Clever run title about cars

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Clever run title about cars
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Street Pirates
Nova Rich Knight Errant
Billy Billions
Casualties and losses
A stupid pink mohawk murder race that went off the rails when I remembered secondary propulsion exists.


KAPTAIN KILLDOZER hires runners to kill Nova Rich ganger Billy Billions after getting blown up before a street race. They do so, while driving a party pontoon boat turned hovercraft.


KAPTAIN KILLDOZER loves a good race, but rich kid scoundrel Billy Billions plays dirty and blew him and his favorite vessel up before the race even started! He lived, and wants revenge. Enter: runners.

The Meet

KAPTAIN KILLDOZER is laid up in the hospital after being blown up, so he sets up a video call with Frieren and Lichtenberg. Billy Billions distracted him with pretty women before a race, hid a bomb in his favorite vessel, and blew him up before the race even started. He asks the runners to enter the race using one of his vehicles and kill him during the race and according to the rules of the event, with him preferring he be keelhauled but not being especially picky about the method. The runners agree, and are given the location of a garage with one of KAPTAIN KILLDOZER's land-boats, the Lusty Trolless.

The Plan

Frieren does a TH1 Matrix Search on the target and finds his MeFeed page. He's obviously wearing Nova Rich colors and seems to be the son of some sort of Knight Errant official. That's all the legwork they did.

The Run

The team picks up KAPTAIN KILLDOZER's mighty vessel, a Sun Tracker Lake King party pontoon boat with Secondary Propulsion: Hovercraft. The weather is stormy, but they drive the boat to the starting line and get ready to race. The terrible weather has scared off several usual racers and audience members, but what's left is Billion Billions and a buddy in an Escalade in Nova Rich colors, a pair of dwarves in a Revolution with a sidecar, and someone who's Totally Not A Cop in a blacked out Dodge Charger. Lichtenberg realizes that guy totally is a cop, probably there to make sure Billy Billions doesn't get hurt.

Some trash talking/psychopathic threats, and the race starts. Frieren takes the wheel and summons a spirit in the cop's car, but it's being remotely rigged into so the spirit starts trying to just rip the car apart. The pontoon boat quickly closes the gap and gets Lichtenberg close enough to Billy's vehicle for him to jump onto it. Licky Bird cuts his way into the Escalade, scaring the hell out of Billy's buddy who fires wildly at him, but Billy has the confidence of a rich white boy who thinks nothing bad could ever happen to him. A fight ensues inside the SUV, the dwarves try to shoot at Frieren and the cop tries to shoot at Lichtenberg, and Billy's buddy dies.

Lichtenberg and Billy Billions keep fighting in the SUV, the Nova Rich still talking mad drek despite being obviously matched, and Lichtenberg cuts both of his eyes out. Still convinced he's totally making it out of this situation, Billy hits Lichtenberg with a "nice moves, but watch this" and tries to jump out of the vehicle. He gets Intercepted, his condition monintor is more than filled, and his body smacks into the Lusty Trolless's figurehead (a topless troll woman) then gets dragged beneath the pontoon boat's hover pad. The dwarves decide they don't want to be next and drop out of the race, and the cop's Charger has taken so much damage that he decides trying to pursue would be unwise. Frieren blows up the Charger anyways.


Having finished the job and being the only remaining racer, the runners cross the finish line and meet some of KAPTAIN KILLDOZER's crew mates. The pirate gangers present a pair of chests full of hundreds of kilograms of silver dollar coins, but quickly realize they should get the hell out of there before more KE officers show up and zip away from the scene. The runners get paid, and KAPTAIN KILLDOZER's revenge is complete, or is it...?

Billy Billions's mangled body is picked up by DocWagon and he's resuscitated and rebuilt, with even better cyberware and a thirst for vengeance (I asked Sleevey if she thought this would be a fun development).


  • $32,000 (UCAS Dollars) in silver dollars (8 RVP)
  • 5 Karma (5 RVP)
  • 2 CDP


  • KAPTAIN KILLDOZER (Connection 2/Loyalty between 1 to 3) - Street Pirate Captain (2 to 4 RVP) +1 Chip
  • Up to 32,000¥ in Groundcraft, Watercraft, and/or modifications for those (Avail 19 or less) (8 RVP)

Optional for Lichtenberg:

  • Plot Hook: Billy Billions lives, and he wants revenge! DocWagon revived the Nova Rich ganger and rebuilt him better than ever.


  • -20 Nova Rich Rep for Killing Billy Billions and his buddy
  • -12 Knight Errant Rep for Killing Billy Billions (Son of a KE Commander) and blowing up an undercover squadcar (edited)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)