Shi Hakase

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Shi Hakase
Street "Hakase"
Contact OwnerDeltaUNE
Owner's Discord Name
AspectsStreet "Hakase"
(SAAC) Standardized Augmentation Acquisition Contracts
(UNA) Unsanctioned Nanoware Applications
(PGR) Prototype Gear Relocation
(RP) Redundancy Protocols
(UR) Unrestricted Research
Uncanny Existence
Not Enough Hands
(AP) Awakened Projects
Repossessed Awakened Cadaver
(AMP) Adapted Medical Protocols
(EDR) Enhanced Design Research


W I P - Attached to frostbite because I keep forgetting her name.


A I that uses a broken body

Obsessive on experimenting and learning the anatomy of various creatures to expand/cross reference its sources. This is its main priority, and it rarely deviates from this.

In lay with the obsessive experimentation, they have many contacts for higher end gear and premium prices.

Good 2 for Know

Good 4 for Gear

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Uncanny Existence Like many things, Shi is not quiet understood by many of its contacts. Inhabiting what is best described as a rotting metal carcass, with the social latency of a Monad, with most sapients only interacting through necessity rather than by choice.

{Cannot be used for networking checks. At GMs discretion, penalties to both KNOW/GEAR checks can be enacted due to the abnormalities in its existence/lifestyle.}

Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Not Enough Hands Shi is always busy on either their own experiments, or pre-paid assignments from a wide array of less-legitimate clients. As such, free time for runners is a premium, and if help is offered, it usually has a additional cost.

{Roll loyalty at a threshold of 3(2 if in person) to see if Shi is currently assigned to a clients task. A increased threshold at the GMs discretion can be chosen alongside to see if Shi requires additional aid/resources to offer their assistance.}

Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Street "Hakase" Shi practices medicine on both the living or dead, they find it funny how things twitch - like a person may find the insides of a clock to be interesting.


(UR) Unrestricted Research Shi doesn't care for flimsy ethical concerns - and as such is known for exporting/importing unique pieces of data from a few very private hosts.

[+2 on knowledge checks on government/corporate medical experiments]

(AR) Awakened Research As a matrix bound asset, Shi aims to uncover the link between life and the meta-planes. With this, they have become acquainted with a great many sources on the subject in the aim of uncovering these mysteries.

[+2 on knowledge checks awakened/surged/shifter experiments/biologies]

(AP) Awakened Projects Alongside research into the activity, Shi

[+2 on Active checks awakened/surged/shifter biologies]

(SAAC) Standardized Augmentation Acquisition Contracts Shi has multiple contracts specialized in the acquisitions of wares on a regular basis.

[+2 to checks involving augmentation.]

(UNA) Unsanctioned Nanoware Applications Shi either doesn't realize, or doesn't care about the possible repercussions of unaudited Nanoware applications. And as such, has a easier time retrofitting/modifying metallic wares.

[+2 to checks involving Cyber/Nanoware.]

(PGR) Prototype Gear Relocation Shi does waste time with antiquated tech - and as such, only specializes in the acquisition of Beta/Deltaware.

[+2 to checks involving Betaware or Deltaware. -2 to check involving Used, Standard or Alphaware]

(RP) Redundancy Protocols It's unknown to many if Shi is a past Monad inhabiting a corpse, or a free AI that focuses on one decrepit, albeit unique drone chassis. Regardless, they are constantly acquiring spare parts for emergency repairs.

[+2 to check on partial/full Cyberlimbs (and limb specific modifications), though does not include the Full/Partial cyberskulls, or cybertorsos..]

(ECP) Energy Cycle Protocols Despite their lower performance, Shi is obsessive with lasers and other "future" weaponry and ammunition.

[+2 to Know/Gear checks on Laser/Coil (Gauss Cannons) Weaponry s..]


Knowledge Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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