Rumspringa, Part 1

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Rumspringa, Part 1
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Night Hunters
Night Hunters Gangers
Casualties and losses
None Night Hunters Gangers


Patty Cake is the nom de guerre of Patricia Astoria. Patty was raised within the corp-bubble that is Horizon and while Horizon encourages its more creative corp-citizenry to go on sanctioned rumspringa Patty took off and refuses to ever come back. They only plays in small venues, doing what they can to prevent Horizon from ever getting a hold of, and profiting off, their music. Their band, "Sex Grimace", was set to play a gig at the Round Tip, a Humanis and Night Hunters joint in the Lynnwood area of Snohomish. Patty was going to endanger herself by singing pro-meta songs so Horizon wants her protected.


Horizon can't figure out a way to bring Patty Cake back into the fold willingly. They've been shadowing her movements, doing what they can to protect her until the day she comes back (and they're able to turn a legal profit off her music, as well as promote her as the next big thing). The talent agent at Horizon that is assigned to Patty Cake/Sex Grimace needs to make sure she doesn't get herself beaten to death at the Round Tip when she inevitably riles up the anti-meta venue with her pro-meta politics.

The Meet

The team meets with the Horizon Mr. Johnson on the Horizon grid, at a tastefully appointed Matrix shared work space. Mr. Johnson seems exhausted from trying to keep up with Patty Cake and her band Sex Grimace. He needs capable individuals that Patty Cake won’t immediately suspect have been sent by Horizon to protect her and the team fits the bill perfectly. Stacy, acting as the team’s Face, is able to negotiate aggressively and gets the team double the nuyen per person that was originally offered. Mr. Johnson wants Patty Cake to start her performance, ideally, but her safety is paramount.

The Plan

The team goes over their options. The team decides they have a few options: cause a fire that necessitates the closing of the club before the performance starts, start a brawl inside the venue that necessitates Knight Errant is called (and the concert canceled), or perhaps let the concert take place and mow down Night Hunters and Humanis creeps as they try to make for Patty Cake’s person.

The Run

Stacy goes, as the team's resident “normal” looking human, to case the Round Tip in Lynnwood. They gain the trust of the bartender/owner, Eddy Nixon. Eddy shows Stacy the VIP Lounge and Stacy notes the strong maglock and door, adding another plan to the list of options: take Patty Cake here when violence breaks out to keep them safe. Meanwhile, Eidolon finds the ideal overwatch position and makes their way up the old Alderwood Manor Masonic Temple across the round from the venue. Delta-03 gets an emergency lighting strip for their medical van in case they need to pretend to be a legal medical service provider, while Thunder waits with them as muscle and magical backup. Blackhawk stealthily surveys the outside of the bar/concert venue and discovers the blocked fire escape for the venue and moves the dumpster out of the way.

Stacy tags all the Night Hunters and Humanis-sympathizing locals, stirs up a fake assault in the alleyway with her magic, and sets the bar brawl in motion. Delta-03 uses their Radar Sensor nearby to create a better sense of the action inside. A Night Hunter starts slashing their way through Humanis-sympathizers trying to kill her, but Stacy is able to make it to the back of Delta-03’s ambulance at the end of the alleyway and Thunder is able to pull her in before she’s set upon. Eidolon uses his foot spurs to descend down the side of the Masonic Temple to get a good vantage point to non-lethally snipe the most dangerous Night Hunter before he can cause any more harm.

They are able to drive off and get through a Knight Errant checkpoint in Delta-03’s medical vehicle, and make it to safety. The concert is canceled before Patty Cake and the Sex Grimace can arrive.


A timely chip is called in and the team is able to secure Patty Cake an impromptu gig at Dante’s Inferno that night. Not only is Patty Cake kept safe, they get to perform at a much more important venue thus turbocharging their music career! A win all around.


Rumspringa Part 1 (9 RVP)

6,000 nuyen (3 RVP) (+6,000 nuyen bonus) 5 Karma (5 RVP) 1 Street Cred (1 RVP) 2 CDP

Optional Contacts:

Patty Cake (3 Connection/1 Loyalty) Dante’s Inferno Contact (Contact TBD) (4 Connection/1 Loyalty)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Blackhawk: "Pretty simple open and shut type of job. Barely had to do anything to be honest. That Stacy fellow... quite an interesting case. To say the least. And... Delta... I'm not... I'm not gonna say much else there."