Blood Debt

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Blood Debt
Part of A_Peaceful_Woodland_Adventure
Status Threat Level: Semi-Prime
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven EVO
Casualties and losses


The team was hired to recover a wyvern body from EVO for proper burial. Turns out the wyvern's sister was pissed that she was killed and wanted revenge on Babylon.


A previous run resulted in a wyvern being killed, the system of that wyvern wants revenge on the team responsible for it.

The Meet

"Jerry" has a lead on a heist, a drake, and he wants a team to make it happen. The team gathers in his creepy place in Redmond. Some partake in booze and novacoke awaiting for everyone else to arrive. The general vibe? EVO has a drake in the basement of one of their facilities in Everett and Jerry has an in. He wants the corpse, and he wants it smuggled across the border. Payment for this task, a 6 way split on 300kY. The team cautiously accepted. Jerry's contact inside was willing to sneak the team onto the residential floors as private security personal for a VIP. Once inside the team will need to ditch the local security escorts and get to the lower research labs to extract the corpse.

The Plan

Nu11st@ck started off with a series of matrix searches to get some info about the facility itself and its head of security Anton Bolotrv. The place is a mini Arcology of sorts with a public aquarium mall and shops on the upper floors and secure residences and labs in the lower levels. Following the searches, Nu11st@ck entered a secured host at the facility and retrieved a map of the facility as well as some personal files for the upper levels. He was unable to locate a host or any dat related to the lower floors. Meanwhile Babylon and Zenith reached out to various contacts in order to obtain some additional info about previous infiltrations on the facility and to arrange transport out of the UCAS with the corpse. They arranged for a smuggler to get the body out by boat along with a garbage truck that will be used to transport it. With nothing further to plan for the team prepared some disguises and proceeded on mission.

The Run

The team got access to the site as planned. The team met up with their VIP and drove him to the facility. Once there the faked IDs managed to get the team through security. Everyone got through security mostly intact. Iron however lost access to his minigun. Once the team got their "VIP" to his destination, the team moved into action. The team bluffed their way to the bathrooms and Babylon used a touch of mind magic to ditch the escort, pretending that they were all sick in the bathrooms. Babylon and Zenith headed towards the security floor while Nu11st@ck and Iron stick nearby to locate a direct connection access point to the host and dig up more info. Nu11st@ck located a point inside a maintenance locker, while trying to open it a local Naga spotted him. He avoided setting off an alarm by convincing the Naga that he was just looking for a place to take a nap. The Naga provided that place and then took a nap with him, trapping him in the cubby. Iron came by shortly after and freed him. Nu11st@ck entered the host and began searching for information related to the drake corpse. While looking for this info a patrol ice spotted Nu11st@ck. This limited his time in the host greatly and was unable to recover the needed data. He exited the host before things got much too hot. Iron attempted to get a list of sins that might have access to the lower levels, the team then some of the sins in an atrium near the security level. A free spirit was located in this atrium and Babylon engaged the free sprit in conversation in hopes of getting access to the lower tiers. Babylon got some lab info from the spirit and Iron dove into the host in order to insert the team into the RFID access list. He succeeded but got link locked in the process. He shut down his brain and hoped the ice would eventually go away, releasing the link lock. The teams SIN data is still suspect but Babylon and Zenith thought they could talk their way through. They proceeded to the security floor. Once there Zenith attempted to bluff their way through as surprise inspectors. The guards called their shift supervisor and while talking with him, Nu11st@ck wiped up a quick forgery of "inspection papers" Zenith attempted to push this false paperwork to aid their infiltration. The rouse worked well enough and the team got through the checkpoint.

Zenith, Babylon, and 3 guard escorts proceed to the wyvern's lab. Inside is the body of the wyvern along with a few researchers. The lead researcher, a true centaur named Manolis Zorbellis, approached and the team convinced him to allow Babylon inside the clean room to "observe". While this was happening Zenith kept the escorts and other researchers busy outside of the clean room. Babylon influenced the centaur in isolation to release the wyvern to a "more secure facility", on its surface the rouse seemed to work and the wyvern was on the move in the freight elevator. Shortly after Iron was found and brought to an interrogation room where he was interrogated and mind probed. With the run compromised and a rigger jumped into the elevator the shit has hit the fan. The rigger stalled the elevator and Nu11st@ck took action. Nu11st@ck engaged the rigger controlling the elevator. Shortly after that the hacking started a spider appeared. Nu11st@ck traded a couple of blows with it and then performed a devastating smackdown data spike which didn't quite kill the spider but convinced it to flee. Shortly after Nu11 rebooted the rigger and took control of the stopped elevator. He boarded the elevator with the rest of the team and they rode it to the surface.

