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Halloweener Bandersnatch Mage
Wiki UserJ.R.
MetatypeSasquatch (Bandersnatch)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - A
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - E
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension2
# Optional Infected powers allowed1

Character Information


A Halloweener burnout mage Bandersnatch that Nightmare thinks is hilarious. (Prime gen with GMP SLot)


Eat. The hunger never stops.

Burn. The sprawl is a monstrosity, none of it should stand. (OU is kinda cool tho..)

Thrive. Drugs are expensive, especially the ones she's hooked on. As are spell formula.

Care. These colorful pyromaniacs are not perfect, but they make sure I have drugs and money. I will protect my gang with my life.


This Sasquatch had been poking around the 'Weener burn route for like 3 years until the gang finally grabbed her, knocked her out, got her a vat job and hooked on a handful of drugs before fully burning her in. It was only as she was being burnt in in '82 that someone realized she was full on awakened, not just a Bandersnatch. Realizing she follows a path similar to the Sioux tradition and views the whole of Seattle as worthy of being burnt down, she was an immediate and solid addition to the Weener ranks as of Halloween 2084. She got bit earlier this year and things got weird but Nightmare still considers her a valuable soldier and thinks her eating people is relatively hilarious. She voluntarily got the junkyard jaw and digestive tract modifications at this point so she could still bite without worry of spreading the disease.

This year, in response to several Haven based runs against the gang and increased attention paid to the gang inside the haven, a small cell of Halloweeners bribed and blackmailed two Fixers to get her approved as a combat mage, with Jerry Can providing her third reference and getting her admitted to the Haven as a Shadowrunner, largely as a joke. That said, she can absolutely disappear a body and with a little help from her 'Weener contacts can provide relatively solid muscle for the right jobs.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Dual Natured Defender, Infected:Bandersnatch, Common Sense, Sense of Direction, Bite First Don't Ask, Mentor Spirit: Fire(Shark) Double Jointed, Drug Tolerant


Mild Addictions: Psyche, Kamikaze, Snuff Bad Luck, Poor Self Control 1 (Low Key Pyromaniac), Uneducated, Illiterate

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
You paid runner for this?Evalow27 December 2085
The Jack Frost JackingEddrenHigh23 December 2085
BandershenanigansEva20 December 2085


Halloweeners, Shadowhaven


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Jerry Can 1 3 Fixer Pyromaniac Fixer Pyromania, Illegal Paralegal, Big Name Family, All Fired up Even
Jack da Rabbit 1 3 Custom(G,K,N,A) Drug Cook Unreliable, Drug Cook, Dropout Geneticist, Tunnel Rat Even
Sparkplug 3 1 Gear Jack of all Trades Unstable Experiment, Nitroglyceri-Methanol, Perfectly Adjusted, Some little treat!, The Finest Ride and Part!, Black Market Pipeline Even
Mother of Mayhem 4 2 Custom(G,N,K,A) Halloweener Rager Old Grudges, Rager Responsibilities, Horror Aficionado, Burn It Down!, Street Elder, Rager Connections, Wanna Fix?, Hot Merch, Hot Wheels Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Halloweeners HotHead 2 4 Gang Bruised Seattle



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A popular cookie found in the 5th and 6th world.
3 Urban legends about a man eating sasquatch that turns invisible and stalks the streets of Redmond.
6 A savage Halloweener Bandersnatch mage who moonlights as a runner to pay for drug money.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A member of the Halloweeners for at least a year and a hanger on they thought was a pet for years before.
3 A formerly SCC Sasquatch mage who has been broken down by life in Redmond for too many years.
5 A holy terror pyromaniac full mage Bandersnatch and devoted member of the Halloweeners as well as occasional murder for hire runner.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Freda- SCC- Rating 5 Fake



Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments