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Famous Occult Private Investigator
"They're Gone Without a Trace"
MetatypeElf (Dryad)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.July 23rd 2057
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information


Trace is an online-famous private investigator, a spellcasting and Matrix-comfortable mystic adept known for providing his services gratis for those in need. A sometimes shadowrunner, Trace is disinterested in running when it isn't hooding or working against an unjust individual/organization. Magically endowed with preternatural social graces Trace has been able to socially coast by on his magical charm alone, with almost no time spent honing his social abilities. He is incredibly perceptive, thoughtful, and well-meaning.


For external goals, Trace seeks to...

1) those in need.

2) ...liberate the oppressed.

3) ...undermine the oppressors.

For internal goals, Trace seeks to...

1) ...master his connection with the magic realm.

2) ...find a sense of spiritual peace.

3) his true purpose in the Sixth World.


Ruadhán (Rue-on) Ó Cleirigh (Oh-Cleary) was born in 2057 as part of an Amalgamated Studios corporate experiment. Amalgamated Studios were looking for tricks to produce the next wave of hit simsense stars. Finding metas who were able to ace tridscreen and sim-tests was an ever-constant challenge for Amalgamated so it was only a matter of time before an executive came up with the shameful scheme of paid breeding programs.

Amalgamated Studios put out its strangest casting call, looking for pairs of individuals that could produce "ideal" offspring to suit a whole range of studio needs in the future: tough-guy action film orks, the stalwart and funny dwarf sidekicks, the lovable "I AM TROG" trolls, and (most of all) the sensuous and irresistible elves. Then they took the idea further, asking: "What if we could distill some of that "innate meta authenticity" and repackage it in a more consumer-friendly package?

Ruadhán's parents were a pair of cynical Dryads (his father from Tír na nÓg and his mother from Tir Tairngire) who were willing to join Amalgamated Studios and their secret breeding program, agreeing to produce as many babies as the studio was willing to pay for as long as they didn't have to raise them. Shortly after Ruadhán was born the CEO of Amalgamated Studios learned about the plan and horrified (about the possible social media blowback were it to be discovered) he ended the program. To purchase participants ongoing silence Amalgamated Studios kept both of Ruadhán's parents on the corporate payroll, but gave them no job responsibilities. Before long both slipped into addiction.

Taking Ruadhán and the first generation of "studio babies" on as corporate wards, Amalgamated Studios raised Ruadhán within the glittering heart of Tinsel Town. Not wanting to waste an opportunity, Amalgamated Studios carried on with the first and only generation of their breeding program, sending the meta children to be trained and given every opportunity to excel in the creative arts. Ruadhán was as naturally gifted as any young child actor the studio had ever worked with but lacked, entirely, the desire to be a film star. Frustrating his Amalgamated handlers Ruadhán continued to shirk his responsibilities in his acting classes. Still insistent on his eventual turn into a star, and willing to be patient, Amalgamated Studios subjected Ruadhán to Metatype Modification in order to pass him off as a human. They hoped that he'd retain his innate elven charisma but that it could be packaged in a more "globally selling" form. Even at seven Ruadhán was resentful of the changes made to him against his will, and he refused to ever, ever work for Amalgamated Studios. Luckily for him, he'd immediately get his wish.

Crash 2.0 shook the world and in the chaos, a rising corporate force by the name of Horizon swallowed up Amalgamated Studios. Horizon had no interest in carrying on the quasi-child-slavery of Amalgamated Studios. They integrated Ruadhán's addicted parents into their corporate world, along with the young boy, but allowed him to chart his own future. Bright and deeply curious by nature Ruadhán excelled in school and, liberated from the pressures of one day being a professional actor, created his own path.

By the time he finished university Ruadhán was brilliant, empathetic, and exceptionally affable. Horizon put him on the payroll as a producer but worked him as a studio fixer. Ruadhán took to the life of a studio fixer like a fish takes to water. The problem solving, the crisis management...these were all things he loved and excelled at. Unfortunately for Horizon Ruadhán was too good at his job. Soon he yearned for real challenges, yearned to actually help people. He began to see Horizon more clearly for what it really was, years of propaganda slowly peeling away day by day. But it took Beca Biretta to finally sever the last threads of goodwill he had for Horizon.

Rebeca (Beca) Biretta and Ruadhán had grown up together, literally, from the moment they were both born. Originally the "ork baby" of Amalgamated Studios breeding program she, like Ruadhán, had been plunged into a series of transformative vats as a young girl. Amalgamated hoped to retain something of the "edge" and "forceful charisma" of an ork while smoothing down the (tusk) bite enough to make a star palatable for all audiences. While Ruadhán had grown to accept his changed appearance, Beca struggled from the very beginning. She felt like she was trapped in the wrong body. She, like Ruadhán, was blessed with incredible charisma and personal magnetism but unlike Ruadhán she tried her very best to excel and impress first Amalgamated Studios and, later, Horizon. Horizon flagged her as "The Next Big Thing" and prepared her career trajectory accordingly.

Eventually, it was too much, and all the stress and grief caught up to Beca Biretta. She came to Ruadhán in the middle of one rainy night and begged him to run away with her, to leave Horizon and the whole entertainment industry behind. Though he had become disillusioned with Horizon Ruadhán didn't know if he had it in him to abandon the only family he had ever known, and told Beca so. And Beca, smeared with makeup and tears, reminded him that she was the closest thing to a real family he'd ever had. Ruadhán, shaken and upset, told her to give him the night to think about it. Beca left. He never saw her again.

When one of Beca's handlers found her dead in the morning it became the scandal of the year for Horizon. Gossip columnists and conspiracy theorists flocked to the topic on the Matrix, speculating that her official cause of death (own life taken) was a cover for any number of nefarious purposes.

Ruadhán was devastated.

He left Horizon's employ believing (or forcing himself to believe) that Horizon was complicit in her murder. And from that day on he poured all his energy into his work, becoming Trace: a now-Matrix-famous private investigator. Trace is famous for being able to solve any case, no matter how big or small, and for doing his work pro bono for the poor and oppressed. Naturally this life and work bled into shadowrunning and soon he was balancing both in his life.

But he has never forgotten about what Horizon did to Beca.

He has never forgotten how he let her down when she needed him most.

Narrative Significant Qualities


College Education: Trace attended UCLA on Horizon's dime and positively excelled. A voracious intellect and academically studious, Trace has advanced degrees in psychology and politics as well as being a board-certified lawyer in contract law. His forensics and accounting expertise have been self-taught in the years after beginning his new career as a private investigator. Always looking to expand his versatility, and comfortable with Matrix learning, he is always looking to deep-dive into new academic realms.

Exceptional Attribute (Magic): Magic has always come easily to Trace, from a very young age. So gifted has Trace been that he neglected his magical studies for years, coasting on his magically innate abilities. Only once he began to run in the shadows did Trace realize that foregoing training in the magical arts to focus on the academic world will no longer carry him to further heights. Now he's turned his studious nature to learning more about the magical world and how he can strengthen his ties to it through his faith tradition.

Jack of All Trades Master of None: As with his magical abilities, Trace has always been blessed with easy comprehension and an energetic (if wandering) mind. New skills come to him quickly, as his personality and mentor spirit urge him on to experience new experiences and learn new knowledge.

Mentor Spirit (Raven Alternative: The Collector): A Christian Theurgist, a social activist Friend, Trace discovered a connection with a magical force that some cultures refer to as the Raven, the Crow, or the Collector. For Trace the Mentor spirit manifests as a hazy, indistinct humanoid figure of flowing robes and glittering gold and jewels. Trace experiences the Collector as Zacchaeus, a divine representation of the salvation of the lost. Trace is driven by Zacchaeus's insatiable desire to divert their innate Greed from the service of Mammon to the acquisition of knowledge, and to use that knowledge to save and liberate others.

Mentor's Mask: When the Mentor's Mask appears, Trace's face becomes momentarily hazy and an ethereal nezer (a golden circlet enscribed in an indiscernible script) appears upon his brow.

