
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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GM Style

Hello! I am a friendly and open-minded GM that enjoys rolling with the punches and improvising to accommodate player initiative. That said, please take note of a couple of important caveats:

  • While I am not new to GMing or TTRPGs in general, I am new to Shadowrun. If you spot an error, do not hesitate to bring it up.
  • I'm here to collaborate with your efforts, not to work against you! If you're planning something crazy, feel free to chat with me about it first. This is especially true when there are other players are at the table, whose fun and enjoyment should always be considered.

Runner Selection

  • I am willing to take on runners that will derail or subvert a run. Please let me know as soon as you realize your character is going to do this.
  • I am willing to entertain runners that have a strong chance of refusing a job. That said, please keep in mind that other players might have wanted in on the fun. Please only apply if there is a greater than even chance your runner would accept the run. Also keep in mind that walking out of a meet or run will carry consequences for your runner's reputation.
  • Generally, I will try to pick runners and team compositions that both have a strong chance of success and who would be challenged by the planned difficulty of the run.
  • New players and characters will generally take priority, and I will try to select a team around their presence.

Run Content

As a GM, my natural inclination is to root for a team's success. When I throw tough challenges at you, keep in mind that I'm doing so because I believe you have a good chance of overcoming them - or because you have made specific and tangible choices that warrant that kind of danger showing up. I am not the type of GM that wants to see players burn edge or suffer severe negative consequences at their table, unless those consequences are forewarned and deserved.

When it comes to content, Shadowrun will inevitably rope in themes of violence, drug addiction, and corporate-run dystopias. I will assume that players at the table will know that about the setting when signing up. (If not, please inform me immediately!)

Additionally, Shadowrun heavily features issues of metahuman racism. Hostility and violence between metatypes, between infected and noninfected, etc etc. are embedded into Shadowrun's world and the history of that world. I will do my best to present the fantasy racism of the setting without trivializing the gravity or oppressiveness of actual racism. If this aspect of Shadowrun is uncomfortable for you, please let me know and I'll adjust the content of the run.

Beyond that, I tend to step around or, at most, allude to more sensitive issues. My runs will not deal with issues of sexual violence, bigotry directed at sexual identity, or extremely graphic depictions of torture and violence. Minors will be conspicuously absent from any scene in which violence or abuse directed at them is a real possibility.

As always, communication is key. If there's any matter which makes you uncomfortable at a roleplay table, do not hesitate to let me know!

Past Runs

Run Title Threat Level Date
Until Dawn High 09-21-2021
Digging out Roots Medium 09-19-2021
Third Party Rescue Medium 09-16-2021
Glow Guerillas Medium 09-13-2021
Broken Tusk Medium 09-11-2021
Expedited Extradition Medium 09-05-2021
Perilous Detour Medium 09-02-2021
Spotted Wings Medium 08-30-2021
Lost Coyote Medium 08-28-2021
Steamed Pork Substitute Milk Run 08-27-2021


I also enjoy playing as a runner! My active characters are:

Cold Hands Katana-Wielding Biker-Elf