Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

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Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?
Part of The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
GMKeeper M
LocationCathcart, Snohomish and Purity, Redmond, Seattle
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Lewis Fry
Lone Star
Ruiners Wizgang
Desi Danger
Ruiners 1-8
Fire Spirits 1-3
Casualties and losses
None (Assorted Injuries Only) Gangers Captured, Spirits Disrupted
This was played out on Discord, readable via the relevant thread.


Lone Star Cathcart has a problem: the wizgang of Tohu Wa-Bohu followers called the Ruiners hit them hard and made away with ritual links to target them magically. The least-hurt beat cop is sent to hire freelancers to save money - paying off widows and orphans costs more, not to mention the PR nightmare.

Neither side knows a third party will take advantage of the memorable fight with mojo flying everywhere…


The Ruiners have been plaguing Cathcart for a month. Lone Star had to interfere when a number of businesses they protect were vandalized. The wizgang attacked the beat cops usually investigating magical crimes and nearly murdered everyone. We say nearly, because true to their mentor, they're scheming for a ritual to bring deaths of agony to all of them.

Enter the runners.

The Meet

The team scheduled to meet Lewis in the little park-like thing in Cathcart isn't late. In fact, Chameleon, Foreman and Desi are earlier, which allows them to meet other people. The moment Ashford joins them, it's time to talk with the detective. The entire situation is explained, together with the coordinates reported by a tracker one of the gangers was shot with. Next, the runners decide to accept the job. Then, it's hopping into vehicles and heading out.

The Plan

The plan is simple: follow the coordinates of the tracker to Purity, locate the ritual samples and render them unusable. However, because the runners are interested in the bonus from dealing with the wizgang, ideally a capture, they decide to hit them fast and hard, yet nonlethally.

If only things could be that easy…

The Run

The Ruiners aren't known for subtlety or planning. They flushed out squatters from one of Purity's squats and did only minimal "redecoration", focusing on the ritual they hoped to use to please their mentor with. Thus, the runner team can quickly arrive at the location, following the tracker the gangers didn't think of disposing far away from their current hideout. The runners note homemade explosives, Ashford summons a fire spirit and a glorious free-for-all begins! Lead and spells are slung alike, a total of four fire spirits runs amok, melee and ranged combat mix!

In the end, however, while injured, the runners are successful. And surrounded by seven of the eight Awakened gangers. They, together with their leader they rescue from certain death in the squat they set fire to, are collected, bound and gagged, beginning a very slow drive to Detective Fry.


The team outdid themselves, being compensated fairly and developing extensive new contacts. It's not quite over yet, however: both the team and squatters hired by Fry's uncle with the nephew being none the wiser create recordings from the fight and the ritual circle in the squat's basement. The Archconservatives intend to make them public to fan the flames of fear of hostile magic.


  • Total rewards reach 24 RVP through the 1.5 PBP multiplier.
  • 8000¥ (or double that in specific supplies) from the main objective - 4 RVP base
  • Bonuses for capturing the entire wizgang and collecting case evidence Lone Star will use as their own success - 20 RVP (to be distributed as each player sees fit)
  • 10 faction rep with Lone Star
  • 2 CDP

Optionals (out of run RVP and own GMP banked):

  • Lewis Fry available for purchase, up to loyalty 3
  • Naomi Fisk available for purchase by Chameleon (L1)
  • Gran NY available for purchase by Desi (L1)
  • Qualities at chargen rates:
    • Ashford: Mentor Spirit (Blacksmith, Dragonslayer, Lion or Wolf)
    • Chameleon: Natural Leader
    • Desi: Strive for Perfection
    • Foreman: Death Dealer (Clubs)
    • All: Perfect Time

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

WIP: (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BNaC4hRQEFV_4itpZYtFXHZOoZ0nsfAyjkWOqkcl3zA/edit?usp=drive_link)