Online Fame: Trace has made a name for himself on the Matrix as a devoted champion to those on the margins of society. Most of his casework is pro bono and he tries to help those on the farthest margins of society, those SINless who are furthest away from the megacorporate or governmental safety nets. As his portfolio of solved cases grew an ugly part of him, a part that desired recognition and fame, slowly worked its way into his mind. Soon he was producing Matrix blog content, as the eponymous Trace, chronically his exploits. And soon a Matrix following began. Over time it has grown quite large, making Trace one of the world's premier gentleman-detectives.

Profiler: A fastidious academic and researcher, Trace is most comfortable blazing through the Matrix at the speed of his Caliban rapidly gleaning as much information as he can find. A chronic overthinker and planner, Trace prefers to research and compile dossiers on all those that he expects to meet...especially when he's working in the shadows.

Too Pretty To Hit:


Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Everybody Wants To Be A Co-AuthorKirk17 September 2084
Wine Tasting in K-TownVilliers10 September 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alexander Tyrell Gates 6 1 Generalist Microdeck CTO and Technoshaman Hard To Reach, A Man of Principle, Corporeal Anxieties, Caped Crusader’s Creed, Look For The Helpers, Helping Hands, Connection Established, Never Lost, Technoshaman of the World Tree, Wuxing-Forbes Ranked 707, Microdeck Reverse-Engineering, First Toy A Cyberdeck, Nuyen Is No Object, Put Your Nuyen Where Your Mouth Is, Siblings of the Matrix, Child’s Play, Consult The Tree, ALTruistic To The End, Help The Helpers Even
DC Harry Metzger 6 1 Generalist KE Seattle Metroplex Divisional Chief Hates Himself, I Am Not Here To Make Friends, Paranoid, ACAB, Metroplex Memories, Patrol Division, Division of Investigation, OCD, Lifting Those Lifted Fingerprints, Vice City, Missing Tapes, The Special Investigations, Grinch’s Heart Even
Madame Carmine 6 2 Custom(A,K,N,G) Madam of The Embrace Nocturnal Animal, Predator's Predilection, Us or Them, Sex Work Is Work, It Never Gets Old, Sensitive Hearing, Maria of the Trash, Tribunal of One, The Final Embrace, Unaffiliated, Safe Place To Lay Your Head, Bound By Better Blood, Looking For Candles In The Darkness Even
Sebastian “Perfect Fit” Schmidt 3 1 Gear Horizon Studios Head of Wardrobe Blissfully Unaware, Overworked, Pre-Production Blues, Tailor Made, Theatrical Flourish, Apprenticed At Armani, Simsense Procurement, Stunt Design, The Science of Dyeing, Representation Matters Even
Throwing-Bones 4 3 Gear Talismonger Short on Cred, Hard Time Saying No, So Many Pups Underfoot, You Don’t Like Kids?, This Is My Livelihood, Foci Focused, All that Glitters Is Gold, Baubles of Power, Rat’s Guidance, Loveable Rat, In-Person Business, One Affectionate Rat, One Grateful Rat Even
Lord Aubrey Darling 6 1 Fixer Fixer Unbearably Twee, Manners Maketh The Man, Most Noble Order of the Lord Protector, His Crime Is Organized, The Firms Could Not Be Firmer, Yardies, Continental Inclinations, Fancy That, Corporate Creature, Heavily Invested In British Industry, Greenwich Mean Time, Addicted to Enhancement, Deltware or Bust Even
Ana Laguna 2 4 Fixer Horizon Talent Scout Hatred of Black Hats, AIPS, People-Person, Fiercely Loyal, Corporate Comfort, Horizon’s The Limit, PCC Preferred Stockholder Even
Ted Deble 2 1 Legwork Horizon P2.1 Life Coach Blissfully Unaware, What’s Your Score, Omae?, You’re Bringing My Score Down, Omae!, No Body Count, Always A New Horizon, Social Media Wunderkind, P2.1, P2.2, P2.3…, It’s A Feature, Not A Bug, Six(th World) Degrees of Separation, PreCog.Exe, Social Death Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments