Hideo Masamune

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Revision as of 10:12, 11 January 2020 by Dusk (talk | contribs)
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Hideo Masamune
Contact OwnerDusk
Public Contact?Yes
LocationEverett, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Hobbies/ViceCooking, singing/drinking, gambling
Personal LifeMarried, 2 kids
Arcane Blacksmith
Moshi Moshi
Sushi Chef
Guardian Of Horrible Secrets
Tattoo Artist


Hideo is one of the last descendants of the Masamune clan of blacksmiths, famous for their "non-standard" methods of smithing. As a young and talented enchanter, he was arrogant and his arrogance led to him making some powerful enemies back home. Masamune eventually emigrated to UCAS to start fresh. He set up a sushi restaurant in Seattle called "Bamboo House" and married an American woman, finally settling down in his new home with kids and all. Hideo is a proud American and well to do small business owner. Hideo also manages an extremely profitable business, as a talismonger.

He is the keeper of the Muramasa Blade. It is a very well guarded secret. He was involved in The Demon Blade.

Tradition: Shinto


Aspect Description
Enchanter Hideo is an aspected enchanter. +2 to pools to any active checks involving the Enchanting skill group. He can make alchemical preps and has the Flexible Signature metamagic so they cannot be traced back to him. Use his connection rating as his Mag and Initiate grade and connection x 2 as drain pool. He sells them for 500 x Force of prep. Max force of prep he'll sell is limited to his loyalty rating.
Talismonger Hideo runs a profitable talismongering business. +2 to pools to obtain foci, fetishes, spell formula and reagents.
Arcane Blacksmith Hideo is a descendant of the legendary Masamune line of blacksmiths. +2 to any checks involving blacksmithing or obtaining swords and weapon foci.
Arigato Gozaimasu! Hideo loves when the occasional customer can converse with him in his native tongue. +2 to any gear finding rolls relevant to his talismongering business, if you have at least 4 ranks in Japanese or are a native Japanese speaker.
Moshi Moshi While Hideo is not affiliated with anyone, he has enough of connections within japanese AAAs and Yakuza. +2 to networking rolls to find a contact within the Seattle Yakuza, Shiawase, Renraku or MCT.
Sushi Chef Hideo also owns a sushi joint. +2 to any active or knowledge checks involving sushi, sake or similar Japanese cuisine.
Guardian Of Horrible Secrets Hideo has his family's duty passed on to him, as guardian of The Demon Blade. +2 to any legwork rolls involving magical threats, Horrors/Terrors, Yama kings, Hengeyokai or other eldritch threats.


Knowledge Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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