid, hiding his recent traumas under literal and metaphorical wraps and layers. Born Erik Magnusen to an EVO family of Norwegian-UCASer Giants, brought on years before as a response to the original Charisma initiatives to popularize Giants in media and culture. The Magnusen family serves to promote EVO’s accepting image, and demonstrate a variety of troll appropriate products with a look that is more palatable to your average human. The family is relatively large, Erik is the third of four children, and is by all accounts, a loser. He has spent his days playing with street gangs and crashing his father’s sports cars. He was awakened, but seemed to consistently fail out of the appropriate schooling, always falling back on odd jobs and easy money. Whatever he had learned seemed always to be quickly lost. Erik’s family is, briefly: Jens (Father), Inga (Mother), Jonas (Oldest), Sonja (Older Sister), Erik (Middle Child), Karl (Younger Brother). The family is kept in a fervor, Erik’s parents constantly attempting to maneuver and secure their lush corporate status. It never felt secure, not to them, and the home was as much a training grounds for corporate life as for anything else. Erik, from a young age, was anti-social and impetuous. He has not sat through a single lesson in proper manners, nor has he been to a meeting. In general, he made it clear to his family he would rather pretend to be something he's not than learn to conform to corporate expectations.

For the last many years, Erik has been hanging around the outskirts of Seattle, using his large stature and corporate money to parade through ganger parties and dive bars. He has always crawled back to the safety of the EVO compounds downtown, whenever the money or the booze ran dry. In this time, he played at anything he thought cool and dangerous. Still, he never developed much empathy for those around him, maintaining a kind of detached arrogance. All that changed one night in mid 2084.

Erik was kidnapped by a mentally unstable street doc, more accurately a medical torturer. He was targeted for his status as an awakened Giant, and used to test the effects of the HMHVV virus on people like him. ‘Test’ is a word used loosely, he was picked at and kept prisoner while his body reshaped into an unnatural undead thing. The doctor ran many ‘tests’, and fed him living subjects, utilizing starvation and aggressive pharmaceuticals to erode Erik’s mental barriers until he was gladly draining and consuming people regularly.

Erik was only released when the doctor failed to pay protection to local syndicate members, and his laboratory was raided. After escaping, he has struggled to regain control over himself and his humanity. In an attempt to hide his disgusting body, he has replaced his limbs with chrome. The clinic he’d visited was likely a Tamanous operation, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. It didn’t matter, he desperately needed something smooth, something elegantly designed -- not like the ragged and rough layers of bone and hardened flesh which now covered his body. Keeping his body hidden is extremely important, and looking at himself in full is a task too difficult to bear. He has already contacted his family and been rebuked. His father reprimanded him for his stupidity and insisted that he, for once, figure a way out of this himself.

Update: Doggie Bag spent most of the last two years just getting by the Redmond Barrens. Hanging around with the destitute and half-feral Ghouls of the area. He learned a lot of humility and sacrifice, and learned to manage himself well enough. After the job of a lifetime, he has returned to his high class lifestyle. A nice apartment, and severe biosculpting to look the part (more or less). The creature comforts are certainly nice, but not fulfilling as they once were. In the short term , however, Erik is much more calm and collected -- even able to operate in the public eye to a reasonable extent.

Narratively Significant Qualities


  • Infected (Dzoo-Noo-Qua): Grants Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Essence Drain & Essence Loss, Immunity (Toxins), Immunity (Age), Natural Weapons, Dietary Requirement (Metahuman Flesh), and various stat modifications. Dzoo-Noo-Qua grow heavy dermal armor in irregular patterns. D.B. has Severe Biosculpting to look more 'normal', though he is still marred with heavy scars from the process.
  • Dual-Natured Defender: D.B. has learned the fundamental techniques of survival for the infected, unplugging themselves from the magical grid and playing hot-potato with their soul. Great.
  • Trust Fund III: D.B. has been upgraded to a lavish Renton apartment by the Ordo Maximus. His housing is comped for the foreseeable future, though the return to leather and granite is jarring.
  • Cyber-Singularity Seeker: 'Ware has always been a transhumanist outlet for Doggie Bag. A way to reclaim himself from his forced infection. With his recent upgrades and biosculpting, he is sleek and clean and revels in the slow return of self-acceptance.

Other qualities: Catlike, Biocompatibility (Cyberware), Jack of All Trades Master of None, Perfect Time


  • Corporate SINner (EVO): Erik's family, the Magnusens, are an EVO family through and through. They are brand representatives and metahuman arm candy.
  • Corporate Pariah I (EVO): After his infection, D.B. is even further on the outskirts of his family and his corp. He will have to make a new normal.

Other qualities: Addiction (Betameth, Mild)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
No Cocaine in the Bedroom, PleaseRobintonMilk23 February 2086
Don't Go Into The MistEvaHigh15 November 2085
Of CRISPR and CovensEvaHigh8 November 2085
Heart of the... Raccoon?EvaHigh5 September 2085
No Escape Part III - Operation GramrArchtmagPrime4 May 2085
New Year's ThievesEvaMedium30 December 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Fiendest 2 2 Fixer HMHVV Fanatic Wanted, Infected Organizer, Lavawalker, Terrordome, Darkdweller -1
John Baptise 2 1 Service Taxi Driver Reliable, Voodoo, No Questions Asked Even
X 6 2 Custom(G,A,N,K) Cyborg Working Hours, Private Life, Hard to Reach, Wanted, Not Your Fixer, True Believer, Looking For a Challenge, To Be Governed, Flesh is a Cage, Titanium-alloy Backbone, Efficiency in All Things, Keep the Change, “I prefer the shiny stuff.”, Cranial Casing, Sinew of Steel, Actualized Actuators, No Judgment, Sequence Matcher Extraordinaire, Quality Quartering Even
"Happy" Lombardo 4 1 Custom(G,K,N,A) Smuggler Hard to Reach, Cautious, Aloof, The soldier swore like thunder, He loved her more than plunder, And shewed her many a scar, sir, The freedom man was born to, Like Eden, fruitful of its own accord, Frail flesh gave way, We who remain, The first-fruit offering Even
Dr. Ramirez 4 1 Custom(G,K,A,N) Biologist All Work and No Play, Manners Maketh Man, Not Rocket Science, Cutting Corners, Easy Does It, The Benefit of the Doubt, Wrap Your Head Around It, Speak of The Devil, Make a Long Story Short Even
Joe Cool 4 1 Custom(G,K,N,A) Plug Hustler, Man of The People, Father Street, N.Y. State of Mind, Lies Upon Lies, The Best Defense, Fuel for the Fire, Make Your Own Luck, Word on the Street, "Your reputation precedes you.", "I've seen it all before." Even
Cynthia Rochette 7 4 Custom(K,N,A,G)
Select Connections, Magical Knowledge, The Elite of the Elite, Cybermancy, Necromancy, Of Vampires, for Vampires, Ageless Academic, Watchers in the Dark, Too Much Money, Petty Power Struggles Even
Geoff Montgomery XLII the Raccoon 3 4 Custom(A,G,K,N) Raccoon Raccoon Shifter, Masking, Lookit the buttons!, How the hell did he get in here? Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Evo Corp SINner in Exile 5 0 AAA Rated Corporation Maintaining Vladivostok (Russian Republic)


Faction Faction Rep Significant Runs Notes
Ordo Maximus +10 No Escape Part III - Operation Gramr, Of CRISPR and Covens Friendly with Cynthia Rochette, reliably subordinate.


Faction Faction Rep Significant Runs Notes
placeholder -

In Character Information

Assensing Table

Usually masked quite poorly as a Magic 4 uninfected Mystic Adept. Cyberlimbs are also obvious unless otherwise covered. See info box for current Essence.

Threshold Description
1 Awakened, diseased, emotionally tumultuous.
2 A mystic adept.
3 Alphaware cyberlegs, Essence and Magic (relative value known), diseased with HMHVV.
4 Betaware arms & headware. Full body biosculpting, tailored pheromones, pain editor, platlets. Essence and Magic (exact number known).
5 Narco, Adapsin, Synaptic Acceleration. Diseased with HMHVV Strain 1 (Dzoo-Noo-Qua). Not a Technomancer.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 “Doggie Bag” is a newbie runner local to the Seattle area. His name shows up on a few shadow forums as a troll willing to bodyguard or knock skulls as needed.
3 D.B. has been running since mid 2083. He is infected, and overall inexperienced. He fits the profile of a corp kid troll-variant who got chewed on by the wrong monster. He has very little online persona, and lived in the barrens for about a year (moving recently). His primary fake sin is Theo Grimes.
6 D.B. loosely matches the description and timeline of a missing persons case under the name Erik Magnusen. A slacking corpkid born to a line of Giants working as EVO brand representatives. Magnusen was noted as missing in late 2082.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 “Doggie Bag” is an unknown quantity, assuredly a new player in the scene. You’ve heard the name thrown around in forum posts discussing local green runners. Rumer has it he went overseas sometime recently on a big gig, though what the big time shadows would want with this monster is unknown.
3 D.B. is infected. He is known to share this information semi-willingly, for the express purpose of avoiding spreading that infection. Still, being something akin to an undead monster is sort of a reputation killer. Reports of his activity are infrequent and inconsistent.
5 D.B. has been running since mid ‘83, having been picked essentially on the side of the road. He was originally even more grotesque, having been the victim of some horrific medical experiments. His limbs were replaced perhaps to create a more (meta)human-like form. Recently, D.B. has gotten the full biosculpt to look much more metahuman. Accompanying this is a new wardrobe and a much calmer attitude.


Real SIN (EVO): Erik Magnusen

  • Mystic Adept License
  • Driver’s License
  • EVO Press Pass

Fake SIN R5 (UCAS): Theo Grimes

  • Bounty Hunter's License
  • Restricted Augmentations License
  • Driver's License
  • Mystic Adept License
  • Firearms License
  • Restricted Armor License
  • Concealed Carry Permit


Now looks more like a regular giant with some heavy scarring (or perhaps a skin condition) thanks to Severe Biosculpting. Still leathery skin and an unconventional face. Sometimes disguised as more "regular looking" with a synthskin mask.

  • Marrow:
    A large bastard sword (52'/132cm & 6.5lbs/3kg). Held in DB's massive hands, it functions as a shortsword. Marrow is finely crafted plasteel, drenched in mana. (R7 Weapon Focus, attuned)
  • A golden pilgrim's cross necklace, with a large loop chain. (R7 Power Focus, unattuned)
  • A depiction of Surtr's arrival during Ragnarök, as described in the Völuspá, tattooed at the base of the neck. (R10 Centering Focus, unattuned)


His fashion armor is a high quality black suit, with a black undershirt, deep red tie and dark gray overcoat. (This is a berwick suit + coat)

For combat armor, D.B. wears a set of military surplus gear from the original bug spirit invasion of Chicago, the M2-55A BDU. It is jet-black, chemsealed, and weighs an unreasonable amount on it's own. (This is heavy security armor)

Matrix Persona

As a borderline incompetent matrix user, D.B. has the persona equivalent of a stock photo. A generic businessman persona with plain features and little flair.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments