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Occult Detective
"Multiple compound fractures, signs of internal hemorrhaging, and his bones seem to cry out for his momma' - I think I know what happened."
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - B
Resources - C
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


A lightly 'wared magician, Manashoe ("real" name Elvis Shockerato) owns a small private magical detective agency known as "Arcane Eye PI" where he works with another runner known as Wayfarer. A man who's riddled with vices as a way to cope, and who's deathly afraid of being alone, he's an investigator who'll use all tools available, regardless of legality.


Drive The Ancients Out Of Seattle

Discover Why His Parents Died

Make Arcane Eye PI A Well Renowned Occult Private Investigations Agency


Those lovely Redmond Barrens, home of manics and gangers. 2054 was the year the barrens gained a new SINless member, Carl Lefstein, born with two supposedly ganger parents, Merlyns, to raise him. His father always seemed a bit odd, and was commonly absent for a lot of gang activity and raising him, but he did teach the boy both magical and mundane things, leading to him being incredibly intelligent. Kid had a fair amount of magical potential, so until he was 18, and even after when they had the chance, he'd be magical maintenance: wards on the temporary hideouts, watchers on the astral, dealing with drug crashes magically, even the occasional spirit of man or fire. Dealing with the spirits for this purpose, he grew a very practical view of them, viewing them as tools more than sentient beings since he was never told otherwise. Once he reached of age, though, he was given a Praetor, the formula for manabolt, and a pat on the back - it was time to be a real ganger, instead of a wagemage with a leather jacket. Though, during this time, he also began to fall in love with a girl, Jenna Caddel, and they'd grow to be partners.

A few years of shoot-outs and drug runs, of love and war, he'd end up going against the Ancients. "These guy's're the real shit, but we're a Wizgang, even a bullet-proof vest can't stop raw mana being lobbed at em'" was the theory. In practise, it wasn't pretty. They had their own wizzer, kid who loved manipulation spells, and the gunfire was incredible. Before backups would arrive from the Finnigans, a spell would be cast on Jenna and she would be knocked out and a bit of blood would end up in the mage's hands. With incredible fury, he'd light the mage on fire, but a slug to the head is enough to take him down - but not dead. When the Finnigans cleaned up, sadly missing the mage, he was taken to a doc, and needed to be implanted with 'ware to ensure his brain remained fully capable. (and even greater than before, thanks to the doc's incredible skills) Despite it saving him from being potentially braindead for the rest of his life, the 'ware tore at his psyche, his magic that defined his usefulness to everyone around him was being stripped away. Yet, he survived. Though, she apparently overdosed during care, an intentional act. He knew this was the Ancient's doing, a ritual, but he couldn't prove it was more than just psychological issues, they wouldn't listen to him - he just had his brain fixed up, he might not be in the right state of mind. He'd take immense care to learn divinatory magics because he wasn't going to let this happen again.

Near the last few years of him being a Merlyn, more of his loved ones would be stolen from him. Unknown to him, papa' was a member of the local Lodge of Nostradamus and wanted to advance to the Lodge of Rasputin, doing groundwork by pretending to be in a gang, and if he wanted to advance he'd need to leave the gang and "cut ties" with the elf he called his wife. (despite lacking legal marriage documents) He hated every moment of it, but even Carl's future didn't matter compared to the Lodge, so he'd make it seem like both him and his wife were killed by Ancients, though his elven wife was the only one to truly die. Despite the complete loneliness he now felt, he could tell this wasn't Ancients, but he didn't know what could've happened. However, with this gang, he'd get nowhere, nor would he be able to help people with magical mysteries so it never happens to anyone else, so he'd leg it to Downtown with all the nuyen he could spare (and some he took from other members) to start a new life, leading to the gang putting a hefty 45,000¥ bounty on his head for him to be brought back alive - or 20,000¥ dead.

The 25 year old, now known as "Elvis Shockerato" thanks to help from a cunning talislegger he'd take a bullet for, would set up Arcane Eye PI: "For when mana is what's in the shell casings". Though, even a crappy little place would require a lot of money, and so he'd take to running for the cash. He was pretty okay at it too, getting fixers on his side with his skills. Years of running and investigation set him up, but at 30 he'd find someone he thought would die, but would end up as the second detective.

