"Well, Frag."

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"Well, Frag."
LocationSeattle, Tacoma
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Minor Contracted Security Company
Gav Jacinto
Security Guards
Casualties and losses
A lot of security guards


The team saw a post from one of the Haven's fixers, Onyx Black about a tip-off about a less-defended warehouse storing Renraku materiel. They decide to hit the place after minimal legwork. It went okay.


The Meet

The team met up a few blocks away from the warehouse, after marking down their interests in hitting the place. There was no Johnson to formally meet.

The Plan

The team planned to con their way closer to the warehouse, before going loud.

The Run


A bunch of dead security guards, Renraku lost some stock and materiel, and the some runners are now better equipped.


  • 52k nuyen of FBA/security armor/military-esque armor (But not mil-spec) and associated accessories, weapons and associated accessories, drones and associated accessories, grenades, ammo, and motorbikes under availability 19, all Renraku-brand equivalent. If you have a Talismonger contact, foci as well, from the same pool and availability limits. Also half the remainder of that in cash or, 26k nuyen in cash. (13 RVP)
  • 2 CDP.

May spend RVP to instead upgrade any Fixers' or Gear Acquisition primary Contacts' Loyalties as per Contact Rules.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)