Ryuichi Umezawa

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Ryuichi Umezawa
Ryuichi Umezawa.png
Gang Leader
Contact OwnerPlayful-Impress-5749
Owner's Discord NameLady Regina Jane#1079
Public Contact?Yes
LocationLoveland, Puyallup, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodCredsticks
Hobbies/ViceFamily Obligation (sister)
Personal LifeIn a relationship
FactionUmezawa-gumi Yakuza clan
AspectsArmorer services
Fake SIN
Equipment brand: Shiawase


Ryuichi Umezawa is the firstborn child of the Minato Ward of Neo-Tokyo's Oyabun, Kenji Umezawa of the Umezawa-gumi. He is the "Shateigashira" (second leuitenant) of the clan and local boss of the Seattle presence of the Umezawa-gumi. While respectful of Yakuza tradition, he is not quite as conservative as his father, particularly where the manpower resources come from to handle the crime syndicate's affairs. Like most Japanese Humans, Ryuichi has a bias against metahumans not of the mainbreed Human type, but is more willing to employ them than either his father or most other Yakuza. Further, he is surprisingly less biased against women than most others in the Japanese underworld. It is for this reason (and to put Kenji Umezawa's mind a bit more at ease) that he took his younger sister, Sasori Umezawa, to live with him in the Loveland area of Seattle's Puyallup district. As this area is known for its Yakuza population and the stiff grip the syndicate's gangs have over the surrounding area, it serves as something of a stronghold and staging area for the Umezawa-gumi, which Ryuichi himself represents as the clan's underboss in Seattle.

Ryuichi and Sasori's relationship is deep; Sasori herself has a closer and more favourable relationship with her older brother than she does with her parents and the situation is similar for Ryuichi, considering his relationship to their father has become closer to boss and subordinate than father and son. While he is quite protective of his younger sister, willing to brutally kill someone for so much as looking at her with disrespect, he also recognizes her marketable decking skills as a shadowrunner and acts as a fixer as well as a point of contact for certain things such as weapons, fake IDs, and drugs should the need arise. He is also responsible for teaching Sasori how to shoot.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Armorer services As a ranking Yakuza lieutenant of the Umezawa-gumi, Ryuichi has access to weapons and armour. He knows the value of well-equipped men.
Fake SIN Ryuichi has the connections and the leverage to manage fake SINs for members of his clan and for paying clients... VERY good ones.
Drugs Drugs are a large source of revenue for the Umezawa-gumi. If a junkie needs a fix, an Umezawa dealer is as good a score as nearly any.
Cyberdecks Ryuichi's younger sister, Sasori (a.k.a. 4NG3L), is a professional decker and, living with her and constantly supporting her tech-needs, has resulted in good connections to cyberdeck distributors.
Equipment brand: Shiawase The Umezawa-gumi has connections to Shiawase Corporation and through them, Ryuichi can obtain Shiawase gear with relative ease.
Blackmail Blackmail is par for the course of crime syndicates, including Yakuza. Ryuichi can make that happen.
Vehicles Ryuichi, like most guys with money, likes high-end vehicles (especially cars and motorcycles, but anything eye-catching and powerful will suit his tastes). He has connections to get the good stuff.


Knowledge Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Scripted to be this WayFuraidopoteto19 November 2083