A malnourished Oni, splayed out on the street, and he looked bad. He'd assense him, noticing he was infected with HMHVV, and he'd hesitate - what if he drinks his blood? However, just having a disease doesn't mean he should die. He'd decide it'd be the best to call the hospital instead of leaving him alone. Though, when he got to dialing, the Oni would interrupt him, offering the number of a place called "Farraday's Clinic", apparently friendly to infected. He'd call up Farraday's and send him over. Over the next year and some change, the two would go from strangers to chummers, as he'd decide to take in the Oni, who turned out to be a fellow runner with his alias as "Wayfarer", and get ready. Wayfarer would refer two others, [insert name here] and [insert name here], and thus Arcane Eye P.I. became a four person operation. However, the group was not doing great with money, even with running, and they needed a miracle to keep up Arcane Eye PI. That miracle would come in the form of a seedy elven asshole known as Amadou Zheng. He'd contact the runners, offering acceptance into the Haven with contacting all their combined previous Fixers, and the money they'd get would be enough to not only maintain their lives and the agency, but to shoot them both into the moon. They'd quickly accept, unaware their life was about to be hell due to the alpha-junkie that was their main Fixer, but he at least did get them into the Haven.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Mentor Spirit (Oracle) - A trenchcoat and fedora, 60s detective style, floating as if worn by an invisible man, Manashoe's mentor spirit is a reflection of his deep desire to investigate. However, the two combined means that obsession over the slightest mystery is all but inevitable.

Spectral Warden - Growing up being taught spirits are tools and not people really does a number on how you view spirits, huh? And you don't want your tools to fail on you, so subjugation is the easiest route, much to the chagrin of the residents of the metaplanes.


Addictions (Psyche, Alcohol) - Coping is hard, some people can do it healthily, and some people are Manashoe. While he's mostly safe with his psyche-popping, his alcoholism can border on worrying at times.

Day Job (20 hours, Arcane Eye PI) - His pride and joy, the agency.

Dependent (Nicotine) - His third vice intended to help him be okay with his past and who he is, combined with narco meaning he needs far more to feel anything, is an incredible drain on his bank account as he smokes pack after pack.

Prejudiced (Radical, Ancients) - It's on sight with these bastards, they forced him to get 'ware and they killed his girlfriend with mind magic, damn it, and he's not resting until every Ancient's got their head on a stick.

Wanted (45,000¥ Alive, 20,000¥ Dead, offered by Merlyns) - You don't just flee from the Merlyns without expecting to return, especially with talent like Manashoe's. They're offering a large cash sum to anyone who brings the detective back down to Redmond.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
300% Casualty RateAsmodeus9 August 2085
Or'zet Underground Talent Aquisition 1: Hairy HappyJ.R.Or'zet Underground11 July 2085
Mary in the HedgemazeFangblade_28 May 2085
The D-TeamTidanShock11 May 2085
You're up to batTidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes20 April 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Amadou Zheng 5 2 Fixer MCT's Magical Middle Manager All for the Bottom Line, The Boss is the Boss, Corpo Connections, Wannabe Crime Lord, Fell Through the Cracks, Can't Spell "Smuggler" Without "Smug", Lawyer Up, Livin' the Dream, Working Relationships, Big Ego, Small Man Even
Dante Palmer 2 5 Gear Talismonger and Knick-Knack Merchant Awakened, Talismonger, Black Magic Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Manashoe's the founder of Arcane Eye PI, an awakened investigations agency, and those skills are used while he runs.
3 Out in a craphole in Downtown, there's his apartment, though he hardly is in it.
6 Named Carl Lefstein by his ganger parents. His Lodge is in Arcane Eye PI, not his home.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Detective and Hermetic, he's living out in Downtown in a small apartment.
3 Ex-ganger turned runner, he's got a serious hatred of the Ancients.
5 He's wanted by Merlyns for fleeing after his parents and girlfriend both died.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Awakened
2 No Cyberware, Magician
3 No disease, Smartlink on the base of his skull
4 Cerebral Booster in his brain, Narco in his liver, Essence 5.2400, Magic 4
5 No deltaware, diseases, or technomancy


BU80-LLPZ-23ME "Elvis Shockerato", licensed Private Investigator, Mage, and Gun Owner. Legally allowed to drive.


Looks pretty young for his time, seeming as if he was in his mid 20s, with wild yellowish blonde hair and light stubble. His eyes are naturally black, but his slightly forward eyebrows have a tendency to obfuscate them in dramatic fashion.


A striking trenchcoat with business casual underneath, black slacks with matching shoes - he's got a slick fit.

Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1 He is the founder and agent in Arcane Eye PI, an Occult Detective agency, alongside fellow runner Wayfarer. Mysteries are his lifeblood.
Aspect 2 He doesn't know what happened to his parents, and any glimpse further into it he would give his left leg for.
Aspect 3 He fuckin' hates the Ancients, and so chances to sabotage or outright murder them are like getting a day off work.
Aspect 4 The Merlyns want his ass, so they can prove to be great issues if they get involved when Manashoe's around.

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