I'm full of bad ideas

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I'm full of bad ideas
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Ryan Danes
Casualties and losses
10 Halloweener Cybertank Sams 14 Gang Street Sams


Mr. Johnson wants a new location to base their fixer operations out of in Seattle, Runners are brought in to provide such a location, they then proceed to start a gang war to clear the space out for them.


The Meet

The Plan

Looking over the given locations and gangs involved with the list of potential targets from the Johnson, the party determined that the best fit for their attack would be the Cutters, as M3chan1c had previously fought with them and all runners, save for Bulldozer, instantly vetoed the idea of going after the Yakuza in any capacity... or the Ancients and their mages, as the mostly-mundane party was understandably skittish about such a prospect.

After a few short matrix searches, the group was able to look over the history of the location, nabbing some information of the previous occupants and the neighbors, including a rather nasty haven of Elder God Mages, a rather inconspicuous, multi-story parking garage across the street, and a small, single-occupant Knight Errant booth down the road, saved for the lowest ranking member on the force's totem pole that week, nothing major to get in the way for the runners. Mounting up on the upper level of the parking garage, the party scoped out the Cutter bar, apparently, there were very few civilians in this location, as the gang members would usually rough up and toss out anybody that wasn't one of them, or happened to annoy them that day, giving them a rather negative reputation in the neighborhood. With this information in mind, M3chan1c pulled Bulldozer aside, hoping to take advantage of his more-expansive knowledge of gang behavior in Seattle. According to the Street Sam, the Cutters were rather sore enemies of the Halloweeners, the two gangs regularly getting into skirmishes throughout the streets. With some matrix trickery, AR design knowledge, and an obnoxious exploitation of social media and advertising networking, a massive invitation was spammed out to as many people as possible, detailing a Halloween party going on right at their target location. As the party looked over the replies, the number of clown-faced profiles sending death threats, insults, and promises of a hilarious, flaming destruction seemed rather promising, a good excuse to trim down enemy numbers.

As it stood, the runners spoke and decided that the best plan forward would be to let the gangs fight it out, then mop up whoever was left in the end, grabbing their weapons and anything to get a better view of the situation, M3chan1c decided once again to drop into the Matrix for a quick sprint through the poorly-maintained host. After force-rebooting and reading through some messages on the poorly-treated Spider's deck to get their attention, he gave them a cryptic warning to leave immediately before the clowns arrived, and to not tell anyone, with a short wave from their icon, the Spider gladly disabled the host's security system before pushing their way out of the building, leaving M3chan1c to gladly jack into their security system and pull up AR screens of every last angle of the bar for the runners, giving them a front row seat to the show as he displayed the list of all Cutters in attendance, as well as their weapons, a perfect way to ensure the location was thoroughly cleared out.

As an invite to join a nearby live stream showed up, with a rather obvious clown motif as the thumbnail, the party tuned in and got ready to watch the pyrotechnics.

The Run



12k (6 RVP)

7 Karma (7 RVP)



Ronin Koike 1/3 (3 RVP) Koike the technoshaman Fixer.

Sneaky Rabbit 1/3 (3 RVP) Former Cutter Spider

Game Quotes

Merpkiller: "That's it, I'm pulling out the whiskey for this run."
Toaster: "Oh boy."

WildCat:We called in a orbital strike disguised as a freaky clown bus.

M3chan1c: "I send a reply message to (Fixer), with the audio of 'ear exploder 9000' followed by the phrase 'don't fucking send me an automated message at this hour asshole.'"

GM: "You guys unlocked the secret 'Halloweener funtime ending' enjoy runners."

Clown on a loudspeaker: "Looks like we've got a challenge here folks, let's see how this one goes!"
The orc wielding a magical, glowing claymore bursts out of the door, before immediately taking 6 thrown daggers to the temple and dropping dead on the spot.
Clown: "What a shame, I thought you'd be more fun!"

GM: "Well bulldozer, your neighbor is actually happy you just totaled his car, as he is no longer guilty of committing insurance fraud, he gives you a thumbs up before pretending to gasp at the damage."

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

M3chan1c: "Honestly pretty damn proud of myself this run, didn't even think of the Halloweeners when I put up the ad for a Halloween party, but it was a nice surprise, and a damn fine show too. I'm gonna have to post the trid of that mess online somewhere, best damn job I've had yet! Gotta love the folks you find in this line of work."


That as very wild, and also very entertaining. Didn't really have to anything hard myself. =p

WildCat: "I imagine this is what judging the Miss UCAS pageant is like: grab a seat, watch the show, walk away with a wad of Nuyen. Talent portion was wiz, glad we didn't get to the swimsuit competition."