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Washed Up Recruit
Failed Prototype
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
Metatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - A
Resources - E
Ascensions Unlocked8
Ascensions Completed0
Ascension Timers For 2024


A tale as old as time. Some sucker always gets pulled in by promises of cash. Zero is one of those types. She was in the pipeline to potentially become part of Delta Force, a relatively promising if unassuming soldier past basic that showed she had the physical ability and sharp mind to crack it in more advanced lines of work. Despite this, she didn't end up lasting long; a month into training, Zero was approached by a higher ranking officer asking if she wanted a little bit of extra cash. Military trials for experimental ware had reached metahuman testing trials and they were looking for a variety of voluntary subjects. As one of the more promising fresh ork candidates, Zero agreed for a three month trial period, promising 15,000 Nuyen a month in place of her meagre 60$ daily wage.

It didn't go well. The surgery itself had several complications and recovery was pure hell. Vomiting, nausea, ware rejection, migraines and hallucinations all plagued her -- sometimes she wondered if the other test subjects had it as bad as her. The augmetic was meant to harden mundane wearers against magical influence whenever it received the correct signal. It didn't work. It didn't respond to neural interface commands, repel magical effects or even react to direct connection commands. Removing it posed greater risks than keeping it in since some of the components could result in fatal doses of internal chemical leakages when excised. As a result, not only did Zero fail the testing period in the first month, she was no longer fit for service even as a desk clerk. Discharged as a recruit and offered 'the best of sympathies' she was left on the street with a failed and faulty prototype aug in her body and fifteen thousand nuyen.

Over time, her motor skills diminished and it became difficult to keep up with the world around her. Frequent migraine episodes made things even worse and the medication was so expensive that some days were worth suffering through unmedicated. When the end of the month came knocking and she had still no real plans on advancing her life, Zero grabbed her L36 pistol and went to the criminal underworld infobroker in the neighborhood. Zero got her current moniker from those street jobs, the nobody that never left much of an impression, never hounded for glory and never stayed for small talk. She always performed the same: show up, check the job, do the bare minimum and leave. At least the Johnsons liked her enough due to her propensity to use reason, caution and plan things before charging in with a sword like many of the betakami cybersamurai from the gangs.

The Haven offer came faster than normal. Zero didn't want to risk performing in the big leagues in her condition, but she was barely living from paycheck to paycheck. If she ever wanted things to get better, she'd have to start earning more and get to a real state of the art professional's clinic one day.


  • Get rid of the Electromagnetic Astral Disruptor relic in her body without dying
  • Repair the damage her body suffered from the chronic toxicity in her blood
  • Fulfil her dream of becoming Delta Force -- or at least their level in ability


  • Reject (Astral Hazing, Busted Ware, Illness 3) - The UCAS military's attempt at reverse engineering greyware to make cheaper and revolutionary anti-magic ware didn't pan out. Zero's left suffering from chronic toxic encephalomyelitis, a frequent episodic inflammation of her spinal cord and brain that causes migraines and loss of motor control, among other symptoms. As a side effect, the constant leakage of gray mana compounds has left her entire skeleton saturated with the stuff. The astral space around her is polluted by her presence, much to the chagrin of Awakened teammates.
  • Delta Force Recruit (Special Modifications, Prototype Materials) - There's a few things Zero's training left her. Knowing how to squeeze the most out of her gun and which alloys make the best barrels. There are many weapons, but this one is hers.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
My GoodbyeBreezyLow24 February 2086
ALIENS?!J.R.Or'zet UndergroundDeadly19 January 2086
The Jack Frost JackingEddrenHigh23 December 2085
Homicide HuntingSarcarianMedium21 November 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Whistleblower 1 5 Fixer
Anonymous Street Fixer
Reticent, DocWagon Contracts, Sprawl Tapper, Air Traffic Insider Even


Faction Reputation
Faction Reputation
Krime 1
Skraacha 1
2 Grey
Underhaven Grotto 1
Streets of Redmond 1

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 No real results.
3 No real results.
6 No real results.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 An unremarkable ork runner. Likes PDWs.
3 Has a tendency to cover the backs of other runners and drag them to safety. Poor reflexes.
5 Mages mention she causes astral hazing like a cyberzombie, but haven't gotten a straight answer from her as to why. Has practically no augmetics or magic, either.

Assensing Table

Threshold Description
1 Always sits in a background count of 5. Chronically ill and mundane. Her aura looks like an oil spill mixed with gravel and soot. Listening in the astral space makes one hear gunfire and smell gunpowder.
2 Has an unidentifiable block inside of her chest, leading up to her skull through the neck. Doesn't match any known augmetic if evaluated with a Cybertechnology Test.
3 High Essence, no Magic score, no additional augmetics.
4 5.5 Essence, no real augmentations found.
5 Not a technomancer.