
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Cutters Logo.png
Colors: Gold and Green
Symbol: Crossed Switchblades
Player May JoinYes
Area of OperationSeattle

Faction Information


The Cutters are a North American gang, with active members in most sprawls, making them transnational. While they got their beginnings in drug dealing and street-level violence, they’ve evolved over the years into a pseudo-corporate force with the resources, income, and structure of a small corporation. Although they deal in goods and services that qualify as black-market or illegal in many jurisdictions, they do so with a primary concern for profit. Violence is a side effect of their primary for-profit goal, and this group is not involved in political or social terrorism.(SR4 Vice p130-131)

The Cutters mimic corporate structure to the point that their leadership is called the board of directors, and they have a CEO who runs the gang, under direction of the Board. A CFO, CIO (Chief Intelligence Officer), and a VP of security all report to the CEO directly, while other parts of the gang are organized and labeled with similar corporate terms. For example, their Department of Logistics and Supply Management deals with cross-border smuggling as well as shifting goods from one branch of the gang to another. This organization has slowly evolved over recent decades, as the gang has shifted from a more street-level, disorganized group into the top-tier gang it is today. And, in fact, the gang is so remarkably similar to an actual corporation that it isn’t uncommon for some files to get misplaced or a shipment to get accidentally rerouted, so that the men-on-the-streets find themselves receiving a shipment of medkits instead of a crate of Ares Alphas. Supposedly, the field leaders are good at improvising and working with the inevitable mix-ups, so they simply restructure their plans and file a report to the appropriate department.(SR4 Vice p130-131)


The Cutters have their gang organized by departments, rather than geographically. Each department is overseen by someone given the title of VP. Their “Logistics and Supply Management” department coordinates moving their blackmarket goods, using their own established smuggling routes that supply all of North America and even reach into the British Isles and Europe. Their “Procurement” department is responsible for purchasing arms, vehicles, and drugs, while their “Sales” division coordinates everything from their large black-market arms sales to their street-level drug dealing. Due to this vertical organization, police organizations are often stymied, because the arrest of the street-level members (the most likely to be caught and arrested) is the equivalent of arresting the accounting clerk. It doesn’t even make a ripple in the overall organization.(SR4 Vice p130-131)

Unlike many gangs and ethnic crime syndicates, the Cutters do not appear to discriminate on race, gender, or ethnicity in their membership—with the possible exception of elves. The few elves that they do have rarely seem to rise above the street level. The Cutters utilize Awakened talents in their gang and appear to be welcoming to changelings. Rumors of shapeshifters or other sentient creatures in their membership continue to circulate, although other information suggests the gang uses the rumor to boost its image on the streets.(SR4 Vice p130-131)

Profit Centers

The Cutters deal in drugs, arms, protection rackets, and other street-level crime. They also appear to interact freely with independent criminals, acting as brokers, fences, and fixers. They deal in extensive black-market goods, including smuggling metahumans into and out of UCAS for slave labor or sexual exploitation. It is also rumored that the Cutters have access to military-spec weapons, which they sell to other criminal organizations and street gangs. According to Interpol’s Drug Enforcement Agency reports, the Cutters were not involved at significant levels in the recent tempo drug trade. They do, however, dominate the street market in many sprawls with other drugs and illegal substances, such as novacoke. Rumors also suggest they may get some (perhaps much) of their goods by working hand-in-hand with certain corporations to buy up production overruns, surplus stock, and fabricated “shrinkage,” and then reselling them on the black market for a profit. According to the UCAS IRS, they believe the UCAS-based Cutters see annual profits of 50–100 million nuyen.(SR4 Vice p130-131)


Major Locations





Current Status

Health Summary



Adderall1ServiceCutter Gang Decker
Bandido2ServiceGanger Street Shaman
Jewels2ServicePeople Stabber
Juan "Guapo" Manuel1Service
Pappy4FixerStreet Security Professional


NamePositionFaction Rep

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Goblin DiplomacyLHOG10 March 2086
My GoodbyeBreezy24 February 2086
The Glow-Up Of Kevin CrimesAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes18 February 2086
Room ServiceBreeze27 November 2085
Harbinger of WarTidanShock19 September 2085
Birds with Clipped WingsDiscogoblin13 August 2085
ShenanrigansTidanShock13 July 2085
Speed Limits Are SuggestionsAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes12 July 2085
Speed DemonTyneman10 June 2085
Disassembling & Cutting Supply LinesAsmodeus23 May 2085
Routing the Ransomers!Elayne17 May 2085
An Overnight Nocturnal TripLHOG14 May 2085
Captain Cook's Magic BookLHOG25 April 2085
Duerme y Pasa a Mejor Vidajit8 March 2085
Mostly Armlessjit18 February 2085
Go big, go loud, or go home!TidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes18 November 2084
Kevin Crimes' Skin In The GameAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes23 May 2084
Kidnapping is very not-goodArchtmag6 March 2084
Universally UnitedAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes22 February 2084
Denial of Service AttackAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes22 November 2083
The Pride Of Kevin CrimesAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes3 November 2083
I'm full of bad ideasDraknic17 July 2083
What a bloody chaosKaterSalem18 June 2083
No hope for MCT experimentsKaterSalem11 December 2082
Gangster Life, I Choose You!AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking13 October 2082
Ancients Away, Cutters Do PlayOrionsRequiem2 October 2082
Perilous DetourDejapesFlight of the White Owl2 September 2082
Cut to the ChaseSarcarian28 August 2082
Cutproof?Scranton18 August 2082
Kevin Sane CrimesAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes
Hail to the Pumpking
1 August 2082
BlogisticsDisco26 July 2082
VignettesSarcarian10 July 2082
Stuffer Shack 3AMDraknic30 April 2082
Cutting It CloseSarcarian28 January 2082
Digital Dark AgeSarcarianThe Cutter's Curator27 January 2082
Amnesia RushOnebi9 December 2081
It Belongs in a Museum 3: Half-LivedKoreanBBQThe Cutter's Curator8 August 2081
Kevin Slimes (Part Two)OBThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes5 July 2081
Kevin Slimes (Part One)OBThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes5 July 2081
Kevin GrimesOBThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes3 July 2081
Cutting TeethPurkinje30 June 2081
It Belongs in a Museum 2: Archaic Boogaloo!Korean_BBQThe Cutter's Curator28 June 2081
All Our DaysPillareString Theocracy27 June 2081
Agency AgencyOBThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes26 June 2081
Heigh-ho, heigh-hoChrisst11123 June 2081
Shooting Scruffy SuitsSeamlessThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes18 April 2081
Real Maiming HoursOptimismBeastThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes14 April 2081
The Road Runner ShowOptimismBeastThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes7 April 2081
The Assassination of Joe Bogus by the Coward Kevin CrimesOptimismBeastThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes3 April 2081
Cut and CrushOptimismBeast25 February 2081
On the RocksPurkinje30 October 2080