Clubbing the Competition

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Clubbing the Competition
Part of Cross Flight Love Fight
LocationTacoma, Seattle Metroplex
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Cecelia Cross
Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III
Nova Riche
Nova Riche Gang Leader
Nova Riche Gang Mage
Nova Riche Gang Decker
Nova Riche Ganger x10


Cecelia Cross hires a group of Shadowrunners in order to rescue Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III from a group of gangers


Since E-Vue has been open for a month and a half, it's time for it's Q1 inspection by Seattle authorities. The club is co-owned by Brodie J and Cecelia Cross under an nigh-unbreakable lease between the two of them. Cecelia called Brodie J for a meeting and planning session the night before so that they could get their club together before the inspection, since they are not supposed to be selling drugs alongside their other legitimate business dealings. However at the time that Brodie J was supposed to show up, only Tee and Vee arrived. While not unexpected with Brodie J's personality, it is irritating, especially when Tee and Vee inform her that Brodie J's commlink is off and the biomonitor he wears has gone silent. Cecelia is irritated by this and figures out that he probably got kidnapped while trying to find someone to warm his bed, and does some quick research. Finding out that the Nova Riche have sent off a series of ransom requests to Federated Boeing in the last hour, she figures out who took him and calls runners from ShadowHaven in to take care of this problem.

The Meet

The runners arrive at E-Vue and are greeted by the bouncer and the human bodyguard of Cecelia Cross. Cecelia is finishing up a meeting with Tee and Vee, and as such is too busy to attend to the shadowrunners. The group decides to check out the club, including listening to DJ Hi-Horse as he spins the club's music for the night before Valentine's day. The runners spend some time dancing, drinking and doing drugs, and after awhile the DJ announces that it's time for the "Shadowrunner Shuffle." The shuffle is a mix between the electric slide, pop'n'lock and bump and grind moves where a bunch of the corp kids put on mirrorshades and the lights change to fast pulses of light that create a series of shadows. During this dance break Cedric Lupei, through a mixture of boldness and a lot of toxins that change his brain chemistry

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)