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Kado token.png
Shintoist Magician
Previously a Fixer
Knows People
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.August 14th, 2055
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - E
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - B
Resources - C
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Kadō is a young human woman who nearly matches the traditional Japanese ideal. With a petite figure, pale skin, and long, black hair, only her vivid green eyes separate her from the image of a yamato nadeshiko. Equally at home in street chic as in the dress of high society, she excels at captivating attention, knowing just how to speak and move to leave the impressions she wants.

For those with wider information sources, Kadō has operated for a few years in Neo-Tokyo as a fixer with rumored but unconfirmed connections to EVO. More recently, she's moved to Seattle for some reason - and despite having only been around a year, she's found her name in an impressive number of circles. This time, however, rather than setting herself up as a fixer, she's decided to take jobs herself as a runner.

Her specialty is social combat. Whether squeezing every bit of value out of a deal, running circles around a security guard's expectations, or convincing a group of workers she's one of their friends without having ever met who she's mimicking, any time Kadō is allowed to speak, she can work. This even holds true in a firefight - rather than ineffectually firing a gun (and risking snapping those thin arms with recoil), she stays back and observes the situation. Her vantage point gives her the chance to urge allies, using that talent for manipulation to cut past their hesitations and prod their instinctive reactions at just the right times. At least one rumor states she pulled off such an accurate 'drill instructor' voice that a number of corpsec jolted up to stand at attention... in the middle of a firefight.


  • Short-Term: Start doing jobs, both for money and for reputation. Establish herself as someone who can keep up with running rather than just networking.
  • Mid-Term: Accumulate soft and hard power to leverage for her continued... not freedom, but relatively loose leash.
  • Long-Term: Figure out a long-term goal. What does she even want? What does it really mean to want things of your own, and why?


Yamamoto Miho is 'adopted', in a sense - she never had parents to begin with, but commissioners, in the form of Yamamoto Kasumi, Yamamoto Kenji, and Fujimori Hideo.

The Yamamotos were in the more Japanese-centric aspects of EVO, which look back to its original roots as Yamatetsu. Despite that, their biases against metahumanity were limited to the lingering momentum of peer pressure.

As wealthy executives, they had more than enough resources to draw on to immerse themselves in their culture's spiritual elements - particularly in the lavish membership of the Ordo Maximus. Mundane themselves, they were happy to have their power and wealth purchase the trappings of Shintoist and Onmyodo spirituality.

It was one of these Shintoists, a proper member, who sought to make a deal with them. Yamamotos Kasumi and Kenji held power over a significant biotech R&D subsidiary, and Fujimori Hideo wanted access to those resources. Miho was thought up as a project to both make use of those resources and establish stronger connections, posed as a way to help make each side of EVO's base a bit more palatable to the other... and to further their own hopes.

For the metahuman-resistant end, she would be, on paper, genetically a metahuman - but with none of the signs of it to immediately reject as foreign or a threat to them. By also being raised heavily in her home culture's less objectionable aspects, she could present a face for accepting and integrating it despite how prevalent prejudices are in that culture. For the Yamamotos themselves, they remained well aware that they would never themselves truly touch the world of the kami - but that the secretive works of the Ordo Maximus could, combined with their own labs, ensure one of their line is accepted.

Aside from the attempt to grab power through a mouldable apprentice, Hideo's goal in designing Miho was to create a particularly unusual case for ghilani vrykolakiviridae - or HMHVV Strain 1. When the Infection takes, it can have drastically different results keyed to metatype, and can even forcibly cause an Awakening in the right circumstances. Miho's chimeric genetics were to, essentially, 'confuse' the virus... and thus, through close observation, gain new insights into how it decides on what to do with its hosts.

Other tweaks were included for practical reasons. The ability to entirely ignore pain - useful both for preventing interrogation from leaking secrets, and for enhancing her training by letting her push magic well past the point others would be left unconscious. Vastly improved memory - to allow her to better handle learning for both business management and magical practices simultaneously. Reduced need for sleep - to add more time in the day for that learning, and later, for managing the two. A significantly weakened immune system - to help ensure Infection would take. And lastly, an added node in the brain to allow conscious signalling to autonomous emotional reactions.

Miho was raised between the three, primarily through mundane education provided by her parents and magical tutoring provided by Hideo to give her a head-start on understanding. She took to matters of expression and manipulation more naturally than a fish to water, though a sense of derealization gradually grew to plague her from the start.

With so much direct control and understanding of her own emotions and expressions, she never had the chance to understand what it meant to be genuine - when all of it is a choice she needs to make, what of it isn't manipulation? When she can influence her own feelings by feedback from microexpressions, a far more advanced form of the idea of improving mood by smiling, then what of her feelings are real rather than allowed by choice for personal benefit?

By the time Miho had reached eighteen, she showed no signs of Awakening on her own. Of age now, she was to be inducted using whatever mysterious methods their Shintoist sponsor had - which was really just killing her via draining and hoping it worked.

Set up to be observed very thoroughly, Miho was Infected by a nosferatu member. The concept appeared to work, and the 'seed' strain adapted along three separate paths: some of the virus expected to infect an elf as a banshee, some of it expected to infect an elf as a vampire, and some of it expected to infect a human as a nosferatu. The 'debate', in a manner of speaking, made the process extend slightly longer than a normal Infection should - but it ultimately resolved on reconfiguring her into a banshee. All of this was meticulously recorded, Hideo's lab eagerly grasping for any new insights into their condition and how biology might guide it.

She was successfully Awakened during the process, albeit with no sure proof if it was the virus or simply magical stimulation activating late talents. Nonetheless, her magical education properly began after that, continuing across the next decade.

Her business management education shifted into practical work, meanwhile. Her own desire to loosen her leash for safer self-discovery led her more towards the criminal elements, using her apparent status as a pureblooded Japanese human to minimize rejection from yakuza clans. The years saw her as a somewhat accomplished human resources manager, as well as a fixer in Neo-Tokyo specialized in networking.

Miho's move to Seattle in the later end of that was presented mainly as a way to experience a more diverse set of cultures. No matter their intentions, it's hard to be surrounded and steeped in the cancerous xenophobia of Japan without taking it on - and so, the near-free-city of the UCAS was chosen as direct opposition.

For Miho herself, the relative chaos combined with its separation from the rest of the world meant Seattle in particular would offer her both familiarity, yet distance from her family. That want to have more personal freedom was easily expected, and encouraged - no corporate kid is going to survive in the long term without personal ambitions, after all. What was less seen through is that this freedom was also to be a test. Pushed from so early on to become what was wanted, yet having no sense she could trust of what she wanted for herself, she wants to find and understand what that means on her own.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Infected (Banshee): Kadō doesn't drink... wine.
  • Prototype Transhuman: Miho was designed and biologically constructed, not conceived and born. Part of this has blended human and elven genetics; her natural state is one that appears, externally, to be a perfectly normal human.


  • SINner (Corporate) (EVO): Kadō is one of the elites, born in an ivory tower with everything she could want served to her through the suffering of regular people... or so many in the shadows might think, anyway.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Sanctum SunderedEva3 April 2085
Fish in a BucketAnumatiDeep Hunting30 March 2085
Plucking A BirdAnumatiDeep Hunting18 March 2085
The Bill Comes DueArchtmag12 March 2085
Dear HelenaAsmodeus1 March 2085
Runnin' from the Dock of the BayLHOG27 February 2085
Chain MailSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre10 February 2085
Alea Ecta EstFangblade_30 December 2084
Party BalloonSyphilen29 December 2084
Hot Potato (Chips)Sample Text9 December 2084
Tying A Yoke to YamadaLHOG30 November 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Irena Tachikov 6 1 Gear EVO Acquisitions Expert Workaholic, EVO Acquisitions Specialist, Vory Connection, On Trend, Shadier side of the Court, It fell off a truck, Meet my Doctor, Gang Detail, Information Broker Even
Eveline Powers 3 4 Legwork EVO Security Executive Evo Loyalist, Inside Knowledge, Ward Mistress, Security Specialist, Finger on the Pulse, Nerd Herder Even
Ryuichi Umezawa 6 1 Fixer Gang Leader Armorer services, Fake SIN, Drugs, Cyberdecks, Equipment brand: Shiawase, Blackmail, Vehicles Even
Kakei Steve 6 1 Fixer Fixer Lawyer, Legal Connections, I Know Many Things, Weeb Swordsfan, Yakuza Networker, Deltaware Dealer, I Know The Best Cyberware Even
Karahashi Atsutada 4 3 Fixer(G,N,K,A) Mita-gumi Lieutenant Mita-Gumi Lieutenant, Yakuza Supplier - Armor, Yakuza Supplier - Weapons, Friends in all places, Talislegger, "Friend" of Renraku, Unquestionable Loyalty Even
Yoshinaga Chikara 3 1 Fixer(N,A,K,G) Yoshinaga-gumi Oyabun; Fixer Hard To Reach, Tech-savvy, Japanocorp connections, Hidden Technomancy, Veteran Yakuza, Bellevue Based Even
Fiendest 2 3 Fixer HMHVV Fanatic Wanted, Infected Organizer, Lavawalker, Terrordome, Darkdweller Even
Bulldog Black 2 2 Fixer Semi-retired Security Professional Security, Street Docs, Tenacious Investigating Even
June Sano 4 2 Legwork Psionic Instructor and Parazoologist Psionic, Scholarly, Yakuza, Parazoologist, Master Conjurer Even
Liam Montgomery 4 2 Service Lawyer Cui Bono, Bona Fide, Bona Vacantia, Corpus Delicti, Habeas Corpus, Amicus Curiae Even
'Doc' Mortimer 5 2 Custom(G,A,K,N) Street Doc Biotechnologist, Advanced 'Ware, Black Market Pipeline, Forbidden Gear, Cybertechnologist, Cyberlimbs Even
Smith 4 1 Gear Talismonger Reagent Harvester, Initiation Room, Warded Panic Room, Foci Customizer, Shinto Tradition Even
C1ph3r 3 3 Legwork Decker Infobroker, Decker, Nerd, Conspiracy Theorist Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments