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Dr. Michael Renfield was successfully extracted from EVO employment, and his family was prevented from being used as blackmail.


Revision as of 01:03, 23 January 2021

I've got a feeling...
LocationSomewhere in Seattle
Status Threat Level: 1A: Medium
1B: Medium
2A: Milk
2B: Low
Factions Involved
Master Morty
EVO Security
Casualties and losses
Some EVO servers and a variety of other types of property


Multi-team run to extract a scientist and his family from EVO.


One doctor Michael Renfield, a high energy physicist, had concerns about his research being weaponized. Covertly reaching out to Gaeatronics, they've hashed out a plan to extract him and his family.

The Meet

The teams met in a generic e-bar, the Johnson had a generic persona. Questions were answered, details were hashed out, it was very professional.

The Plan

The job was split into 4 teams, 1A to extract the target, 1B to distract on-site EVO security, 2A to extract the target's family, and 2B to block EVO from tracking down the family.

Team 1B poured over the facility's blueprints, discovering a tunnel into it through the sewers. They share it with team 1A, who determined that the target wasn't a member of any eco-terrorist groups.

The Run


Team 1A, consisting of Skimmer, Delphi and Sp4rks, having given information from team 1B about the tunnel as a possible entry point, decide to use it as well. Having determined that it's a straight shot to intercept the fire escape route from Dr. Renfield's office, they quickly head-off to intercept him. There were 2 security guards, which Skimmer quickly incapacitated. Having identified themselves as the runner team sent to extract him, the doctor quickly complied. They then exfil through the tunnels and send their all-clear signal.


Team 1B, consisting of Samsara, Potato and Master Morty scouted the tunnel and prepared explosives. 3 days after the meet, after some minor trouble marking the fire alarm system, the team otherwise managed to get into the facility without issue. Morty data spiked the on-site spider into unconsciousness. Morty then activates the fire alarm, causing the facility to evacuate. Once in, Potato rigged the local servers to explode, while Samsara tries to pull a Frag-Face and threw expensive lab gear at other lab gear. After getting the all-clear signal from team 1A, Samsara and Potato exfils through the tunnel, and blow that up to stymie any later attempts to investigate.


Team 2A, consisting of Tahki and Babylon, decided to party for a bit for 12 to 18 hours in the 72 hours between the meet and the run. After some binding between the two magicians, they scout out the park where the family was supposed to be, the night before. Much bonding between the two was had. On the day of the extraction, the pair showed up half an hour early. Doctor Renfield's family was there early as well, accompanied by a guard previously hired by the doctor. After being told by the Johnson about her at the meet, the team ask if they can ask the doctor to negotiate with the guard. After some embarrassed panic from Renfield about him forgetting about the guard, and the doctor then informing the guard about the circumstances, the team proceed to act out a magic fight with the guard. They then extract the family and the guard, leaving via subcontracted rigger, hired by the J for this occasion.


Team 2B, consisting of Ca1yps0 and Tripp, went to scrub the Renfields' house of any trackers, tags and astral signatures 2 hours after the family was extracted by 2A. There was a watcher outside, but it was easily dealt with by Tripp. The pair took some time to be careful about the job, but it was still rather quick. Once done, they call in the movers to pack everything. After some time, the team receive their payment.


Dr. Michael Renfield was successfully extracted from EVO employment, and his family was prevented from being used as blackmail.



For Skimmer and Delphi:

18k nuyen in money

3 karma


For Sp4rks:

14k nuyen in money

5 karma



12k nuyen in cash

4 karma



10k nuyen in cash



12k nuyen in cash

2 karma


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)