Blood Echo

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Blood Echo
LocationSeattle Glow City
Status Threat Level: extreme
Factions Involved
Rusted Stilettos
Takashi Hagiwara
3xTroll Stilettos
Toxic Red Samurai
Casualties and losses
3xTroll Stilettos
Akari IG 3


Akari sets out with Takashi to investigate the disappearance of equipment from the Red Samurai armory. They find a Red Samurai selling weapons to the Rusted Stilettos and apparently addicted to the Toxic Way.


Takashi Hagiwara the Red Samurai from the Run () is responsible for the security of Renraku in Seattle. He has long suspected that items from the Red Samurai armory are disappearing. However, protocol does not allow him to simply make an accusation. Therefore, he bugs some of the weapons that then also disappear from the armory. He can track them to Glow City. Not knowing who to trust within Renraku on this case, he sets out to pay Akari a visit and give her a thorough test.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Akari will get:

  • Buy off Superhuman Psychosis (2 RVP)
  • Get Red Samurai Contakt (Takashi Hagiwara) 7/4 (10 RVP)
  • Sensei for Takashi Hagiwara (5RVP)
  • Adrenalin Surge (12 RVP)
  • 1 Karma (1 RVP)
  • 2 CDP
  • IG 3 Discount

She also get a Red Samurai Sword and Wakisachi from her new Contact with the words: "We both are fine I now what you have done to get it and in my opinion you deserve it. But now you have to defend it. Because they will come after you."

  • Wanted 50.000 Nyuen Renraku

She burned an edge to kill a Red Samurai who became toxic.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)