A Wolf In Wolf's clothing?

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A Wolf In Wolf's clothing?
Part of Trophäenjagd
LocationSeattle, Redmond
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield
Crimson Crush
Black Sabbath


When Klaus' prized head picks itself up and walks off, he realizes he's duped! Someone, or something has made its way onto his blimp and stolen away the head from a wolf he had hunted. In order to get it back, he resorts to getting others to do his work for him! And such, the runners are called in to handle the situation with tact and diplomacy. Which does not happen.


Klaus is a hunter by trade by trade but a trader by day. He's a master of paying others to shoot things for him! Yet when his prized 'kill' is decapitated in his own house, or blimp, nothing could get in the way of him retrieving it. Except of course, the Crimson Crush members he aggravated by intruding on their turf. And such, without anyone to hire to get his item back, he turns to the runners to do it for him.

The Meet

Meeting Klaus on his blimp, Drengr, Black Sabbath, Saint, and Frieren discussed the nature of the gig. Given the nature of the missing item, Klaus said they'd pay good money to have it back. Negotiations didn't get far, and so the team set out to do a bit of legwork to find the item.

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)