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Ofuda mage
ward specialist
DiscordToaster tech#8642
Street Cred0
Public Awareness2
D.O.B.20th of January 2044
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - X
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information


an Asian half-elf specializing in Alchemical preps and protective wards, growing interest in spirit binding.


  • become better with wards and magical knowledge.
  • study more into spirit binding/homunculi
  • make friends?


Born in japan, Fukushima, due to being most of her childhood indoors Kai found the art of Ofuda intriguing, not to mention usually after lessons she would take a detour past the ports near the Ocean. While the Hisoka family was kind, she sometimes found the rules a bit too restricting and so would slightly circumvent them when ever possible.

One evening when returning home from her studies she was assaulted by a group of local gangers that where not so found of her family due to them being elves, well after some kicking, screaming and biting a stranger came to her aid and after few bruised noses and egos later, the assaulters where driven off, but instead of money they asked why she didn't just use her magic to get rid of them, along with putting the said skills to good use, while its unsure how they knew this she didn't want to be rude to the man that just saved her, besides mother did tell to repay acts of kindness.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Local flame: "i mean.. its not the worst thing to known of.. as long as my mother doesn't find out"
  • Human looking: "yes i'm a half elf and no i don't have pointy ears.. don't you dare touch them"
  • Mentor spirit (Fire bringer): "yea he's a neat guy.. no i can't just call them up, that ain't how this works.. how should i know"
  • Sensei (Conjuring and perception): "never too late to have another sensei"
  • Technical School Education: "who knew having knowledge about these would be helpful"


  • Antipathy: "understanding emotions isn't my strong suit.. why are you doing that with your eyes?"
  • Day job(40hrs, BDSM Warden): "so let me get this straight, you will pay me to insult and sit on you? ..wait you're paying how much!?"
  • Lightweight: "i try to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, is that alcohol behind me? its not, don't be stupid"
  • SINner national(Japan): "yes those are my parents.. no i don't have access to their bank account"

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Surface TensionBreezyHigh22 February 2086
Tells in a gearDraknicHigh13 July 2085
Dusk's MessengerLemonMedium24 March 2085
A Question of EthicsVilliersMedium4 August 2084
Divided AssetsKirkIt's a Small Underworld After AllModerate16 July 2084
Top of the Totem PoleAsmodeusFestering InfestationMedium5 June 2084


Umezawa-gumi Yakuza clan


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ryuichi Umezawa 6 1 Fixer Gang Leader Armorer services, Fake SIN, Drugs, Cyberdecks, Equipment brand: Shiawase, Blackmail, Vehicles Even
Indus(Contact) Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 1 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Krauter 4 1 Service Expert Biker Smuggler, Undaunted Courier, Sprawl Native, Trog Networker, Gang Raid Even
Infovore 4 1 Networking Infobroker Info Broker, Matrix Expert, No Trace, Script Kiddies, Stock Market Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Kai Hisoka


183cms in hieght with porcelean skin, black fingernails, pale violet hair which is braided into a long plait and magenta eyes.(doesn't have pointed ears)


She's wearing a purple and blue Armanté Dress along with a nice short skirt and white knee socks leaving her thighs exposed, she is also wearing Geta shoes, deep purple beret with a magenta tassel on top of her head along with an Ofuda slip on her forehead, she wears a pair of simple earrings, one black and one white along with a pearl necklace around her neck.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments