Takashi Hagiwara

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Takashi Hagiwara
ex Red Samurai - Senior Security Manager Seattle
Contact OwnerKaterSalem
Owner's Discord NameKaterSalem#4675
Public Contact?Yes
Preferred Payment Methodfavor
Personal LifeWittwer
AspectsMeet the Chairman of the Board
Good network
Red Samurai
Master strategist
Renraku is your best frend
Magic threat
Man of Honor


Takashi Hagiwara was a red samurai and served as Shikei Nakatomi's personal bodyguard in Japan even before his appointment as Chairman of the Board. During an attack on Shikei Nakatomi, he saved his life but lost his wife and only child as well as the 4 other members of his Red Samurai unit. Shikei has felt indebted to Takashi ever since and promoted him as much as he could. This promotion eventually led to his current job as the head of Renraku's security in Seattle. A job that is far above what he should achieve as a magic gifted in Renraku. Accordingly, many other Renraku employees are suspicious of him. But he knows how to exploit this skillfully. Takashi is an experienced warrior and strategy. He knows every sentence in Sunzi's Art of War and knows how to use it. The age and death of his family has softened his heart a bit and he is much more open-minded towards women and magical talent than other Renraku employees. Still, he doesn't think much of metahumans either. In particular, he detests orcs and trolls.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Meet the Chairman of the Board Takashi can arrange a meeting with Shikei Nakatomi. Be carfull he is a dangeros man. (Its on GM decission if he can pull the strings or not)
Good network Takashi has a good network within Renraku. +2 dice to network checks for contacts within Renraku.
Red Samurai Takashi is an excellent swordsman. + 2 dice for Knowladge Checks in connection with close combat weapons or weapon foki.
Master strategist Takashi can plan his strategy over several moves in advance. +2 dice related to Strategic or Tactical knowledge areas.
Renraku is your best frend Renraku tries to maintain a good reputation worldwide. Takashi has the necessary connections to place you in Japanese communities around the world. + 2 dice for network checks for save houses in Japanese communities worldwide.
Magic threat As an expert in security issues in the magical field, he can give you good advice. +2 dice to knowledge checks related to magic.
Bushido As a warrior of the ancient code of honor, he is well versed in the customs of diplomacy +2 dice to knowledge checks related to etiquette.
Man of Honor Takashi is a man of honor and maintains the traditions of his homeland and his corporation +2 dice to knowledge checks related to Japan of Japanese culture or Renraku.


Knowledge Checks 15 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
RebellionKaterSalemNo Legion But Still Deadly16 October 2083
Blood EchoKaterSalem20 March 2083