Akilina Mikhailov

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(Hi! Akilina Mikhailov is not a public contact. Please contact me over Discord (@suitguy9831) if you want to take her. I'll almost certainly say yes, but I just want to be made aware first.)

Akilina Mikhailov
Chrome Enthusiast Fixer
White Vory Lideri
Contact Ownervonthornwick
Owner's Discord NameSuit Guy#9831
LocationSeattle, Everett
Preferred Payment MethodCash (Credstick)
Hobbies/ViceHigh-End Custom Cybernetics
Personal LifeNone of Your Damn Business
FactionWhite Vory
AspectsEccentric Equipment Enthusiast
Kovert Ops
The Drug Trade
Tattoo Artist


Akilina Mikhailov is a White Vory Lideri presently assigned to Seattle in an attempt to maintain even the barest foothold in the face of tightening Red occupation. She is a rather eccentric individual, managing the intensive task of ensuring their little bunch isn't properly identified and stamped out by the occupying Red Vory while also finding time to attend regular exhibits on the latest chrome and conferences on the bleeding-edge ultra-niche tools of tomorrow (ask her about the release show for the Thunderstruck, she was there). She's quite invested in the local drug trade, as that is her branch’s primary business, and does all tattoo work among them herself. Akilina herself is a caucasian human, approximately in her thirties, maybe forties, though most of her is replaced with whatever new cyberlimb model is "in" - she's got four modular limb mounts and swaps her look out regularly. Between any two meetings, you can reasonably expect almost everything but her face to change in one way or another.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Eccentric Equipment Enthusiast Akilina has been to almost every major arms demonstration in the greater Seattle area and neighboring cities in the past twenty years, assuming you only count things like gauss rifles designed for disintegration rather than neutralization, expanding foam cannons to immobilize criminals, specialized tools to bypass exotic security measures, and just plain weird stuff. Her interests lie in the esoteric. +2 to anything involving exotic weapons, strange devices, and generally things that the average person would only ever refer to as a doohickey.
Cyber-Fashionista Akilina is always attending her network of contacts to scour for whatever new design of cyberlimb is "in". It just happens that most of those people also work on more mundane applications of cybertech. +2 to anything involving cyberware, but this may be retracted if the item in question is something she may deem "too mundane" or "bland".
Kovert Ops Akilina was selected to manage a very secretive branch of White Vory working to re-establish some measure of control over Seattle specifically because she's talented in sweeping things under the rug, keeping people hidden for a long time, and generally ensuring word does not spread that the traitors are back in town. +2 to things relating to spycraft & sneaky stuff.
The Drug Trade Her organization's main source of income around town at the moment is drugrunning, which then of course means she has become intimately familiar with it - and just so happens to have a direct line to pick up some nose candy of her own. +2 to things involving buying & selling drugs.
Tattoo Artist She handles all the mandatory Vory tattoos herself within her branch, and has developed quite a talent for it. +2 to specifically applying tattoos.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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