Dog Days are Over

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Dog Days are Over
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Pixy Squad
Frankie Lorenz
True Sulla
MCT Fuzzy Friends Luxury Grooming
Casualties and losses
Cerberus Hound 2


In order to get revenge on a for being overworked, a one Anabeth Sanchez plots to steal a dog they've never seen. And so, the runners head to get Schroedinger's Cerberus hound, and chaos ensues. Backstabbing, Betrayl, and a Rehr encounter with the Unseelie Fae make for a lovely evening of fun and frenetic chaos.


Anabeth Sanchez works at the Fuzzy Friends Luxury Grooming Center, however not all is well. Wanting to make a change in their life, they devise a plot to steal a dog on a night where only the dog is there. Hiring runners, they decide to put their dark desires into a destined direction. Will the will of the wiley wanderer pay off?

The Meet

Up first to the meet is Honeypie, who meets Sanchez in a car. She turned herself into having quite a pickle, a dubious dilema to direct her dreams out of the dog days that dissuade her from destined development. As the two spoke at length about their potential piracy of a pawed pal, a one frieren freaks out the fiery familiar is Sanchez, of which only stood four-foot elven eleven beneath the burly brow of Sanchez and Honeypie. Together, the trio talked towards a tempestuous tactic of sleuthily snagging the ensared cerberus.

They agreed, 40/40/20 split, and so the runners ran towards the region where the veritable venue laid venerable and ready, ripe for their Junoesque jaunt into the wrought-iron jungle. Jeronimo!

The Plan

The duo of Honeypie and Frieren spent much of the 36 hours they had planning. With contact calling, the two exhausted most of their contacts, except three came quite in clutch during the run itself;

Frieren contacted Rehr and found work with him, now and in the future.

Honeypie called Frankie Lorenz and secured and escape route for the duo.

Frieren then called True Sulla and acquired backup to draw away the ire from Knight Errant.

Together, and combined with the legwork of drone navigations and coming together to plan their entry. Frieren and Honeypie managed to secure a temporary bond that made for good communication and a solid foundation for communication.

Once there, they decided their plan was simple; both go in, snatch and grab, and then leave with great haste.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)