Once on the surface the elevator doors opened to reveal a gaggle of guards with an armed walker. They security presence threatened the team to stand down. Zenith attempted to blast the walker and Babylon levitated the cart the body was on and blasted the celling of the the elevator in a last ditch effort to escape. The plan worked and the team rose up into the aquarium and got the body to the truck. As soon as the team put the body in the truck Zeith leapt back into the elevator shaft telling the team to take off without him, hoping to free Iron. Babylon provided as much mystical support as possible, nearly killing herself in the process. She dispatched a number of bound spirits to support and concealed Zenith. He ran through the complex generally avoiding notice while the spirits provided distractions and intercepting spirit guardians. Zenith finds and release Iron, recovering his gear on the way to the escape spiral. Inside they find a group of 4 security and a walker guarding the escape. They briefly engage the group before a greatform spirit appears and opens an astral gateway, forcing all into astral projection. The remaining spirits carried the bodies of Zenith and Iron. The duo quickly returned to their bodies and continued to flee, next accosted by a pair of spirits. The pair continued to flee, hoping to escape the last two spirits. The massive fire spirts shoot fire bolts at one of the friendly spirits and Zenith. In an epic moment of self sacrifice Iron jumps in the path to save Zenith, narrowly surviving the blast. The heroic escape continues with the friendly spirits capturing the hostile sprits in mana barriers. The two make it to Nu11st@ck's APC and escape.

While the daring rescue occurs, Nu11st@ck and Babylon try to escape in the dump truck. A helicopter is flown in trying track them but Nu11st@ck manages to avoid it, getting the truck into a warehouse to lay low while the team groups up and considers their next move. Zenith "knew a guy" a smuggler that hit him with a boat once. Turns out this guy was a good call, he got the team across the board with no problems. Jerry give us the location for the drop and the team cautiously approached. Nu11st@ck scouted the area with a flyspy and the meet seemed legit. The team brought in the corpse and a woman, seemingly human but of draconic tradition approached and touched the corpse, crying in the process. Zenith pressed nicely for money, cred sticks were provided and the team apologized for "her loss". The woman told all but Babylon to leave. Nu11st@ck, Jerry, and Iron left, but Zenith and Babylon stayed behind.


The woman sat at a table, forcing Zenith and Babylon to sit, a holo projector sitting on the table. She explained that the wyvern was her sister, and she knows Babylon was on the team responsible for killing her. She wants to know who else was on the team. While explaining this she turns on the projector displaying Babylon's sister, restrained, a clear threat. Babylon attempts to dissolve the situation, attempting to convince this woman a cycle of violence isn't the answer. Zenith speaks up, claiming that he took the shot and that this violence must not continue. The woman well silent staring at the dirt, tapped her commlink. A person releases Babylon's sister on the projector. Further discussion with the woman, Babylon and Zenith throw their cred sticks on the table, and attempt to leave. They are stopped, and the Woman stands up, transforming into an adult red dragon, her bodyguards drakes. The dragon probes Babylon's thoughts becoming aware of Zeith's lie. She lets them both leave. Nu11st@ck drives away quickly once they get in and doesn't look back.


Game Rewards for Blood Debt. ---- 13.5 Hours -> 2.25x = 90 RVP

For Iron and Nullstack:

50k Nuyen - 25 RVP


For Babylon and Zenith:

10 Karma - 10 RVP

30 CDP - 15 RVP

For all

40 Karma - 40 RVP

50 Bonus CDP - 25 RVP

-5 EVO Rep for Iron

Iron SG Run

Optional Contacts, taken from other RVP

I can make the boat guy. the dragon joke but maybe not a joke 🤔 Zenith, Babylon only For Babylon: Glimmervel, EVO Spirit Researcher C5L2 (6 RVP)

Optional Qualities, taken from other RVP, tbd

For Iron: Codeslinger(Remote gunnery) - 10 RVP

For Nullstack: Can pay off elf prejudice at chargen rate

For Zenith: Closer - 4 RVP

For Babylon: Adrenaline Surge - 12 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)