Jerry Can

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Jerry Can
Pyromaniac Fixer
Fired up hothead
Who can get you out of jail?
Jerry Can
Contact Ownerelleelleellehog
Owner's Discord NameLHOG
Owner's Wiki NameEllehog
Public Contact?Yes
LocationRedmond Barrens
Preferred Payment MethodServices
Personal LifeSingle
Illegal Paralegal
Big Name Family
All Fired up


Jerry's moved to Seattle from Denver recently to join the local Halloweeners, leaving the Denver chapter (and his past crimes) behind. A college dropout, he's put his limited legal knowledge to work helping to get other Halloweeners out of jail - a position which conveniently puts him in contact with a lot of criminals. Moving into fixing was a natural shift for the illegal paralegal. Jerry's a resourceful guy - and after arranging for a few gigs, he's gotten associated with the Haven's fixer network.

GM Notes

  • Jerry's able to turn off the pyromania and be professional if needed. Code switching is normal for him. With trusted runners or faction members, though, he talks like a ganger.
  • He's got that mountaineer's attitude - happy to get outdoors if it's a good day without too much pollution in the air.
  • Jerry often needs favors to help get some of the criminals in his orbit out of trouble. It could be a side job, it could be handling a problem individual for him - but he's got lots of side objectives in the back of his head if he's doing a runner a solid.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Pyromania Jerry's a huge fan of fire, surprise of surprises. Roll a 1d6 when this contact is called during a run. On a 1, he'll require the runner to set a fire for him someplace on the way through the run. Refusing to do so will cost that runner 2 chips.
Illegal Paralegal Jerry's a law school dropout who abandoned the fast track to the big bucks. While he wasn't the best student, he did absorb some of the sleaze of bigshot lawyers. He now uses that to sleaze criminals out of bad situations. +2 to checks related to the law.
Big Name Family Jerry's real name - Sinclair - is fairly well known for being a wealthy family in UCAS politics. He's able to play on that to his advantage. +2 to networking and knowledge tests involving the wealthy.
All Fired up Surprise of surprises, this pyromaniac has invested a lot of time into getting his hands on the tools of the trade. +2 to checks related to fire based weaponry.


Knowledge Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks -1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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