Spark of the Waiting Horror

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Spark of the Waiting Horror
LocationRedmond Barrens
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Dana, mysterious talismonger
Renton newcomer Gang


In which the runners are employed by a mysterious figure to recover a book that was stolen from her.

The Meet

At about ten in the morning, our protagonists get messages from their respective Fixers mentionning a job availible to them, the meet is scheduled 6 hours later so it gives them time to prepare. Luck however would not be on their side, as the traffic got them stuck for such a time that three fourth of the team were late of about twenty minutes. The place where the meet is taking place is a bar, at the heart of the redmond barrens. It's main clientelle being awekened, Frostbite had a show-stopping moment when entering, seeing most of the bar's clientelle perk up and look at him intensely because of his weird aura. The group was shown the room where the J was waiting by the barmaid, and thus they went to knock on it, a response inviting them in made itself heard, however no one was in the room. Shamrock's instinct helped her figure out the J had teleported behind us, for some reason, and an assenssing test later the team knew this lady was a powerfull ((mag7)) mage, that had a number of focuses on herself, as well as a troubled emotionnal profile and a Type 2 cancer of the eyes.

Once the team seats itself inside, the J explains that a book of hers was stoled as she was moving between appartments by gangers, and insists that she needs it back. The team decide not to negociate a better pay and raise it to 10 000, with 2 000 in advance. The meeting concludes and it is not long before the team gets in the vehicle/home of Zenith, where Sp4rks will do a T6 matrix search for a deal about the book being made, and will discover over the course of an hour that :

  • There is currently a deal made about the very book in question with Ares, set to be executed 4 day from now in an abandonned stuffer shack in the redmond barrens
  • The J is called Dana, and is an ancient soldier of the UCAS in Chicago, before the "bug" event that happened there
  • Her team was entirely wiped out, she was the only survivor
  • A psych report on her shows every problems known to man, and then some
  • An ad for a talismonger shop Dana holds

With this set of information, the team decides to ride to the vehicle to the prospective selling place, to case out the place and learn more.

The Run

On site at the abandonned stuffer shack, the team see one of the gangers about to go away on his bike, when Shamrock calls to him. She tries to get him to accept her in the gang thanks to a prop she brought made to look like the gang's insignia, but meet some trouble with that as the troll explains that the gang doesn't just invite people in like that, he however reveals that the boss of his gang indeed have the book and is looking to get rid of it. Seeing Shamrock is not managing to get the results she hoped for, Sp4rks took the initiative to hack this mook's commlink, which granted him access to his list of contacts. Among his contacts, Sp4rks found the commcode of his boss called "Boss Lady", which he immediatly called.

The call however was redirected to some other guy's commlink, with whom Sp4rks tried to negociate the book to no avail, hacking the commlink during the call however proved very good as it gave him the physical location of the gang, as well as the appearance of the leader who cut the call short soon after. The group was now flooring it towards this place, on the way Sp4rks learnt that the gang was evacuating the building of it's civil, and Shamrock prepared her spells and spirits for a fight. Once on site however, Sp4rks suggested that the team just come out and be straight with the gang, which was obviously not equipped to handle a team of professionnal criminals such as our protagonists. Sp4rks addressed the gangers, with the rest of the team by his side looking all intimidating in their way, inviting them to be civil and hand over the book they stole, as he did not want to make more casualties than this book was worth. Some time passed but the gangers took fear for their people, and their leader exposed themselve. after a short and tense conversation, she agreed to give the book back to the team for them to spare them a very costly gunfight.

The book, appeared to be a very old one written in Polish, which no one knew how to speak, and so Sp4rks gave his commcode to the leader of the gang in case Ares attacks them, the team got back in the vehicle and went their way back to the shop of Dana. On the way, Sp4rks proceeded to scan every page of the book, for later reference. The team then gave the book to the J in her shop, but on their way in they saw a strange sign, that nobody recognized but featured the mark of the ancient, before going out richer, and without the book.


10k (5RVP)

5 Karma (5RVP)


(3 RVP)  Optional for everyone. Dana Jessica Boatman   2/2

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)