Don't Kick The Anthill

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Don't Kick The Anthill
Part of No legion but still deadly
LocationSwiss Alps
Status Threat Level: Semi-Prime
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Crazy Hoof
Heart of the Tempest
Turm Falke


This is the run in which Tower Falcon dies but becomes an eternal memorial on Hoof's mantelpiece. The runners free a bunch of kidnapped people from the clutches of Shiawase and help turn off the blue ant hill once and for all. All this on behalf of Kaltenstein.


The Meet

The meeting will take place in the matrix. The Black Forest can be seen in the background. The J can be represented as a troll. All the runners arrive on time except Hoof who is a little late. The J explains the mission: invade a facility in the Swiss Alps, destroy its air defenses, free some children (he calls them little people) and collect data on the facility's host. After the mention of kidnapped children, Hoof is directly ready to work without payment and wants to be dropped immediately over the facility, please. Turm Falke asks for more rats and mouses in Bellevue as a reward. The Runners are flown to the Black Forest and after some incidents on the plane they also land at their destination. There a young troll is waiting for them and gives them the coordinates and tells them that it is a Shiawase facility.

The Plan

Hoof wants to leave right away, but Chipset, with the help of Tempest's magic, fortunately starts to look for some information in the matrix. Chipset is able to collect some information about the facility, a large part of the site plans, air defenses, defenses, etc.. Chipset also tries to enter the host but gets caught and decides to leave right away. Turm Falke flies off for a physical reconnaissance of the facility. But he is caught and attacked by some bees drones. He is hit trying to escape but the needles were covered with aconite and the tower falcon dies a tragic and lonely end due to the toxin effects in a field somewhere in the Swiss Alps. Tempest can observe the whole thing in astral space. Thanks to Tempest, the team knows where Turm Falcon crashed and launches a rescue operation. Unfortunately, they are intercepted by the drones and lose two tires, so they have to run to Turm Falke. Marionette tries everything to save the falcon (including body blocking a drone) but they are attacked again by bee drones and one of the drones decides to shoot at the falcon once again. Hoof is sad and collects the hawk, after which he calls La Rapide to ask her for help. La Rapide agrees to help the runners. The team is trying to repair the vehicle. In the process, they are observed by some snipers. As they drive away to meet with La Rapide, the snipers place sensors on their vehicle. Chipset takes care of them with a bug scanner.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)