Katrin Morgentau

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Katrin Morgentau
S-K Prime Senior Executive
Head of GDI
Looks younger than she is
Contact OwnerKaterSalem
Public Contact?No
LocationAGS, Rhein Ruhr Megaplex
Preferred Payment Method(Favor)
Personal LifeNone of your business
AspectsS-K Loyalist
You are only business
I have work to do
On the Watch
Worldwide political network
Smuggling is her job
Controls are really annoying
You want a meeting with the CEO?
S-K is a large company
Quick access to a Delta clinic
S-K Arsenal
Forbidden or restricted are only loose words
Weapons dealer
Armor Dealer
Drone Dealer
Electronics Dealer
The influence of a Corporate Oversight Office Member
Magic Equipment Dealer
There is no Availability


This is where you would write a blurb about the contact.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
S-K Loyalist Will never work against S-K and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with S-K. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against S-K roll a loyalty check. if it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to reearn favor with her.
You are only business Katrin's loyalty can only raised above 2 as a run reward.
I have work to do Katrin is a very busy woman. Getting her on the phone can be an exhausting effort. If loyalty is less than 5, roll a 1d6 to determine when the phone call will be returned - on a 1 or 2, 12 hours, 3 or 4, 3 hours, 5 or 6, fifteen minutes. Katrin always picks up immediately for those of loyalty 5 or more.
Example Positive Aspect This is an example positive aspect. You can write the fluff in here. Duplicate this section as many times as needed for your contact.


Knowledge Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 18 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

No active characters with this contact have been found.

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
No Time to DieSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead6 December 2084
Reconnaissance Step 1: SeattleKaterSalemEnemy within29 September 2083
A bulwark against the insectsAuroraEnemy within20 April 2083