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Wheelwoman, Part Time Arsonist, Gang Face!
"Flame retardant? Well, you're half right."
The Crazy Twin
"I got petrol in my vein and my blood is on fire."
Wiki UserZerre
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - A
Resources - B
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


A recently introduced Halloweeners that has been competent enough to become a Shadowrunner. Love drugs, incendiary device and speed.


-Make herself a good reputation among the Halloweeners.

-Build herself a nice place to live and tinker with her sister. (Medium Lifestyle)

-Upgrade her ware.

-Watch for her Twin Firewill


Keira and Fia Lester were born in the PCC section Denver, like most of the SInner family, their engineers parents weren't home often having to work very long shift for meager pays. Working overtime was common so they could pay smuggler when food and water hard to acquire. This lead to the twin being in the care of their uncle, Eddie "The Throttle" a somewhat retired street runner, he had to babysit Keira and Fia on many occasion and eventually took the charge of giving them rudiment of education, given his old ties though the education was quickly focused and mechanics and cars. Eventually as they grew older Eddie invested some money to get them some dirt bike and get them to do some small time race.

One day though, Keira felt like the next race would be tight, too tight. She decided to bring Fia with her and ask Eddie for some help, their uncle worked on the bike and also brought a novel thing. "Nitroglyceri-Methanol" a potent booster to add into the gasoline to ensure they'll have the edge in term of speed. The following race would prove that he was right, thought the mix was very unstable and Keira and Fia eventually had their bike burst in flames. Both suffered a violent crash which coincidentally would cost them their right arm. An huge argument broke between the twins's parents and Eddie who decided to leave to Seattle to avoid any repercussion in case the cops got involved as he was a part time runner. While many would be traumatized by such an experience Keira enjoyed the thrill even more so after a close call with death, still the time of race was over and the twins were pushed towards College.

In college Keira settled for an engineering degree while her sister went for computer tech. A couple years in college they started to go into Policlub and met with Jerry Sinclair (now known as Jerry Can) a law student who had particular view on the criminal worlds and corporations. While Fia found a justification for her pyromania, Keira found a way to find the thrill she missed since that flamboyant crash. In addition she was growing increasingly bored of engineering course especially because of all the safety procedures. As the trio became more close friends they started to hear about the infamous Halloweeners of Seattle, this seemed the right spot to make a new life and a good one. A plan was quickly put in motion to leave the PCC.

The plan was simple - steal equipment from the family’s home, take enough money to get smuggled out of the sprawl, and sneak off to Seattle along a prepared route. But unbeknownst to her sister and Jerry, Fia planned an extra distraction for their plot: setting fire to the family garage, where her father had a couple of cars stashed for restoration as a side business. Keira, more a gearhead than her sister, pinched one of the antiques on the way out rather than let it burn. And as they fled, the burning garage collapsed on aging, valuable vehicles - putting the family in a world of financial hurt, on top of their bruised pride.

After a long roadtrip, the crew arrived in Seattle and quickly in contact with Eddie, who by a struck of luck had build some loose tie with some Halloweeners due to his crazy experiment and tech-savyness. The twins and Jerry Can were quickly introduce and thanks to Jerry's words and the twin prowess, they all went through the Circle of Fire and received their patch. While still a green in the gang, Keira is already a fanatic a show of good faith for a gang that provide what she is looking for. Thrill, speed and incendiaries.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Drug Tolerant : She started to do a lot of drugs with the Halloweeners, and she realized that she wasn't really getting addicted even to the nastiest one. Neat.

Juryrigger : She known entire part of the TM 31-201-1 by heart. Learned how to hold an engine block with duct tape a dream... Really one have an hard time believing those tinkering even work in the first place.

Born Pilot (Steel-Eyed Wheelwomen, Speed Demon & Stunt Driver) : Put her behind a wheel and she'll get you out of any place, Keira has a true instinct when it come to piloting.


Code of Honor (Thug Life) : The Halloweeners quickly welcomed Keira in their rank and she had an easier time to fit than her sister. As a token of good faith and because she already believe that, she is always carrying her gang color with her.

The Crazy Twin (PSC Braggart and Thrill Seeker): While Fia is the pyromaniac one, Keira is the one that would try to throw a molotov cocktail at a KE preccint and see if she could evade the following chase...And then she'd brag about how she succeeded.

Emotional Attachment (GMC Pheonix) : The last remnants of her family, an older model of the GMC Pheonix, tinkered perfectly. She mostly care about it because it's her little baby more than because it's the last souvenir from her parents though..

Reduced Sense (Hearing) : Between the crash and the many experimentation with powerful engine she made, Keira lost a bit of her hearing, she is often speaking loudly and don't notice...Audio cue.

SINner (PCC): Her sin in the PCC is still valid, not that she really care, she still pay taxes for now...You can't mess with the IRS after all.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Having a BlastSarcarianMedium15 February 2086



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Jerry Can 1 5 Fixer Pyromaniac Fixer Pyromania, Illegal Paralegal, Big Name Family, All Fired up Even
Sparkplug 3 4 Gear Jack of all Trades Unstable Experiment, Nitroglyceri-Methanol, Perfectly Adjusted, Some little treat!, The Finest Ride and Part!, Black Market Pipeline Even
Mack and Hack 1 1 Custom(A,K,N,G) Halloweener Troublemakers Those Two Idiots, With The Power Of Friendship, ... And This Gun I Found, King Of The Pumpkin Patch Even




You're an enemies of the Halloweeners then you're on her list!

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 The Supermarine Spitfire was a fighter aircraft used by the British Air Force during WW2
3 Some recents mention in social media of a Lady going by that name doing street race, she often wins...
6 She used to race in the PCC in small dirt bike competition when she was a teenager.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 "She set everything on fire, i'd avoid her really...Fucking 'weeners"
3 "A young recruit, she got a twin, pure copies...She is less pyromaniac than the other but...She loves taking risk."
5 "She leave picture of a plane on fire everywhere...Guess that's why she got the moniker, she really like this car she has...I wonder why."

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy or Intoxicated, Happy, Mundane
2 Control Rig and a Cyberam
3 N/A
4 1 Essence, 0 Magic
5 Not a technomancer


Keira Lester (Real SIN issued by the PCC)


Quite tall, Spitfire sport fiery red tinted hair. Her pale skin is marked with burn scars here and there.

She is quite comely overall though she don't really do her best to enhance that, seems like some kind of natural charisma.


Always wearing gang color, punk clothing and some armors. Her cloth are often made of flame retardant fabric and coated with chemical to help in that regard.

Matrix Persona

A Cartoonish soldier in armor using flamethrowers (Picture a Flammer from Carbot animation)

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments